Sunday, July 11, 2010

America needs leaders not politicians

No one exemplifies ineptitude more thoroughly than president Obama. Nothing he has said, nothing he has done has accomplished anything other than making the problems of our society worse.  Now, rather than dealing with serious problems as president, he's back on the campaign trail spouting divisive partisan lies and deceits.

The fact is that both parties have spent us into catastrophe; have manipulated the free markets to reward themselves and their friends and to punish their enemies; and failed to meet their Constitutional and moral responsibilities to the Citizens they are elected or appointed to serve.

Obama’s affectation of third-rate evangelical elocution foretells arrogant, deceitful and/ or unwarranted ridicule of his political opponents. Given his utter lack of accomplishment, this simply adds insult to injury. He offers radical “solutions” that have been universally proven to fail; even as he disdains effective solutions simply because they are different than what some unaccomplished outhouse philosophers or wanna-be rich-kid revolutionaries convinced him were the answer to America’s problems.

He has focused on solving contrived injustices fabricated and spewed by Jeremiah Wright and his ilk, while undermining the actual solutions that can make life better for all Americans. Obama is a political shell, an empty suit: a wizard of Oz. His essence was noted by Ronald Reagan’s: “It’s not that Liberals are ignorant, it’s just that so much of what they know simply isn’t so”.

What makes Obama dangerous is his incessant racism: choosing race rather than results. He is single-handedly undoing so much of any real progress made in civil rights over the past 45 years and substituting it with the vitriolic rhetoric of Liberation theology. The fact that the Obamas have benefitted so remarkably and unjustifiably from American social largess; and at the same time are so utterly unappreciative of it underscores the failure of social programs that reward race or gender rather than excellence and thereby deny the recipient the satisfaction and rightful confidence of personal accomplishment.

In sum, Obama is a lie. The only promise that he is honoring is to “fundamentally transform the USA” though he has no Constitutional authority to do so. His idea of change is founded on reinstituting racism rather than eliminating it: for compensating those who have done nothing as if they deserve it simply for existing.

American’s foolishly fell for his empty promises of undefined Change; only to get his lies, deceit, empty rhetoric and unbridled incompetence.

Let us hope that we don’t make the same mistake again; and that we elect only those who understand and honor the COTUS; have demonstrated problem solving skills; who respect the free market; and who won’t waste time and effort blaming others for their failures and incompetence.

Please, America: no more useless politicians when we need accomplished leaders.

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