Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is Mainstream?

Most studies indicate that Americans self-identify themselves as:

45% Conservative
35% Moderate
20% Liberal

Of course there are small variations (a couple of % at most) between categories, but this is reasonable and it has remained fairly constant over the past couple of decades.

The Main Stream Media is overwhelmingly Liberal to Progressive: print, radio and TV, except of course FNC, WSJ and a handful of others.

I realize just saying “Fox” is like waving a red flag at a bull, but please bear with me. According to media watchers, Fox viewership in many prime segments exceeds that of all of the Liberal to Progressive (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) cable channels combined. Of course, viewership is purely voluntary since none of the media outlets can compel viewers to watch. What that means is that the media can’t dictate anything to anyone. As is proven with the Progressive media, if people don’t believe what you are pushing, they simply don’t watch.

Given that there are 4 times as many self-avowed Conservatives and Moderates (those most likely to watch FNC) as there are Liberals, these viewership numbers are reasonable.

If in fact Conservatives and Moderates compose 80% of America how is it that they are continually referred to as “the fringe” by the MSM? 70% reportedly object to ObamaCare and want it repealed and replaced: how is it that these can be the “lunatic fringe” or those who just don’t understand how good ObamaCare is? Isn’t 20% more of a ‘fringe’ than 80%?

Media in this country is allegedly free enterprise, and if the market for Moderate/Conservative viewpoints is 80%, why are media promoting a Liberal/Progressive agenda that 80% don’t want implemented? Could this explain why Fox is growing explosively while the MSM are collapsing on themselves? Newsweek magazine, a staple, recently sold for $1 (and it’s sizeable debts).

If 70% of the population objects to ObamaCare, why does the president continue to promote it rather than find a different solution that accomplishes basically the same objective but in a manner acceptable to the 70% (rather than try to drive his solution down our throats)? Does he not understand that the president exists to serve the Citizen, not the other way around? Is he so presumptuous that he thinks that he knows what is best for us better than we do?

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