Saturday, December 11, 2010

Misrepresenting the COTUS and Beck

America is a Constitutional Republic.  The Constitution specifically defines the
limits of authority delegated by the Sovereign Citizen to the federal
government.  Mr. Hitchens obviously neither understands nor respects the COTUS; nor does he fairly describe what Beck does: attempt to get people to learn about what has always made America exceptional, by learning our founding documents.  He always emphasizes that no one should adopt his beliefs but should develop their own based on our founding principles.

Unlike Obama, Beck has no ability to force his opinions or beliefs on anyone; an important distinction that his detractors refuse to acknowledge.
Is it more racist/sexist/elitist to hold everyone to a common standard (equal justice under law); or to declare that some people are inherently inferior due solely to their race, gender, lifestyle, etc. and therefore must be treated prejudicially under law?
Because America is a Constitutional Republic, there are only two categories of people in the US: Constitutionalists and Anti-Constitutionalists.  Every other distinction is meaningless and diversionary.  Political parties exist solely to pervert the electoral process.
The Founders did everything in their power to limit the power of the federal government so that Citizens could enjoy the unalienable rights endowed us by our Creator without tyrannical interference by government.  On that the COTUS is indisputable.  Beyond the Bill of Rights, most Amendments have been politically motivated to limit personal freedom or enhance corruptive capabilities of our elected representatives.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What is a Constitutional Conservative?

In response to:

To understand Constitutional Conservatives the first requirement is to read and understand the Constitution (COTUS). With the Bill of Rights (BOR) thrown in for good measure, it’s about 7700 words; or the length of a decent sophomore term paper. I have yet to discover a Liberal /Progressive who understands the COTUS.

Candidate Obama decried that “…the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: … Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government …must do on your behalf…”. VP Biden doesn’t even know which Articles define the authorities and responsibilities of each branch of the federal government after he has spent a life-time in government employment! Such ignorance of the document that creates and defines the federal government is inexcusable! Mr. Caplan are you too ignorant of the COTUS?

According to the 9th and 10th Amendments, the COTUS specifically delineates precisely what the federal government has been delegated to do; and any responsibility or authority not specifically delineated is specifically and intentionally denied. Got that Mr. President?

Mr. Caplan, you will not find a single mention of “equality” in the COTUS. You may have us confused with France: they do believe in equality. In America we believe only in “equal justice under law”: or at least we did until we started gerrymandering our laws to placate and politically manipulate myriad special interest ‘minorities’ (clearly un-Constitutional by the way).

Americans who support tyranny are those who expect someone else to provide for them under penalty of law: who think that the government has a right to confiscate private property without just compensation; who believe that it is okay to murder one human being for the convenience of another (5th Amendment be damned eh?); who believe they are above the law; who believe that gender or race or lifestyle entitle them to advantages over others not like them.

Read the COTUS Mr. Caplan and you will learn that we elect a federal government to accomplish the delineated responsibilities, within their clearly defined and limited authorities: and to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’: only this and nothing more.

You won’t find anything in the COTUS about political parties, liberals, progressives, socialists; nothing about ‘popular mandates’ or ‘political mandates’; or PACs; or lobbyists; or political contributions. You’ll find nothing about gerrymandering voting districts to favor one group over another. You’ll find nothing about entitling representatives to be excluded from the laws they pass to control, or tax, or obligate the Citizens they allegedly serve.

You won’t find in the COTUS any authority for Congressmen to bury us in regulations, mandates and restrictive practices solely to empower themselves to sell exceptions to the highest bidder; accruing for their personal enrichment and empowerment alone.

You won’t find anything about adapting the Constitution because technology changes: the “papers” of a Citizen are protected the same if written with quill on parchment or written in electrons on magnetic media; the government has no more right to search and seizure without a properly defined and justified warrant if a Citizen is in their home or in an airport. You won’t find any support in the COTUS for the concept that a wise Latina is smarter and more qualified to judge than 200 years of Caucasian males.

The COTUS doesn’t need to address technology or popular social fads: it is structured solely to deal with immutable human nature: the understanding that delegated power will always be abused. You should note that the Founders were prescient enough to realize that politicians and public servants are not to be trusted with power or money; and history has proven them wise beyond modern comprehension!

You won’t find anywhere in the Constitution authority for any federal officer to ‘fundamentally transform the USA’: in fact that is a violation of the sacred oath of office required of every federal officer BEFORE they are endowed with any federal authority. Nor will you find any authority for any federal officer to pick and choose the laws that they will ignore or enforce. As the Chief Executive, the president is required to ‘take care that the laws are faithfully executed”.

The offending arrogance is not from those who love, honor, and respect the COTUS; it is from those who trample it: who bend and twist it to fit their warped personal concepts of social justice or elitist privilege. These are the very evils for which our Founders sacrificed everything to eliminate from earthly governance.

The good news for those who don’t like the COTUS or it’s strict constructionist interpretation is that there are more than 200 countries in the world where they can live unobstructed by the COTUS: but the US isn’t one of them! Even better, most of those alternatives offer cradle-to-grave government coddling and universal wealth redistribution! Delta is ready when you are.

So, Mr. Caplan, I suggest that you make a list of everything you think the federal government should do for you and along side each entry, list the Article, Section and paragraph where, in the COTUS the federal government is specifically delegated the authority and responsibility to provide it. Anything you can’t do that for is not a legal authority of the federal government.

I suspect you’ll be happier living somewhere else rather than in an America where Constitutional governance is rightfully restored: but know that you will go with my best wishes and with my prayers for your happiness.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The power of Lobbyists

$17 Million was contributed to the 100 Senators who voted yesterday to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010.  Was it passed because it is the best thing for Americans, or was it passed because it was the best thing for raising campaign funds? 
This is one vote, by 20% of our Congress: $17 Million! 

In 2009 Lobbyists spent $3.5 BILLION to influence government regulations.  Keep in mind that Congress meets for less than 160 days a year: this means that lobbyists are spending more than $40,000 PER DAY, PER MEMBER of the US Congress.  Is it any wonder that candidates
are willing to spend millions to get elected?  Is it any wonder that our elected representatives-even those who have never held a private sector job, are virtually all millionaires?  What are citizens getting in return? 
The Gulf oil spill was caused by the failure of the federal government to enforce regulations in place for more than 8 years: even though the president noted two years earlier problems with the MMS that is responsible for compliance with those regulations. 

The spill was permitted to spread 48 miles to shore because the federal government did not have the containment and recovery equipment on site as required by federal regulations in place for more than 8 years before the spill
The Shoe Bomber and the Panty Bomber were able to board aircraft in spite of draconian and grotesquely ineffective Homeland Security regulations and procedures.
Voter registration and voter intimidation abuses impact every election despite volumes of regulations designed to prevent them;
the Healthcare bill adds more than 160 new bureaucracies and buries small businesses in absurd, debilitating, and worthless paperwork, without providing a single additional doctor or
We have immigration laws and regulations designed to protect us from illegal immigration that are being ignored in violation of the COTUS. 
We have volumes of regulations to prevent the illegal distribution of classified materials, but obviously they are powerless to do that.
Clearly having more regulations does nothing to protect Citizens: they only serve to enrich
our elected representatives. 

The real problem that must be corrected is the high cost of getting elected to public office.  Our elected representatives spend ALL of their time raising funds: not governing.  This is also why lobbyists write ALL legislation: because our elected reps don’t have any time for anything but fund
raising:  whomever contributes the most money gets to author the legislation that affords their interests the greatest return, regardless of what is best for Citizens.