America is a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution specifically defines the
limits of authority delegated by the Sovereign Citizen to the federal
government. Mr. Hitchens obviously neither understands nor respects the COTUS; nor does he fairly describe what Beck does: attempt to get people to learn about what has always made America exceptional, by learning our founding documents. He always emphasizes that no one should adopt his beliefs but should develop their own based on our founding principles.
limits of authority delegated by the Sovereign Citizen to the federal
government. Mr. Hitchens obviously neither understands nor respects the COTUS; nor does he fairly describe what Beck does: attempt to get people to learn about what has always made America exceptional, by learning our founding documents. He always emphasizes that no one should adopt his beliefs but should develop their own based on our founding principles.
Unlike Obama, Beck has no ability to force his opinions or beliefs on anyone; an important distinction that his detractors refuse to acknowledge.
Is it more racist/sexist/elitist to hold everyone to a common standard (equal justice under law); or to declare that some people are inherently inferior due solely to their race, gender, lifestyle, etc. and therefore must be treated prejudicially under law?
Because America is a Constitutional Republic, there are only two categories of people in the US: Constitutionalists and Anti-Constitutionalists. Every other distinction is meaningless and diversionary. Political parties exist solely to pervert the electoral process.
The Founders did everything in their power to limit the power of the federal government so that Citizens could enjoy the unalienable rights endowed us by our Creator without tyrannical interference by government. On that the COTUS is indisputable. Beyond the Bill of Rights, most Amendments have been politically motivated to limit personal freedom or enhance corruptive capabilities of our elected representatives.
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