Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Constitutionalist, not Constitutional Conservative

In response to:

There is no hidden meaning in the redundant term “Constitutional Conservative”. 

The proper term is actually simply “Constitutionalist”.  Every key Constitutional officer is required by it to ‘preserve, protect, and defend’ it: that is, to conserve it.  Clearly any adherent must needs be Conservative.  A Constitutionalist is someone who believes that the federal government is limited to those authorities and responsibilities specifically enumerated in the Constitution.  It is, after all, the contract written by the Citizens to establish and define the federal government.  Pretty simple, eh?

It is difficult to argue that the Constitution isn’t a radical document because of course it is.  By implication therefore it’s fair to say that anyone who believes in the Constitution is necessarily a radical.

The irony of course is that by Kilgore’s account, one who adheres to our Constitution is better described as ‘a rabid social conservative’; ‘property rights absolutist’; or ‘anti-tax zealot’.  Rationally, it would seem more appropriate to categorize those who reject the founding contract for our form of government as being aberrant rather than those who embrace it.

It’s no surprise that Kilgore likewise mischaracterizes the Tea Party Movement, comprised of 58% of the US population who self-identify with it’s principles; (41% of whom self-identify themselves as Democrat or Independent) as “immoderate right-wingers”.  Is it possible that Kilgore knows their motivations better than they themselves?  Doubtful!  Rationally one must conclude that Kilgore is wrong.

How is it that Kilgore keeps ignoring the requirement of each branch of government that it ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’?  Does he not comprehend that the COTUS is designed to nullify the tendencies of human nature:  specifically that ‘delegated authority will be abused’.  Human nature is no different today than it was 235 years ago despite what pettifoggers such as he would have us believe.

Mr. Kilgore’s runaway ignorance apparently extends beyond our Constitution.  The Founders most intentionally avoided creating a democracy, which Ben Franklin defined as “…two wolves and a sheep voting for what is for dinner; Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote”.

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence defines the American philosophy of government: why it is created (essentially to protect property and other unalienable rights-without restriction to race or gender by the way); and from whence comes it’s just powers (it’s called American Exceptionalism, BTW).  The Constitution, according to it’s preamble defines the federal government created to fulfill the American philosophy of government.  Any law that contradicts the COTUS deserves no place in America.

The 5th Amendment denies the federal government any authority to deny any person their life, liberty or property without due process of law.  The 14th Amendment extends those prohibitions to State and local governments.  Where exactly is the due process of law in Roe v Wade?  Without due process who has the right to take a person’s life?

The 1st Amendment denies Congress any authority to pass any laws restricting the free exercise of religion; or to include a religious test as a precondition for government office.  The 14th Amendment extends that restriction to State and local governments.  There is no Constitutional legal or moral restriction preventing citizens exercising their religious beliefs in public.

A fundamental guarantee of our legal system is “equal justice under law”.  How is it possible to have equal justice under law while having separate laws and penalties based solely on race, gender, religion, or lifestyle?

Neither Racism nor bigotry is embedded in our Constitution.  Where it exists under law it has been accomplished only by corruption of our Constitutional principles.  Rightfully any such occurrences need to be purged and Constitutional governance restored.

No society in the history of man has accomplished equivalent inclusion, productivity, inventiveness, justice, charity or equality compared to that created under our COTUS for more than 165 years.  Over the past 70 years great crimes have been perpetrated on the COTUS in the fallacious claim of ‘social justice’ in pursuit of a heinous spoof of equality of outcome that is nowhere to be found in the COTUS, or in life.

To restore America, restore Constitutional governance.

For those opposed to Constitutional governance in America, take heart: there are 200 countries in the world where you can live unencumbered by the COTUS.  The US isn’t one of them.

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