Monday, June 14, 2010

Community Organizer, Not Problem Solver

We hired a Community Organizer, we got a Community Organizer.

We hired someone with absolutely no experience in anything and that's what we got. We have no right now to complain about our own stupidity.

The federal government netted $2.3 Billion ($3.67 Billion for the lease less 37.5% to the four States [Tx, La, Ms, Fl]) from the lease that included the Deepwater Horizon site. One might expect that to pay for some qualified oversight of what is going on in the Gulf. I wonder what we actually got for that $2.3 Billion? Anyone? Anyone?

The federal government in March 2000 established regulations requiring a backup Blow-Out Preventer on deepwater sites; none was used on the Deepwater Horizon site that wasn't put into place until about one year into the Obama presidency. Why not? Why did the federal government not do it's job by assuring BP did this? Who is to blame: BP or the federal government?

The federal government regulations include emergency remediation plans that were not implemented by the federal government at the Deepwater Horizon disaster site; preferring apparently to let the disaster spread to hundreds of miles of coastal rookeries and fisheries. Why did the federal government fail to implement this plan? Was that BP's fault?

Community Organizers exist to stir-up anger; assess blame; and file law suits: and that appears to be all we are going to get from our Community Organizer in Chief.

What we need is a leader to actually take charge to stop the problem without further delay; to determine what is required to prevent this from ever happening again (like implementing existing regulations?); and then assess blame and responsibility.

Instead, what Obama is doing is focusing on the blame while the problem continues essentially unabated. In doing so, Obama adversely affects BP's ability to take corrective action without acquiring any benefit in the process. That's pretty stupid; even though it is consistent with what a Community Organizer does.

Each day brings new stories of prevention plans, clean-up plans, and offers of resources that have either been ignored or refused by the Obama administration: even as the problem continues. Is that BP's fault?

The president of the United States has no authority to dictate the specifics of how or what BP does. He has the right to demand that they accept responsibility for compensating those adversely affected, which they have already agreed to do.

The POTUS has a responsibility to marshal all available resources to assist in protecting the people of the US. It is in this responsibility that the POTUS is failing. He is too busy grand-standing and being blown about by the winds of public opinion because he has no idea of what he should be doing, and is obviously surrounded by equally inexperienced advisors who understand politics, but are clueless about real world problem solving.

Obama clearly is more concerned about deflecting the blame than fixing the problem. His presidency to date clearly proves that we need to ignore his empty rhetoric and focus on his actions (or lack thereof). As is typical of a Community Organizer, there is no necessary correlation between their words and what actually happens.

The COTUS defines a federal government designed to serve the needs of the Citizen; what we have is a federal government limited to politics only: serving only the self-interest of the political power class and attempting nothing more.

To whom is more fault attributable: BP for not doing what was supposed to be done; or the federal government for not enforcing existing regulations? Who is more responsible for the petroleum reaching the coast: BP or the federal government that didn't implement well-defined disaster reaction plans?

Why do we tolerate a grossly incompetent administration whose inaction has greatly expanded the disaster and two months into the disaster appear as clueless as they did "Day One".

Mr. President, we don't care how many times you talked about this or how many photo ops you created; or even how you can turn this crisis to your personal advantage so it doesn't go to waste: what we want is a leader to implement effective corrective actions without further delay: a team builder that makes the best use of global resources and inspires everyone to do their best to stop this disaster before it gets any worse.

Unfortunately we elected you. We now clearly see what that is costing us. Our bad. So sorry, Gulf coast, better luck next time. Guess that Hopey, Changey thing lacked any real substance. Imagine that!

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