Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama's Incompetence Transcends Race

The president and his minions are quick to cry “racist” whenever the people oppose another hare-brained Socialist, Marxist, Maoist, anti-free market, anti-American Obama program. Daily it appears that the opposition rhetoric becomes angrier.

I’m not sure what Obama supporters are suggesting when they prefer to equate anger over Obama’s ever-expanding incompetence with racism. If they are trying to suggest that in most peoples’ minds people of race are incompetent? I think they are doing everyone a great disservice.

For me and those I know who also oppose Obama’s efforts to “fundamentally transform the USA”, it has nothing whatever to do with race in America or the race of the president, whatever that may be: it is solely about the character of Mr. Obama and his policies.

I oppose his bowing to foreign despots because a fundamental American belief is that “all men are created equal” and for that reason we disdain bowing to anyone. As our president in a foreign land, he has no right to bow to any other leader.

I oppose his rude and dismissive treatment of our closest allies including Great Britain and Israel, not because of his race but because America has few true allies.

I oppose the president’s inexcusable naivety in negotiating with our enemies, not because of his race but because of his incompetence in giving-up critical negotiating leverage and getting nothing (but derision) in return. Think Poland; think the Baltics; think North Korea; think Iran; think Cuba; think Palestine; think China.

I oppose his “apology tours” not because of his race but because I know that wherever Liberty exists, it exists only because of the sacrifice, sweat and blood of Americans. I oppose them because I know that America represents the most inclusive, most prosperous, most innovative, most generous society in the history of man.

I oppose his support of abortion, not because of the president’s race but because I believe that it undeniably violates the 5th Amendment prohibition of denying a person life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

I oppose the president’s takeover of Chrysler and GM, not because of his race, but because it violates the 5th Amendment prohibition of the government taking private property without just compensation.

I oppose the president’s treatment of Chrysler and GM bondholders not because of his race, but because it was extortion and because by so doing, he suborned the bankruptcy laws of the US that are among the laws that he took a solemn oath “to take care that the laws of the US are faithfully executed”.

I oppose federal control of healthcare not because of the president’s race, but because his bill created 160 new federal bureaucracies; added 16,500 new IRS agents but did nothing to improve the availability of healthcare. Clearly the intent is to expand the grasp of the federal government, not improve healthcare.

I oppose the president’s economic policies because he neither understands nor respects the free market. The recent collapse of the US financial system is a direct result in manipulation and interference in the markets by the federal government (specifically Chris Dodd and Barnie Frank). The federal government repeatedly forces unnatural and dangerous modifications to time-proven investment system practices and then blames the investment community for the failures.

I oppose the president’s penchant for “bailing-out” his Goldman Sachs buddies, not because of the president’s race, but because he unnecessarily puts taxpayers at risk for generations for no purpose beyond rewarding his campaign contributors for their unconscionable greed.

I oppose the president’s use of AIG to 100% repay at taxpayer expense the limitless stupidity and egregious risk of fraudulent investment derivatives, not because of his race, but because this is bad policy.

I oppose the president’s public abuse of investment brokers, their practices, and their bonuses not because of his race but because of his sham: privately permitting them while publically scourging them: abusing public institutions while ignoring the same behavior at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

I oppose the president’s economic policies not because of his race, but because they do nothing to heal the economy only further erode it. He has no understanding that government jobs consume revenue and only private sector jobs generate revenue. He continues to drive us deeper into debt for his pet policies.

I oppose the president’s policy in Afghanistan, not because of his race but because only an idiot would support American policy efforts in Afghanistan knowing that there is already a pre-set date to withdraw American support. Every Afghani knows as soon as American’s leave, the Taliban will be back in charge. I oppose any plan that puts American military in harm’s way and at the same time denies them permission to defend themselves as is the practice now in Afghanistan.

I oppose the president’s use of innumerable Czars that along with their support organizations duplicate existing Cabinet level functions without the benefit of Constitutionally-mandated advice and consent of the Congress.

I oppose the president’s appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the SCOTUS, not because of his race, but because for more than a decade she pronounced her racist, sexist views as exemplified by her “wise Latina” comments and her public support of exclusionary Puerto Rican organizations. She is a jurist who’s every single appealed judicial decision has been over-turned on appeal; and in 80% of them she was cited for improperly applying the law. These are not the qualities of a qualified candidate for the SCOTUS.

I oppose the president, not because of his race, but because he clearly does not appreciate or understand the COTUS. He clearly demonstrated this with his comments that the Bill of Rights is a listing of the negative rights identifying what the federal government is not allowed to do and fails to say what the government is supposed to do for the people. The utter ignorance of such comments is staggering. Obviously Obama has never read the preamble to the Bill of Rights and does not understand the 9th and 10th Amendments.

I oppose the president, not because of his race, but because he denies that America is a Judeo-Christian country. Our Constitution denies the federal government any authority to pass laws to restrict the free exercise of religion, but the Founding Fathers made it perfectly clear that Judeo-Christian values are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic, and that our nation cannot survive unless the people embrace Judeo-Christian values.

I oppose the president, not because of his race, but because he chooses to appoint a pervert to head security for our schools in America.

I oppose the president, not because of his race, but because he is not forthcoming about his personal background; his life while allegedly a student at Columbia; how he and his wife repaid their staggering educational loans years before his first royalty check from his biography or autobiography. He clearly lies about his relationships with William Ayers, Valerie Jarrett, Bernadette Dorn, Jeremiah Wright, and Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour among others.

I oppose the president not because of his race but because as a recipient of so much unearned advantage in America, that opened so many doors to him and his wife and yet they are clearly bitter as exemplified by his comments about Pennsylvanians in his ‘off the record’ comments in San Francisco “… it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations...": and Michelle’s comments about how Americans are just downright mean.

As far as I’m concerned Obama is the worst president in history; the American people fell for an empty suit and empty rhetoric. I hope that Obama’s legacy is that the American people will never make such a horrible mistake again. It isn’t about his race. It’s about his warped ideas; his un-Americanism; his un-Constitutionality; his ignorance about America, what it represents, and why.

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