Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flight 253 episode epitomizes Obama Administration

How apropos that a terrorist flight should epitomize the effectiveness of the entire Obama agenda and administration.

Let’s see what we knew about “Hotpants” Farouk:
His father warned us months ago that this idiot had evil intentions
He was on our terrorist “watch list”
The Brits had denied his visa renewal
He bought his one-way ticket with cash and had no luggage
He had two extended stays in Yemen to learn Arabic
He was wearing explosive panties
He was carrying a syringe of acid
Passengers disabled the idiot Jihadist-not federal Marshalls or other security
Bozo’s reactions
Napolitano: “the system is working” (and she still has a job?)
Airline passengers during the final hour of flight can’t:
Go to the bathroom
Use a pillow or blanket
Have anything on their lap: no book, laptop, etc.

We have a would-be terrorist who by any reasonable reckoning should never have been allowed on an airplane headed anywhere let alone the US; after $40 Billion to build an airport security system we are unable to inconvenience the most obvious of terrorists; we can only embarrassingly inconvenience every other airline passenger for no notable benefit; after spending only God knows how much on intelligence infrastructure we find no one uses it to actually protect us.

To recap: we have Homeland Security (sic) programs that are outrageously expensive, absolutely ineffective; and unnecessarily intrusive to innocent travelers; we have outrageously expensive, totally ineffective, non-communicative, and unused intelligence (sic) infrastructure; we have outrageously expensive, non-productive, and ineffective impositions on all innocent travelers without benefit; and we have an administration who’s first reaction is to claim their ineffective policies and procedures actually worked when any sensible person could comprehend that they failed miserably. Finally, now that we have this idiot terrorist, we spend untold thousands to give him medical care; a court-appointed attorney; security, lodging and food for who knows how long; and full Constitutional protections to assure this “common criminal” gets a fair trial. He’s not a criminal, he’s an enemy combatant; all he deserves is one blindfold, one wall, and one round.

Outrageous expense; ineffective action; egregious imposition on innocents; rewards for evil-doers; institutionalized contempt for traditional American values: what better definition of every Obama program?

When will the American people realize that government healthcare, government energy policy; Cap and Trade; government industrial policy (Employee Free Choice Act [card check]) and auto-industry giveaways; federal banking bail-outs; and any other federal program that is being promoted by the Obama administration bear the exact same characteristics as their handling of the Flight 253 incident?

Wake up America! The time for giving our federal government a free pass when they ignore all Constitutional restraints on their authorities is over. If we don’t stop them now, and reverse the damage done over the past 60 years, they will sell us all into slavery to the Arabs and Chinese.

Every government decision is subject to prior sale.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Disenfranchising Americans over "healthcare reform"

Government mandated healthcare is wrong on so many levels.

First, it is a travesty and a usurpation of authority never granted to the federal government to mandate any specific purchase of products or services by citizens.

Second, the federal government has never, under any circumstances, demonstrated the ability to manage any system as complex as the healthcare system, efficiently, or cost effectively. They continue to demonstrate a total lack of ability to manage healthcare as demonstrated daily by healthcare for Veterans; and for Native Americans that borders on criminal neglect and incompetence.

Third, it is absolutely unconscionable that specific Senators have coerced the federal government to force most citizens to pay for healthcare options for specific constituencies in order to secure their vote on this abomination. Clearly this is not equal justice under law; and in fact is an illegal scheme to raise revenue as it did not originate in the House, a violation of Article 1 Section 7 of the COTUS.

Fourth this plan violates Article 1 Section 8 because it levies taxes against Citizens in a manner that is not uniform throughout the United States as Citizens of 46 States pay the healthcare taxes for 50 States.

Fifth this plan violates the 5th Amendment in it’s support of abortion which, as practiced, denies a person it’s life without due process of law.

Sixth, this proposed legislation is a cornucopia of favors to special interests: 3000 lobbyists had a hand in it’s creation-but no Republicans : special favors to specific hospitals; specific healthcare specialists not available to all; exemptions from taxes to cosmetic surgeons while other surgeons are taxed; exemptions to large pharmaceutical manufacturers in the form of restrictions against re-importation of FDA approved pharmaceuticals to eliminate competitive pressures; favors to insurers eliminate national competition for clients and programs.

Seventh it provides an endless chain of corruption and favors for Representatives to sell additional exceptions or adjustments to fill their campaign coffers and in some cases their refrigerators.

Eighth this plan is based on taxation beginning immediately in 2010 with no benefits being paid until 2014. Harry Reid claims that one American dies solely as the result of having no health insurance every 10 minutes: that is 157,248 deaths between now and the start of benefits. If it is so critical, why delay?

Ninth, the federal government claims that they will reduce costs of Medicare by $500 Billion without reducing benefits; and denies more than $250 Billion to pay doctors by moving that to a separate bill. If this is possible, why wait? Why hasn’t the federal government exercised these cost reductions already? I believe the Congress is lying about this.

Tenth, Candidate Obama promised inclusion and transparency to tackle tough problems and create bi-partisan, unique, efficient and effective solutions; what we got from president Obama happened between a handful of DC Democrat powerbrokers behind closed doors; backroom secret agreements with Big Pharma, Big Hospitals, Big Insurance, often conducted directly with the White House, by-passing Congress all together; complete exclusion of Republican input; and complete disregard of the wishes of a majority of Americans.

Eleventh, Candidate Obama promised he would never sign a bill containing “Ear-marks” yet every major bill signed by president Obama has contained egregiously oppressive bribes to special interests.

Twelfth, rather than honesty this bill is rife with dishonesty, deception, and outright lies.

Rather than Change we can believe in, we have gotten old-school Daly political thuggery on steroids; political prostitution at it’s worst; and a reverse auction for the acquiescence of manipulative hold-outs: all at outrageous taxpayer expense.

In the act of excluding most Americans from this “debate”, Congress and the president are abdicating their legal roles as servants of the People and usurping un-delegated powers as masters. This is un-Constitutional, illegal, and immoral.

By excluding the majority of Americans from the political process they are forcing Citizens to find alternate methods to get their point across; to affect corrective action upon wayward elected representatives; and to restore Constitutional government in America.

The last time the federal government disenfranchised a major segment of Americans, 600,000 Americans lost their lives and millions more were maimed, in the bloodiest war against government tyranny in our history.

Maybe we are finally getting a clearer picture of what it is that Obama admires most about the Lincoln presidency.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An unfit president

President Obama is demanding that the Congress “pass healthcare reform” independently of any objections individual congressmen have with the content of the reform bill; independently of the fact that more than half of all Americans object to the legislation; and independent of the fact that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to mandate healthcare insurance on Citizens.

It’s very difficult to discuss any issue with someone who is intractable. President Obama, convinced that only his opinion has merit, views any dissent as divisive regardless of it’s justification.

A frightening example is the president’s position on the Constitution. He has publically stated that “…the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. It says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf."

Obviously Obama never did any background scholarship to understand why the Founding Fathers constructed the Constitution as they did: quite an indictment of someone who claims to have taught Constitutional law-imagine what those students didn’t learn in college!

The simple fact is that the Constitution was specifically constructed to clearly delineate and tightly restrict both the responsibilities and authorities being delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the federal government; and to establish a natural separation and balance of powers intended to prevent any one Branch of the federal government from dictating to the others . History is clear about this. The intention in creating the federal government was to establish a body that would handle only those responsibilities delegated, that were impractical to be handled by individual citizens.

Further, a reading of the Constitution; and an understanding of the Oath of Office required of all federal officers makes it clear that we elect a federal government for no other purpose than to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States (COTUS)”. The 9th and 10th Amendments make it clear that the federal government has no authority to expand their authorities beyond those specifically delineated in the COTUS.

Consequently when the president claims that he has a responsibility to mandate healthcare insurance for all Citizens, he is lying! He has no such responsibility, and more importantly, he has no such authority: neither does Congress, or the Courts.

In reality, since there is no Constitutional authority for any federal social programs, the true responsibility of the federal government is to terminate all such programs and restore the COTUS.

Of course the president is also devoid of any understanding of America or what it means to be an American. Redistribution of wealth is the antithesis of what it means to be an American. The Founding Fathers specifically denied the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens; a restriction that was foolishly reversed by the 16th Amendment. Taxation is nothing less than redistribution of wealth, an activity that the federal government has universally demonstrated that it is incapable of doing efficiently.

In America “fairness” means that everyone should have an equal opportunity to pursue happiness as each deems appropriate. When the president talks about “fairness” he is talking about equality of outcome regardless of input: and that is an anathema to all that is sacred to Americans. Marxism is based on the concept “from each according to their ability; to each according to their need”; a concept that has proven unworkable in every single instance in which it has been applied.

The point of this essay is that the president is incapable of exercising his responsibilities because he lacks understanding of the fundamental, and Constitutional, principles from which his responsibilities and authorities derive. He is incapable of governing because he doesn’t understand his Constitutionally-limited responsibilities and authorities as president; and he refuses to accept any positions other than his erroneous positions.

The president wrongly presumes that the federal government has any authority to dictate Citizen behavior beyond those authorities specifically delineated in the COTUS. There is no such legal or moral authority. His actions demonstrate a betrayal of trust; a breach of faith, and a violation of his oath of office that is treacherous.

The president publically committed extortion and suborned the bankruptcy laws of the United States when he threatened the bond holders of Chrysler and GM with “all the powers of the office of the president” if they did not renounce their legal rights under long-established US bankruptcy law. This is in direct violation of his Constitutional responsibility to “take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed.

These are but a handful of a long line of usurpations of authority, and abuse of power of which the president is guilty without question or equivocation. He is not fit to serve and he should be removed from office by impeachment without further delay.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Transfer of power in healthcare

Transfer of Power

Our Founding Fathers gave us an awesome form of government, a Constitutional Republic, unique in history in that it recognized:
All men are created equal
We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights
Pursuit of Happiness
Governments are created by the governed to serve in limited functions
Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The Founders were painfully aware that any delegated power would be abused. It’s human nature.

They constructed a 3-legged government with the expectation that two Branches would ride herd on the third so that no Branch could ever exceed their defined authorities.

They clearly defined the responsibilities and authorities of each branch.

They provided the Bill (list) of Rights over which the federal government is specifically denied any authority, including specific prohibitions against presuming any authorities not specifically delineated (9th and 10th Amendments).

The government was a voluntary union of Sovereign States created to deal with limited issues that impacted all Citizens. The House of Representatives was created so that individual citizens would have a clear voice through their elected (local) representative. The Senate provided each State with a voice (Senators were originally appointed by their State government until it was foolishly changed by the 17th Amendment).

The Founders believed elected representatives would be bound by honor, integrity and Biblical principles (independent of any specific sect) to do what is right in fulfilling their responsibilities.

There are specific reasons why government control of any activity is predestined to fail. First, our modern representatives are solely driven by raising the money required to get elected and re-elected. The most just representative can do no good if they are not in office. The Bible teaches that “the borrower is slave to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). Those who can afford to pay for access get the ear and action of the Representative(s).

Any law that gives government control over any function can be manipulated to give advantage to one entity over another: either from outright grant, or by exception. In return for contributions, legislation is adjusted to the advantage of the donor. Although our Representatives are elected to serve the interests of the Citizen, in fact they serve the interests of those who contribute significantly to their election or re-election.
In the process, the interests of the Citizen are subrogated to those of special interests.

Adding insult to injury, it is the Citizen that is taxed to truly pay for the advantages granted to the special interests. It is important to note that the Founding Fathers denied the federal government any authority to tax Citizens directly. This critical restriction was destroyed by the 16th Amendment. Citizens will have no protection until the 16th Amendment is repealed as it gives Congress blank checks that they can write at will.

By granting the federal government any authority on any topic, it establishes a point of contact (the Representative(s) that is easy corrupted by “donations”. This is why the Founders specifically limited the responsibilities granted to the federal government; and why they specifically limited the authorities granted to the federal government.

The tax laws themselves are a tool to subvert the political process. In 2006, 66% of those filing as “Head of Household” paid no tax ( ). How difficult is it to get voters to agree to any benefit program when they believe that it won’t personally cost them anything?

Passage of the 16th Amendment was facilitated by the assurance that only those making more than $200K (in 1913 dollars) would pay income tax. Today the federal tax code is more than 66,000 pages, making it absolutely unintelligible. It is obviously being widely ignored by those in government as exemplified by Daschle, Rangel, Geithner, et al while common citizens live in fear of the absolute and arbitrary power of the IRS.

Giving the federal government authority over any function is assurance that the Citizen loses control over that function; and simultaneously it becomes an opportunity for political corruption, graft, and abuse.

Unlike the free market that must respond to customer demands or perish, government is in a position to mandate behavior without recourse by the governed. Some claim that healthcare must be taken out of the hands of the insurance companies because of their “outrageous profits” that make healthcare too expensive. This position fails to consider that the insurance companies do nothing that isn’t permitted by government regulators. It also fails to acknowledge the inherent corruption of our Representatives. It also fails to acknowledge the gross incompetence and inefficiency of every government program.

Giving the federal government control over healthcare will create the same environment that enabled the federal government to destroy the global economy by forcing banks to lend money to those unable or unwilling to repay it as a result of the federal government interference of financial markets.

Whenever Citizens transfer power from themselves to the federal government, the Citizens suffer abuse.

Government is best that governs least (Thomas Paine).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

AGW is counter-productive

Response to by Alan I. Leshner

Wow! How is it that some folks who feel compelled to comment on a topic do so without doing any background research?

1. The tobacco CEOs were not responsible for conducting the scientific explorations. The East Anglia liars and their conspirators were supposedly scientists who have now admitted that they fabricated data to prove their point because honest data did not do so.

2. We have learned that once they published their bogus data, they then conspired amongst themselves (7 allegedly significant scientists) to “review and confirm” the published data, using the same corrupted data in order to make it appear that their data was “peer reviewed”.

3. They then applied pressure to scientific journals to discourage and prevent them from publishing contradictory (honest) data.

4. The Climate Research Center at East Anglia University is the source of all climate change information used to craft the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. That data has been proven to be fabricated, manipulated and bogus.

5. In 2003, expert Canadian statistician Steve McIntyre noted that the statistical methods used by East Anglia “scientists” were fundamentally flawed.

The e-mails and other documents recently released confirm that there was a clear conspiracy by those associated with the CRC at East Anglia University to fabricate erroneous climate data; publish and “peer review” that bogus data to give it apparent credibility; and to exert every possible influence to prevent any honest contradictory data from being published and peer-reviewed.

This conclusively demonstrates that there is no existing information to support any claims of valid link between (man-made) atmospheric CO2 levels and climate change.

As a result of Steve McIntyre’s work, it was demonstrated that there were numerous errors in the data collection methods used to claim that atmospheric temperatures have been increasing. Once the erroneous temperature data was corrected it was demonstrated that 1998 was not the hottest year on record, but it was 1934. The reported “hockey stick” of temperature rise was completely fabricated by the CRC.

For over 500 years, man has been using solar-flare activity to predict earth temperatures and their impact on agricultural production. Since 1998, earth temperatures have been declining in direct relationship to declining solar flare activity. If man-made greenhouse gases were responsible, the CRC models suggest that earth temperatures should be increasing proportional to the increase in man-made greenhouse gases produced since 1998. The actual temperature data demonstrates just the opposite.

Over 700 actually peer-reviewed scientists affirm that the earth has a natural temperature cycle of approximately 1500 years. This has been verified by examination of sediment data covering over 1 million years of sedimentation history from around the world as you noted. However, data since 1934 does not support any significant impact based on man-made greenhouse gases.

Global climate change is real. We know it has been cycling for at least the past 1 million years. However, it is caused by solar activity, not the activity of man. The claims of the Climate Research Center, used to substantiate man-made global warming and to justify the UN IPCC counter plans are completely without merit. There is no substantiation or justification for carbon cap and trade programs that do nothing to compensate for natural global climate change, and in fact aggressively interfere with the unquestionable need for additional energy production resources world-wide in order to cope with real, natural, global climate cycles.

The clearest example of this is petroleum itself. It comes from the decay of aquatic organisms. Clearly that means that the Middle East was once a large body of water. We know that during the time of the Pharaohs it was verdant and forested. Today it is a desert: all without the first coal-fired power plant, millions of automobiles or flatulent livestock.

No matter how many times you use bogus environmental data to support your claims, it remains fabricated, inaccurate, false, manipulated and manufactured environmental data.

The real crime committed here is that false scientists have perverted the truth in order that a handful of opportunists might grow unimaginably wealthy, extorting all mankind in order to “justify” redistribution of wealth; and in the process obstructing the real changes that must be made in order for man to compensate for natural temperature cycles that impact our food production and our ability to work and live.

Shame on you for supporting this egregious hoax.