Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Flight 253 episode epitomizes Obama Administration

How apropos that a terrorist flight should epitomize the effectiveness of the entire Obama agenda and administration.

Let’s see what we knew about “Hotpants” Farouk:
His father warned us months ago that this idiot had evil intentions
He was on our terrorist “watch list”
The Brits had denied his visa renewal
He bought his one-way ticket with cash and had no luggage
He had two extended stays in Yemen to learn Arabic
He was wearing explosive panties
He was carrying a syringe of acid
Passengers disabled the idiot Jihadist-not federal Marshalls or other security
Bozo’s reactions
Napolitano: “the system is working” (and she still has a job?)
Airline passengers during the final hour of flight can’t:
Go to the bathroom
Use a pillow or blanket
Have anything on their lap: no book, laptop, etc.

We have a would-be terrorist who by any reasonable reckoning should never have been allowed on an airplane headed anywhere let alone the US; after $40 Billion to build an airport security system we are unable to inconvenience the most obvious of terrorists; we can only embarrassingly inconvenience every other airline passenger for no notable benefit; after spending only God knows how much on intelligence infrastructure we find no one uses it to actually protect us.

To recap: we have Homeland Security (sic) programs that are outrageously expensive, absolutely ineffective; and unnecessarily intrusive to innocent travelers; we have outrageously expensive, totally ineffective, non-communicative, and unused intelligence (sic) infrastructure; we have outrageously expensive, non-productive, and ineffective impositions on all innocent travelers without benefit; and we have an administration who’s first reaction is to claim their ineffective policies and procedures actually worked when any sensible person could comprehend that they failed miserably. Finally, now that we have this idiot terrorist, we spend untold thousands to give him medical care; a court-appointed attorney; security, lodging and food for who knows how long; and full Constitutional protections to assure this “common criminal” gets a fair trial. He’s not a criminal, he’s an enemy combatant; all he deserves is one blindfold, one wall, and one round.

Outrageous expense; ineffective action; egregious imposition on innocents; rewards for evil-doers; institutionalized contempt for traditional American values: what better definition of every Obama program?

When will the American people realize that government healthcare, government energy policy; Cap and Trade; government industrial policy (Employee Free Choice Act [card check]) and auto-industry giveaways; federal banking bail-outs; and any other federal program that is being promoted by the Obama administration bear the exact same characteristics as their handling of the Flight 253 incident?

Wake up America! The time for giving our federal government a free pass when they ignore all Constitutional restraints on their authorities is over. If we don’t stop them now, and reverse the damage done over the past 60 years, they will sell us all into slavery to the Arabs and Chinese.

Every government decision is subject to prior sale.

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