Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An unfit president

President Obama is demanding that the Congress “pass healthcare reform” independently of any objections individual congressmen have with the content of the reform bill; independently of the fact that more than half of all Americans object to the legislation; and independent of the fact that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to mandate healthcare insurance on Citizens.

It’s very difficult to discuss any issue with someone who is intractable. President Obama, convinced that only his opinion has merit, views any dissent as divisive regardless of it’s justification.

A frightening example is the president’s position on the Constitution. He has publically stated that “…the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. It says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf."

Obviously Obama never did any background scholarship to understand why the Founding Fathers constructed the Constitution as they did: quite an indictment of someone who claims to have taught Constitutional law-imagine what those students didn’t learn in college!

The simple fact is that the Constitution was specifically constructed to clearly delineate and tightly restrict both the responsibilities and authorities being delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the federal government; and to establish a natural separation and balance of powers intended to prevent any one Branch of the federal government from dictating to the others . History is clear about this. The intention in creating the federal government was to establish a body that would handle only those responsibilities delegated, that were impractical to be handled by individual citizens.

Further, a reading of the Constitution; and an understanding of the Oath of Office required of all federal officers makes it clear that we elect a federal government for no other purpose than to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States (COTUS)”. The 9th and 10th Amendments make it clear that the federal government has no authority to expand their authorities beyond those specifically delineated in the COTUS.

Consequently when the president claims that he has a responsibility to mandate healthcare insurance for all Citizens, he is lying! He has no such responsibility, and more importantly, he has no such authority: neither does Congress, or the Courts.

In reality, since there is no Constitutional authority for any federal social programs, the true responsibility of the federal government is to terminate all such programs and restore the COTUS.

Of course the president is also devoid of any understanding of America or what it means to be an American. Redistribution of wealth is the antithesis of what it means to be an American. The Founding Fathers specifically denied the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens; a restriction that was foolishly reversed by the 16th Amendment. Taxation is nothing less than redistribution of wealth, an activity that the federal government has universally demonstrated that it is incapable of doing efficiently.

In America “fairness” means that everyone should have an equal opportunity to pursue happiness as each deems appropriate. When the president talks about “fairness” he is talking about equality of outcome regardless of input: and that is an anathema to all that is sacred to Americans. Marxism is based on the concept “from each according to their ability; to each according to their need”; a concept that has proven unworkable in every single instance in which it has been applied.

The point of this essay is that the president is incapable of exercising his responsibilities because he lacks understanding of the fundamental, and Constitutional, principles from which his responsibilities and authorities derive. He is incapable of governing because he doesn’t understand his Constitutionally-limited responsibilities and authorities as president; and he refuses to accept any positions other than his erroneous positions.

The president wrongly presumes that the federal government has any authority to dictate Citizen behavior beyond those authorities specifically delineated in the COTUS. There is no such legal or moral authority. His actions demonstrate a betrayal of trust; a breach of faith, and a violation of his oath of office that is treacherous.

The president publically committed extortion and suborned the bankruptcy laws of the United States when he threatened the bond holders of Chrysler and GM with “all the powers of the office of the president” if they did not renounce their legal rights under long-established US bankruptcy law. This is in direct violation of his Constitutional responsibility to “take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed.

These are but a handful of a long line of usurpations of authority, and abuse of power of which the president is guilty without question or equivocation. He is not fit to serve and he should be removed from office by impeachment without further delay.

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