Monday, December 21, 2009

Disenfranchising Americans over "healthcare reform"

Government mandated healthcare is wrong on so many levels.

First, it is a travesty and a usurpation of authority never granted to the federal government to mandate any specific purchase of products or services by citizens.

Second, the federal government has never, under any circumstances, demonstrated the ability to manage any system as complex as the healthcare system, efficiently, or cost effectively. They continue to demonstrate a total lack of ability to manage healthcare as demonstrated daily by healthcare for Veterans; and for Native Americans that borders on criminal neglect and incompetence.

Third, it is absolutely unconscionable that specific Senators have coerced the federal government to force most citizens to pay for healthcare options for specific constituencies in order to secure their vote on this abomination. Clearly this is not equal justice under law; and in fact is an illegal scheme to raise revenue as it did not originate in the House, a violation of Article 1 Section 7 of the COTUS.

Fourth this plan violates Article 1 Section 8 because it levies taxes against Citizens in a manner that is not uniform throughout the United States as Citizens of 46 States pay the healthcare taxes for 50 States.

Fifth this plan violates the 5th Amendment in it’s support of abortion which, as practiced, denies a person it’s life without due process of law.

Sixth, this proposed legislation is a cornucopia of favors to special interests: 3000 lobbyists had a hand in it’s creation-but no Republicans : special favors to specific hospitals; specific healthcare specialists not available to all; exemptions from taxes to cosmetic surgeons while other surgeons are taxed; exemptions to large pharmaceutical manufacturers in the form of restrictions against re-importation of FDA approved pharmaceuticals to eliminate competitive pressures; favors to insurers eliminate national competition for clients and programs.

Seventh it provides an endless chain of corruption and favors for Representatives to sell additional exceptions or adjustments to fill their campaign coffers and in some cases their refrigerators.

Eighth this plan is based on taxation beginning immediately in 2010 with no benefits being paid until 2014. Harry Reid claims that one American dies solely as the result of having no health insurance every 10 minutes: that is 157,248 deaths between now and the start of benefits. If it is so critical, why delay?

Ninth, the federal government claims that they will reduce costs of Medicare by $500 Billion without reducing benefits; and denies more than $250 Billion to pay doctors by moving that to a separate bill. If this is possible, why wait? Why hasn’t the federal government exercised these cost reductions already? I believe the Congress is lying about this.

Tenth, Candidate Obama promised inclusion and transparency to tackle tough problems and create bi-partisan, unique, efficient and effective solutions; what we got from president Obama happened between a handful of DC Democrat powerbrokers behind closed doors; backroom secret agreements with Big Pharma, Big Hospitals, Big Insurance, often conducted directly with the White House, by-passing Congress all together; complete exclusion of Republican input; and complete disregard of the wishes of a majority of Americans.

Eleventh, Candidate Obama promised he would never sign a bill containing “Ear-marks” yet every major bill signed by president Obama has contained egregiously oppressive bribes to special interests.

Twelfth, rather than honesty this bill is rife with dishonesty, deception, and outright lies.

Rather than Change we can believe in, we have gotten old-school Daly political thuggery on steroids; political prostitution at it’s worst; and a reverse auction for the acquiescence of manipulative hold-outs: all at outrageous taxpayer expense.

In the act of excluding most Americans from this “debate”, Congress and the president are abdicating their legal roles as servants of the People and usurping un-delegated powers as masters. This is un-Constitutional, illegal, and immoral.

By excluding the majority of Americans from the political process they are forcing Citizens to find alternate methods to get their point across; to affect corrective action upon wayward elected representatives; and to restore Constitutional government in America.

The last time the federal government disenfranchised a major segment of Americans, 600,000 Americans lost their lives and millions more were maimed, in the bloodiest war against government tyranny in our history.

Maybe we are finally getting a clearer picture of what it is that Obama admires most about the Lincoln presidency.

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