Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Barack Obama is No Friend of America

Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it.

President Obama is a self-proclaimed proponent of Lincoln and has gone out of his way in an attempt to establish parallels between himself and Lincoln. Maybe we should have paid more attention to that affinity and what it may mean.

160 years ago America faced a Constitutional crisis. New England, the section that most benefited from the trade in slaves; and in the tax revenue derived from their labor (federal revenue was limited to the duties on exports-predominantly cotton) became a hot bed of Abolitionism, campaigning vociferously for the immediate end of slavery.

There is no benefit to address the morality of slavery. It is a vile institution that existed from the beginning of time and persists even today in many countries governed and predominated by people of color. According to the Constitution however, slavery was a protected institution that existed in every colony at the time of adoption of the COTUS.

The Constitution establishes the federal government and dictates that all government spending bills originate in the House. The representation in the House is based on population. The influx of immigrant population, especially from 1850 concentrated in the North because immigrants knew that they couldn’t compete with slave labor for jobs.

This population shift favoring the North resulted in a continuously diminishing voice of the South in the House; and subsequently in the allocation of government spending. 85% of the federal revenue came from the export of cotton from the South but all the spending was going to the North. For the South it was “Taxation without Representation” all over again.

Lincoln’s War, erroneously but commonly referred to as the Civil War (which it was not) was the result of oppressive taxation of the South; uncontrolled non-productive government spending for infrastructure in the North; and un-Constitutional restriction on slavery and it’s expansion into opening territories that denied Southern interests any hope of restoring voice for their interests in the House.

Lincoln freely admitted that even if he had an interest in ending slavery (which he denied), he had no Constitutional authority to do so. While proclaiming his interest in avoiding war, Lincoln deceitfully prepared to resupply Ft Sumter (a Tax Office, not a Slave Market) knowing that doing so would force the South to fire the first shot and thereby fallaciously give the North the ‘moral high-ground’ in the war of his making.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the taxes that were essential for his support of “internal improvements” (government spending programs). Lincoln violated the COTUS repeatedly; jailed over 3000 newspaper editors and owners for the crime of disagreeing with his war policies; suspended habeas corpus; issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a War Powers Act in hopes of fomenting revolt of slaves against the women and children left on the farm (it failed); he directed his battle-hardened armies to make war on Southern civilians; among many other un-Constitutional acts. He did not do these in support of his Constitutional responsibilities, he did them to advance his personal agenda that even he understood would not pass Constitutional muster. He put preservation of “Union” above Constitutional government despite that there is no Constitutional justification for doing so. In other words, Lincoln blatantly and illegally placed himself and his administration above the Constitution in order to accomplish his agenda: he fundamentally transformed the USA at a cost of 600,000 killed and more than 1,000,000 wounded in the bloodiest war in US history. As a result, Lincoln is rightfully considered the father of oppressive federal government.

Barack Obama has promised to ‘fundamentally transform the USA’ and Lincoln is his model. He has already established government control over major financial institutions, two thirds of the American auto industry; forced banks to invest in worthless Treasuries to finance his ever increasing debt; and now at least temporarily, taken control over the insurance industry essentially giving him complete control over health care that represents over 16% of the US economy. In the same act he has taken control of college loan processes that enable 35% of all US college students to fund their education.

Obama has issued executive orders that suborn US Sovereignty to the World Court; exempted Interpol from public accountability and from compliance with Constitutional protections of US Citizen rights. Obama has insulted our staunchest allies even as he has prostrated himself to foreign despots. He has put people in critical policy positions that undermine everything that a Constitutional America holds sacred.

Obama has long-established connections with ACORN and with SEIU: ACORN has a well-earned reputation for fraudulent voter registration and misuse of government funding while SEIU succors dues from millions of (mostly government) union members to fund political contributions and provide election manpower both widely used to determine the outcome of elections in America.

Obama has publically stated that he has no appreciation for the restrictions placed on the federal government by the COTUS; he has publically suborned the laws that he is sworn to assure are faithfully executed; he has nominated a Supreme Court Justice with a proven record of racism and sexism; he has appointed self-proclaimed Marxists and Maoists to the highest levels of government; he has publically embraced despots and snubbed republicans.

He has repeatedly gone behind the backs of the Congress and the American people to forged deals in darkness counter to the best interests of America and Americans.  Clearly he is not to be trusted.

It is long past the point that Barack Obama be given any benefit of the doubt. He is a self-proclaimed threat to the American way of life. He must be treated accordingly; by responsibly questioning his every statement; investigating his every action; elucidating his every relationship; and most of all by holding him accountable to the COTUS and his sworn responsibilities.

Barack Obama is no friend of America or the American people. The sooner we remove him from office, the better it will be for freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all Americans.

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