Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lessons learned from Health care reform

Health Care Reform?

What have we learned from this debacle laughingly referred to as health care reform?

We learned that the Obama administration wants the federal government to control health care.

The 2330+ pages of the ObamaCare bill are mostly devoted to increased control and administration of the process. It creates more than 100 new bureaucracies; it gives health care administrators access to every citizen’s tax returns; it gives DC control over what medical procedures will be approved; it gives DC absolute control over health insurance policies in content, cost, and availability.

This bill threatens citizens who fail to get health insurance with fines of up to $250,000 and up to 5 years in prison; but it subsidizes health insurance for illegal aliens.

ObamaCare will destroy employment opportunities for those on the low end of the employment ladder. Employees who earn enough to purchase insurance (15%~20% of gross is considered acceptable by ObamaCare) who fail to do so will subject their employer to a fine of $3000. Employees who don’t earn enough to purchase insurance will be subsidized by the federal government and the employer will be fined $750 per employee. How many employers will risk such fines versus how many will change full-time employment to part time, or eliminate non-essential jobs altogether to eliminate health care insurance liability?

We already knew that our elected representatives and their minions were liars, but ObamaCare has taken that to an entirely new level.

1. We’re adding an alleged 30 Million to the insured rolls, but it won’t over-tax existing medical resources or cause rationing of care. According to a just released survey by the New England Journal of Medicine, over 46% of primary care physicians said that if ObamaCare passes they will leave patient practice! Imagine what that will do in the face of 30 Million additional clients!

2. ObamaCare dramatically increases the minimum coverage required of policies but it “will reduce costs”. The CBO reported that the average policy premium increase will be 13%~20%: however because of the increase in mandated minimum coverage actual premiums in many states are expected to increase more than 75%.

3. Economic justification of cost savings is based on a 22% reduction in what doctors are paid for Medicare and Medicaid services ($500 Billion) but Congress has NEVER actually made such a dramatic reductions. Amazingly Congress passed a separate bill authorizing continued existing level payments so that it wouldn’t be included in the cost of ObamaCare as if it was an actual cost reduction because they move it to a separate bill.

Many health care providers already exclude Medicare and Medicaid patients because the fee schedule does not cover their expenses. The Mayo Clinic (which Obama has touted as one of the most innovative, best quality, low cost medical services providers) announced that 3000 of their Medicare clients would either have to find care elsewhere or pay out-of-pocket because they will no longer accept Medicare reimbursement.

In addition, taxation for ObamaCare starts immediately but benefits are delayed for an additional 4 years: 10 years of revenue covering 6 years of benefits to make it appear that there is a cost savings. No other fiction writer would attempt such a blatant ruse as this!

We learned that our government isn’t interested in efficient health care options. In Massachusetts, RomneyCare is virtually identical to ObamaCare so it is a reasonable example of what we can expect with ObamaCare. MA needs $1.5 Billion in federal subsidies this year to stay solvent; MA has the highest medical insurance premiums in America: premiums continue to increase at more than 10% a year; and mandatory insurance has reduced uninsured by less than 3%. Most alarmingly, new business starts in MA are down 16% since RomneyCare was implemented, with New Hampshire being the beneficiary as new businesses went there.

By contrast, the Indiana State government offered it’s employees a package of High Deductable Health Insurance combined with a Health Savings Account (HDHP+HSA). Each employee is given a $2750 annual subsidy to pay for insurance and out-of-pocket expenses (HSA). Any un-spent subsidy remains in their personal HSA to fund future expenses, motivating each employee to manage their health care expenses. After 3 years the State has saved over $20 Million while a comparable amount has accrued in the individual HSA’s. Over 70% of Indiana State employees have opted for this program and fewer than 3% have opted out after having entered the program. It is successful for the individual, their health care; and for the State.

In the case of MA, the government is in control and health care expenses are out of control. In the case of IN, the individuals are in control and so are health care expenses. If in fact the federal government were actually concerned about quality care and reasonable cost, the appropriate option is obvious.

4. The ObamaCare advocates proclaim that the American people demand their solution in the face of every independent poll that demonstrates that far more than half of all Americans already reject ObamaCare and the number increases daily. Clear evidence of this is that even with a Senate filibuster-proof majority of 60, ObamaCare could not be passed. In addition, recent elections in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts went to opponents of ObamaCare further reflecting rejection of this false benefit.

Even with substantial majorities in the House and Senate, the Democrat party remains unable to garner enough votes to pass ObamaCare on it’s own merit (sic); and this has led to outrageous abuses of the legislative process that is making even more enemies for ObamaCare.

To buy support votes, Harry Reid made special deals for Louisiana, Nebraska, Florida, Wyoming, Montana and others excluding Medicare tax liabilities on these States to be borne by the remaining States. This of course is a violation of the COTUS Article I, Section 8 requiring that all taxes be uniform throughout the US.

The next abusive ploy was to exempt Union workers from the “Cadillac Tax” of 40% on comprehensive employer-provided health insurance that was intended to help pay for ObamaCare. This is an obvious concession to the extensive Union financial and manpower support (SEIU et al) provided to Democrat candidates each election; leaving non-Union taxpayers to bear the burden.

5. Speaker Pelosi had the unmitigated gall to tell Congress that they needed to pass the ObamaCare bill to find out what was in it. The fact that this absurdity did not result in violence against the House is both remarkable and discouraging that the American people would tolerate such hubris in an elected leader.

We have learned that our elected officials, in pursuit of an unsupportable plan, will stoop to any means possible to impose their will against the will of the Sovereign Citizens. Because they lack sufficient support to risk a direct vote, ObamaCare supporters are now looking for every obtuse parliamentary procedure possible in an effort to ludicrously mask responsibility for Representatives’ votes in support of ObamaCare.

This ploy should cause Citizens the greatest concern. According to the COTUS we elect a federal government to exercise their clearly delineated Constitutional responsibilities, within clearly defined and limited authorities; and to preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS. What we now see is a Congress and a president who refuse to be bound by the COTUS; who are attempting to usurp powers never granted in an effort to grossly expand the power of government over those who give government it’s rightful authority.

President Obama disingenuously claims that “health care is complicated” but that is just one more lie from the prevaricator-in-chief. Health care is simple; just as the State of Indiana has demonstrated: it is instituting government dominance of heath care that gets complicated because of the hydra-like machinations required to subjugate unwilling Sovereigns to the capricious will of government.

It is time that the Sovereign Citizens call all recalcitrant elected representatives to account; and to remove from office all who are found guilty of attempting to usurp authorities never granted to them by the COTUS. The survival of the American Constitutional Republic demands it!


  1. Like any computer function it takes time to remove the bugs. Nationally known PC products have problems? Even the greatest programs have inconsistencies with new versions appearing as they are revised and upgraded. Same is with E-Verify that is undergoing a continuous revision. I make no excuses that I have bombarded the internet with my blogs. To keep the American people aware that the open border extremists, use there pressures to demonize or at the least compromise E-Verify. Unlike wealthy parasite corporate owners the shrinking middle class doesn't have the resources to fight back against this incredible decades-long sedition. Those who wish to destroy E-Verify use are well financed by a huge compendium of organizations that have many reasons to remove it from immigration enforcement. It’s a repeat performance in announcing that the ordinary people who gain an advantage of making E-Verify as a permanent tool. Do not let these adverse organizations demoralize you. Already Homeland Security is working on the fraudulent ID glitch. Photo identification is being added, with other advanced tools.

    It is against dark forces who not only want the free movement of cheap labor settled in America, but they also want the US population to pay for corporate welfare it represents. Corporate welfare being that many of our politicians are complicit in, to keeping the borders open no matter what? If decades of administrations wanted to halt the unceasing invasion of illegal immigrants, why have they not made illegal entry a criminal offense? Why is it not a felony? Illegal immigration would never have grown on this massive scale that is negatively connected with job loss for Americans. Another quest why the preposterous lie that any woman who crosses the border with intent to have their baby here. That was originally meant for the emancipation of the civil war slaves. As yet hasn't been rescinded, but distorted by the Liberal bench? Same with the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act that always faltered?

    WHY MAKE IT THE LAW OF THE LAND--IF IT’S NOT GOING TO BE FULLY ENFORCED? These are the questions demanding answers from every federal and state representative of the people at 202-224-3121? Have any of us considered, that the US taxpayer would possibly paying less taxes, if states like the SANCTUARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK were not emptying our pockets with entitlement programs for illegal alien families? Take for instance the document you pass to the immigration/customs agent as a tourist, student or any other visitor. Why bother when there is no way to detect, who has left this nation or have just disappeared into the landscape? Most of the time, the airport staff, ferry, passenger forget to ask or don't even care? You will only find these answers at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH or by surfing the Internet?

    There is not enough room in this commentary to list the benefits to illegal aliens, including the child income tax reimbursement? Just ask Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich of Los Angeles, who according to him $50 million in welfare benefits (CALWORKS + Food Stamp’s) for the month of January 2010 alone. Yes! And that just the very tip of the financial iceberg, extracted from your income. Hundreds of pro-sovereignty groups will relay the information, of the billions of dollars given to illegal immigrant families. Now they want to further the outrage, by giving millions of illegal families a free ride to citizenship? Should a new amnesty past, what makes you think that future administrations will hold back the next tidal wave of people? How much more money do you think this Amnesty or following waves of illegal immigration will cost you?

  2. THINK! Can anybody offer a reason why they haven't stationed the Nation Guard along the border, especially now with the incessant criminal drug war taking more lives of American citizens? The US Border Patrol has limited personnel and even the border Sheriff’s has limited deputies to keep the national line safe? Every day it gets worse and our government seem almost nonchalant to the battles raging on both sides. The National Guard should be armed and have the right to protect US citizens, who live along the border and terrorized by the criminal as well as illegal aliens crossing their land. My question how come we pour massive resources into Iraq and Afghanistan, when our border remains easy access to anybody?

    Returning to E-Verify will be shortly a 99.9 percent effective and we shouldn't listen to Sen. Schumer, Sen. Graham, or others who are blemished, such as Sen. Reid, Majority speaker Reid, Sen. McCain, Dick Armey and a large obnoxious grab-bag of others.Many are now hesitating because they have been caught red-handed, as being the puppets of corporate welfare. Hearth Care reform could be distributed to millions of Americans, if only our legislators denied any government entitlements to (ANCHOR BABIES) with instant citizenship, who are the "Anchor" for the whole family to reside here. New legitimized immigrants could sponsor, millions of direct family members including those who are already medical patients? They will become the American taxpayer’s extra financial baggage.

    If you cannot see a silent conspiracy to keep importing desperately poor people, when we should instead demand from Washington only those of superior skills, who will not become a taxpayers extra mouth to feed. The real criminal is the business man, protected by corrupt Washington insiders, who refuse to fully fund such programs as REAL ID ACT, THE SAVE ACT, which contain E-Verify, the local police 287 (g) and the dwindling ICE raids. A 24 hour hot-line should be implemented for law abiding citizens to report irregularities in work and tax records, with perhaps a small reward. Just as the bridge to nowhere, the fence was compromised from the start of construction. Just as the federal government have ignored states, counties and cities that have proclaimed they are refuge for illegal aliens.

    Not only are they breaking government law, but as Los Angeles Order 40, has allowed criminal aliens to maim and kill innocent citizens. Even in the rural neighborhoods that once didn't have to lock their doors, find they are no longer defended from foreign nationals who are now a large percentage of cell-block inmates. We have our own citizen habitual criminal population. Why are states like California spending money they don't have on an expanding crime rate from illegal aliens? We can all bury our heads in the sand and listen to the repetitive lies of open border politicians, who have cheated their oath to protect the principles of the US Constitution? It is “THE PEOPLES” obligation and right, to stop this travesty of immigration laws?

    Like most ordinary Americans today, I have a mortgage up-in the air, car payment and feeding my family from my pensions. How much money does the IRS take from my family to educate foreign children, incarcerate their parents or all the other welfare programs that are intentionally hidden from US citizens and residents? This is not a multilingual nation; it is a nation under one flag that has flourished through many wars, downturns and the allowance of welcoming--LEGAL--immigration. We do not need millions of illegal immigrants brandishing foreign flags, demanding their rights to stay here in national rallies, when they violated our sovereign laws to begin with?

    GET THE MESSAGE OUT. Immediate news: Get ready for the 100.000 illegal immigrant rally to Washington this weekend. WHERE'S ICE?

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