Friday, March 19, 2010

Who favors Government health care?

Who supports government run health care? There are four groups.

1. Those who believe that they are entitled to get something for nothing.

2. Those who believe that the government has financial resources other than what they take from taxpayers at the point of a gun.

3. Elected representatives who purchase votes with taxpayer dollars

4. Health care providers (doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, insurance companies, etc.) who have grown rich through buying favorable laws, mandates, exceptions and exclusions with campaign contributions and other graft through our elected representatives.

Obviously this is not a pretty picture.

1. Those who scream the loudest about unaffordable health care are not clamoring to be able to buy health care for someone else out of their own pocket; they are expecting someone else to pay for health care for them.

2. The incredibly bogus accounting being used by ObamaCare proponents caters to those who appear to believe that the government has some magical power to create funding sources that don’t impact taxpayers; or impact the competitiveness of our businesses.

What is incomprehensible is how those in this category are able to totally disregard the absolute lack of any evidence that the federal government can manage any activity effectively, efficiently, competitively, economically, or productively. There is not a single example, in the history of the federal government of any government run program providing cost-effective products or services. None!

These citizens are apparently incapable of understanding that every dollar the government spends comes out of a citizen pocket; and every dollar wasted by the government is a dollar that the citizen is unable to put into productive use.

Some might argue that, as the Fed is now doing, the government can simply print more currency. In fact, currency created without backing by something of value creates inflation (decrease in the value of each unit of currency) which effectively takes money out of the pocket of every citizen.

3. The great crime committed by our elected representatives with such impunity is the purchase of votes by disbursement of tax dollars. The representative has two clients: social programs appeal directly to citizens who fall into either of the first two categories above; and the second are special interests who through political contributions or other graft, induce the representative to grant them special non-competitive access to taxpayer dollars.

4. The most direct path to understand motivation for any action by any entity is to “follow the money”. Once we understand who benefits financially it is easy to understand who is ‘calling the shots’.

President Obama and his administration make endless public protestations against “fat cats” be they bankers, industrialists, Wall Street financiers, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. However, none of these “villains” does anything without prior government sanctions to do so. See Group 3 above.

No insurance group sets rates or policy restrictions (denying pre-existing conditions, 35% rate hikes, etc.) without prior government approval. No health care provider sets prices without prior government approval of treatment protocols; allowable tests, etc. to assure that Medicare or Medicaid will pay the price. No financial manipulator creates worthless mortgages or exotic investment schemes without prior government approval (re; Chris Dodd and Barnie Frank); no financial institutions set extreme bonus programs without prior government approval (Tim Geithner, Larry Summers). No pharmaceutical company sets drug prices without assurance that government will pay them (White House, back-room, closed-door agreements with Big Pharma).

P.T. Barnum is credited with saying that “…there is a sucker born every minute…” but it becomes frightful when combined with “never underestimate the power of idiots in large numbers”.

One seriously dangerous outcome is government run (sic) health care (sic).

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