Friday, January 15, 2010

Stop the Tyranny!

To buy 60 votes in the Senate, Harry Reid agreed that the people of Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Florida will not be taxed to cover Medicare expenses, forcing the remainder of Americans to bear their taxes. Now we learn that labor unions have extracted a 'back-room' agreement that exempts their healthcare plans from the oppressive taxes planned on healthcare plans.

The Constitution (Article 1, Section 8) requires that imposed taxes be uniform throughout the United States.

These events drove me to contact my elected federal representatives to express my concern and advise them of my expectations:

Unfettered federal tyranny expands daily. What is wrong with you people in DC?

While I appreciate your efforts on the behalf of Georgians and the American people, obviously the message is not getting to the Congress or the Obama administration, and that is as much your responsibility as anything else you do. Simply voting correctly is not enough. I expect you to do everything in your power to resist the federal government from violating their solemn responsibilities delineated in the COTUS.

Anyone capable of elementary reading and comprehension can understand that government mandated healthcare is a usurpation of authorities not delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the federal government in the Constitution.

Every elected official should be able to comprehend that the Constitution demands that taxation be uniform throughout the United States, yet Congressional leaders buy votes through exceptions originally to specific states, and now to specific occupations at the expense of all other Americans.

Make no mistake; tyranny has never been tolerated for long in America. The Revolution was fought to end the tyranny of the English King; Lincoln’s War was a result of federal tyranny through punitive taxation that impacted only part of the United States; and if there is no relief from the tyranny of this Congress, and this Administration there is no reason not to expect the Citizens to revolt against this tyranny.

The president, through his appointment of Socialist, Marxist, and Maoist czars demonstrates a clear and present threat to Constitutional government and traditional American values. Rather than “take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed” he has publically extorted financial and industrial leaders and suborned the Bankruptcy laws of the US. Rather than honoring his solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”, he threatens to “fundamentally transform the USA” though he has no Constitutional authority to do so.

The Congress of the US has degenerated into tyrannical body fully dedicated and committed to violating the COTUS, using bribery, extortion, and favoritism to force un-Constitutional requirements on Sovereign Citizens. Are there none of you who understand the concept of “equal justice under law”?

The federal government was created solely to protect the inalienable rights endowed by our Creator to the Sovereign Citizens from usurpation by any man. The federal government has never been granted any authority to create or force ‘rights’ on Sovereign Citizens. Clearly there are too few in Congress or the Obama administration who understand the Constitution and therefore the clearly defined restrictions on their lawful authorities.

Please redouble your efforts to defeat federal healthcare mandates because they are un-Constitutional and reflect a tyrannical federal government to an extent that is no longer tolerable.

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