Friday, October 30, 2009

Finding Hope in our Constitutional Republic

Response to Peggy Noonan Opinion in the Wall Street Journal 10/29/2009
"We're governed by Callous Children"

“They do not think they can make it better”
As you note, no one believes the reported 3.5% growth in the GDP because this administration is built on lies, driven by lies, and aspires to lies. Any suggestion that the economy is repairing while we lose 500,000 jobs a month is absurd.

No rational person can believe that we can buy our way out of recession by increasing debt or printing worthless money to monetize the debt because no one else will by our bonds. Government spending only solves problems when there is actually money (not just worthless IOUs) in the treasury.

We have an administration flooded with Communists, Socialists, and Marxists hand-selected by president Obama. Since Communism, Socialism, and Marxism have all proven to be absolute failures in managing an economy there is no justification for any hope that this administration will repair our economy.

Interestingly enough, government manipulation and corruption of the free market system (greatly facilitated by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) caused the global financial system to collapse; so now the government wants to blame the free market system for the problems we face. There is no purer example of government in action than this! There is no clearer example of why the federal government is not to be trusted to manage anything effectively.

The wunderkinds charged with repairing the economy are of a generation who has never been held accountable for anything. They have grown up in an age where true competition has been eliminated in order to protect fragile egos; where race and gender are more important qualifiers for opportunity than individual excellence; where truth takes a back-seat to political correctness; where divisiveness (diversity) is held higher than unity (equal treatment under law). This generation selects a course of action based on emotional values rather than performance values. They are a generation coddled in the Ivory Towers of failed philosophies; not tempered on the threshing floor of actual results.

Leadership is one part nature and 9 parts experience. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want: it comes from attempting a course of action and having to adjust for the unexpected. Today’s power generation has no real experience and therefore can provide no real leadership. Once their failed ideas produce predictable failure they have no alternatives to offer; only blame for others to assess.

It is little wonder that this generation selected a Chief Executive like themselves; without real experience there is no concept that promises can be empty. Those unexposed to absolute Truth have no point of reference to distinguish lies. Those unschooled in the Constitution have no understanding of true and lawful role of the federal government. Government education (sic) has succeeded.

Our leaders are not optimistic, they are egotistical. Optimism requires an expectation that there is a course of action can accomplish desired results. Those in government leadership positions know that they will never be held accountable for their decisions. They simply blame others for their own failures, and take their perks and ill-got gains with impunity.

Egotism is the strongest characteristic of our elected representatives. Their unjustified sense of superiority empowers them to presume that their opinion is the only one that matters; and drives them to proclaim any dissent as baseless. Regardless of the facts.

A simple reading of the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) clearly defines the role of each of the three branches of the federal government. The role of each branch is clearly delineated as are the responsibilities and the authorities delegated to each: 4400 words that changed the world and the history of Man. The Bill of Rights (more appropriately The Bill of Restrictions on Federal Authority), another 700 words makes it clear that the federal government has no authority other than that delineated in the COTUS. No federal officer can alter those restrictions.

The fact that Obama could decry that the Constitution restricts federal authorities and still even be considered for federal office (let alone actually be elected) speaks volumes about the ignorance of the American voter. The fact that the Congress ignores the clearly delineated limits of federal power of each branch speaks volumes about the ignorance of our elected representatives and the failure of Citizens to meet their sacred responsibility to 250 years of Americans who forged, and preserved, our Creator-given Liberties.

There remains real hope for America. It is ensconced in the COTUS. Every necessary remedy for every problem facing America today is there. To restore America we need only to restore the COTUS to its rightful position as the arbiter of all federal government activity. Restoration is not without pain and adjustment, but doing so will restore the America that is the beacon of Liberty to the world.

In reality, in our Constitutional Republic, the only reason to elect a federal government is to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. There is no authority to implement “progressive reform”; or to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”; or to interpret the COTUS based on the ‘life experiences” of judges. In America, Citizens are Sovereign; the COTUS defines the legal authorities of the federal government; and any federal officer who knowingly violates the COTUS; or encourages violation of the COTUS violates allegiance to the Sovereign Citizens and therefore commits treason as defined by the US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, Paragraphs 2381~2385 inclusive!

Citizens must demand that the COTUS be obeyed. We must remove from office every federal officer who violates their sacred oath of office to "preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS".

Monday, October 26, 2009

Liberals: 20% of the US Population

Gallup has released their latest poll on the claimed idiology of the American Populace. Based on aggregate data from 16 surveys between January and September 2009, more Americans consider themselves Conservatives than as Moderates or Liberals.

Amazingly, Gallup reports that only 20% of Americans classify themselves as Liberals: are they all journalists?? How is it that Liberal policies are all we hear about in the media when 80% of America are Conservative or Moderates?

White House are you listening?

Restore the Constitution to Restore America

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why Obama Wants to Silence Fox News

Community Organizers don’t really fix things: they just point fingers and rile up others, usually for no more good than a 60 second spot on the local evening news.

Therein lies the rub: we’ve elected a typical community organizer to be our president. We ignored the fact that he had never held a real job, never created a real job, never sweated to make a payroll, never put anything of value on the line to accomplish a real task, never accomplished anything of substance, and never been held accountable for actually fulfilling promises or accomplishing good.

Sure, he was real good at drawing a crowd; real good about making them feel like something good was going to happen; and real good about getting on the 6 o’clock news. However, just as with his efforts at Altgeld Gardens (which he cites as his greatest accomplishment as a community organizer), Obama has never successfully concluded anything. The cameras don’t usually come back to check results, so it’s off to the latest event and the next evening news highlight.

The only job Barack Obama has ever had involves showing-up for a neighborhood protest, spouting some feel-good drivel, smiling for the cameras, and moving on: that’s why campaigning comes so natural to him and why he wants it to continue. That’s “what he does”: Only this and nothing more.

The problem is that as president, he is expected to lead, and that is something at which he has no real experience. He’s the golden boy; the one who makes an appearance, talks pretty, assess blame to someone else, gets accolades for his rhetoric and then moves on. That doesn’t work for a president.

Obama has never taken criticism well. He’s never been held accountable for actually accomplishing something substantial. His job has always been to stir the pot (sometimes smoking it) but never actually fixing the pot. Pointing-out that the emperor has no clothes has always been very unpopular with emperors.

Speaking only to small local crowds he was free to make any promises without fear of actually being accountable to bring his promises to fruition. There would always be a big bucket of excuses why nothing was accomplished: if nothing else, Jeremiah Wright taught him any number of excuses and demons to blame for not accomplishing anything. Daddy always said sarcastically that “There is no necessary correlation between blame and responsibility”. I didn’t realize that Obama knew Daddy.

Now Obama has gone to war with the Fox News Channel (FNC). They are the one news outlet that has been consistent in playing Obama’s videoed promises: for creating jobs; for streamlining government and eliminating government waste; for transparency in government; for promises to end pork-spending; for closing Gitmo; for supporting the war in Afghanistan; for judging him by the company he keeps; for promising “fundamental transformation of the USA”. But as so aptly noted by SNL comics, Obama has accomplished ‘Jack-Squat’.

At a time when any reasonable person would tighten controls on spending, Obama has pushed a stimulus bill that does nothing more than re-pay his campaign contributors; worked a deal with Big Pharma to exempt them from any real pain in healthcare reform in return for their support to push his healthcare fiasco; given his union supporters GM and Chrysler; extravagantly funded his corrupt pals at ACORN and SEIU; sold out America’s Central European allies for Soviet contracts for GE; stood idly-by as the Fed turned out worthless currency as fast as the presses would go to monetize America’s debt (that Obama is expanding at the speed of light); raised Cain with private sector financial companies remuneration while ignoring worse offenses of his supporters at Fannie and Freddie.

Most frighteningly, at a time when we should be unfettering the free market of non-productive chains of government interference to restore our economy, Obama daily implements barricades to recovery. It would be comforting to ascribe this to the breath-taking inexperience of the president (and there is surely enough of that to terrify stout-hearted men), but as the Fox News Channel has so clearly demonstrated, these actions aren’t incompetence, but intentional.

From their own mouths we learn that those that Obama has hand-selected to implement his plans are avowed Marxists, Communists, and Socialists. Like Obama, these are not leaders with real world experience; they are elitist academics who romanticize communism and totalitarianism so typical of fragile-egoed professors accustomed to forcing their whacko ideas down the throats of teenaged students. That’s who Obama has ceded our nation to-mostly bypassing the establish Senate confirmation process that none of these scum would survive.

We’d never know it by reading newspapers or watching NBC (GE), CBS, ABC (Disney), MSNBC (GE), CNN, NPR, etc. We know it only because FNC has been playing the videos of these despot wanna-bes spouting their pro-Mao, pro-Marx, anti-American drivel. It is so difficult for Obama to denounce as lies when we see videos of treasonous pronouncements spoken out of the mouths of his many czars (who are taking that title far too seriously). Now why is it that Obama hates FNC?

America: let’s thank our Founding Fathers for creating a Constitution that formed and clearly defined the limited powers of the federal government. Though we have an administration, Congress, and Judiciary that are trampling the Constitutional restrictions intended to keep them focused on their assigned responsibilities, we have the wherewithal to remove them from office for usurping powers that we have never granted them.

Restore the Constitution to restore America. Let the impeachments begin!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Climate Change You Can Believe In

Mr. Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC. 00000

RE: Climate Change You Can Believe In.

Dear Mr. President:

Over the past year, we have witnessed innumerable examples of idiots with a Harvard education making ruinous decisions on finance, economics, politics, etc. Looking at traditionally respected educational institutions for solutions to environmental problems isn’t likely to yield any positive results either.

I just want you to know that I have commanded the Sun to dramatically reduce solar flare activity and thereby have reversed the dreaded global warming that charlatan Al.Gore was so terribly concerned about.

I was reluctant to admit to my complicity in this because I am a member of an ancient order of Solar Controllers that has survived here on earth for thousands of years without detection.

Archeological data collected throughout the world has confirmed that for the past 1 Million years, the earth has experienced atmospheric temperature cycling on an approximate 1500 year cycle. This has been verified by more than 700 peer-reviewed scientists.

For over 500 years we have been able to link earth temperature with solar flare activity and have used this information to predict crop production. The more solar flare activity, the warmer the earth’s temperature.

As we know, the earth’s temperature has decreased every year since 1998 proportional to the reduction in solar flare activity, even as CO2 from man-made sources has continued to increase during that same time period.

I want you to know that we will continue to regulate solar flare activity as we have for thousands of years, completely independently of any silly, presumptuous, and asinine environmental plans you attempt to implement.

I suggest you focus on programs to generate real jobs, and stop trying to spend America into slavery with your stupid, un-Constitutional social plans.



Now's the time to do the right thing

This is in response to an Opinion piece by the progressive Cynthia Tucker in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on 10/18/09 entitled:
“Now’s the time to do the right thing”

Dear Ms. Tucker:

I agree with you that now is the time to do the right thing.

The question then becomes “how to define the right thing”?

We live in a Constitutional Republic. Republic means that the Citizens are Sovereign, and they elect other Citizens to represent their common (not individual) interests. Constitutional means that we have a Constitution that defines what responsibilities and authorities are delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the Elected Representatives.

To phrase that so even a progressive can understand it: we elect representatives to fulfill a limited set of responsibilities, using a limited range of authorities, as clearly defined in the Constitution: Only that and nothing more.

It will probably surprise you to learn that every federal officer (and member of the military) is required to take a solemn oath to “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States…” before being entrusted with any federal authority.

Therefore the only rational definition of “the right thing” is to do what is specified in the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) and nothing more.

This is important because there is not to be found any authorization in the COTUS for: the government to mandate universal healthcare; mandate crushing taxes for energy consumption; or for government bail-outs (or take-over) of private businesses. As a result is it impossible for any of these actions to be “the right thing”.

Legally, no federal government has any mandate other than to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. There is no such thing as a popular mandate, or a political mandate under the clearly defined limits of the COTUS.

I realize that progressives don’t like to be fettered by the COTUS, and that’s okay. A problem arises however when progressives want to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”, because the federal government has no such authority to do so. That can only be done by the Sovereign Citizens through a legally ratified Constitutional Amendment, and we both know that won’t happen in our life time-and hopefully never.

The good news is that progressives can pick from over 200 countries in the world that aren’t fettered by the COTUS, and in fact it gets better-most of those 200 offer universal healthcare, support moronic man-made global warming, and have no restrictions on government control of private business. You are even luckier, because living in Atlanta, you are at the primary Delta hub, and ‘Delta is ready when you are’!

Having defined what the only rational definition of “do the right thing is”, let’s look at your wish list.

The Stimulus bill that you said was too small (did you note that the administration has just announced that with only 14% of the Stimulus funds spent, we have already seen all the job creation that it is going to accomplish?) amounts to $2600 for each man, woman, and child in America. Have you sent your contribution in to the Treasury Department yet?

Universal healthcare: When we add the $254Billion (for actually paying doctors for their services) to the $900 Billion that the president says is acceptable, your share of that bill is $4167 for this year. Have you sent that in yet?

Harvard University- that has demonstrated itself to be the bastion for producing over-educated, morally corrupt dolts, informs that the increased direct cost per person in the US for implementing Cap and Trade is $1700 in year one. Have you sent in your share of that yet?

Just in case you haven’t been keeping a tally, your personal share of just these three programs is $8490, multiplied by the number of people in your household. Presuming the standard 2.3 children and a spouse, your family share is $36507.

Are you writing your check yet? No? Good, because only about half of American families pay income taxes. Since I’m sure you do, we need your share to actually be $73014 for this year.

But wait, the Census Bureau advises that the median income for American households was only $48,200 in 2006 (the latest data I could find on-line in 3 minutes of searching). How many years of $25K per year deficit can your household handle before you have serious financial problems?

Keep in mind that these costs are just those for the three programs you mention: that doesn’t include funding the rest of government, or military, or behavioral studies on blind left-handed sea otters: Ms. Tucker, you need to do your fair share! Please pay up!

I know progressives don’t like to be bothered with pesky numbers like costs, they are only interested in those great entitlement numbers. However, if you have been paying attention, you should be seeing the problem: too much goesoutta, not enough goesinta. The government has no real magic for changing those numbers, try as they may: and they certainly don’t want us looking at those numbers lest we consider them imbeciles.

Notice that no mention has been made about political parities (they only exist to subvert and manipulate the electoral process).

Our Founding Fathers created and defined the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government in our COTUS. In that process they specifically denied the federal government any power to tax the Citizens (which, in our stupidity we changed with the 16th Amendment, but we can still repeal it). The only funding source for operating the federal government was the duties on exports. How clever that they would have foreigners fund our federal government so that Citizens could use their limited funds to support their Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.

Constitutionally, we don’t ask much of our federal government, and history proves that is as it should be: they aren’t capable of much beyond corruption and incompetence. If you will objectively (sorry, I forgot I was addressing a progressive) look at every problem facing America today, you will see in it the enabling hand of the federal government at it’s foundation.

It is in fact time to do the right thing: restore the Constitution; remove from office every federal officer who has failed to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’ and entrust office only to those who love, respect, and honor the COTUS.

Let the impeachments begin!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Now?

Why Now?
America has been around as a Constitutional Republic for over 220 years. During that time we have seen many threats to a Constitutional America. Every presidential administration has threatened the Constitution in one way or another.

The Great Deceiver, Abraham Lincoln, the Father of Oppressive Government was the first to implement massive changes to our Constitutional Republic, but in his speech to the Springfield Young Men's Lyceum in 1838 he predicted what would happen and why. He explained that we will always have ambitious politicians intent on making their mark on the world. They can not content themselves to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors no matter how noble. Though they might prefer to make their mark doing good; if that avenue is not available, they will make their mark by doing evil. Lincoln would go on to personify that threat 22 years later.

We now appear to have a president who has no love or respect for the Constitution of the United States. He has surrounded himself with a huge number of self-described communists, Marxists, and socialists to be his closest advisors. He appears prepared to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist regime.

We have a Congress that has no love or respect for the Constitution of the United States. It's members appear to be focused only on how they can improve their personal fortunes by selling government regulations, favors, or exemptions. Every government decision is subject to prior sale.

We have a Judiciary that is comprised of an ever-increasing number of jurists eager to implement their own ideas of justice rather than assuring that the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) is maintained as the primary arbitor of American law. Activitist judges are implementing social policy in direct conflict with the COTUS.

In other words, we find ourselves in an America with a federal government that considers itself superior to the COTUS.

However, the COTUS is the only legal definition of the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government. The People are still the sovereigns. It is time that Citizens MUST retake control over the federal government; repeal all existing laws in violation of the COTUS; remove from office all federal officers not in compliance with their Constitutional responsibilities and authorities; and severe all international agreements in conflict with the COTUS.

Our federal government is non-responsive and will remain so until the Citizens demand response. It is our responsibility as Citizens to assure that the COTUS is respected, preserved, protected, and defended.