Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Now?

Why Now?
America has been around as a Constitutional Republic for over 220 years. During that time we have seen many threats to a Constitutional America. Every presidential administration has threatened the Constitution in one way or another.

The Great Deceiver, Abraham Lincoln, the Father of Oppressive Government was the first to implement massive changes to our Constitutional Republic, but in his speech to the Springfield Young Men's Lyceum in 1838 he predicted what would happen and why. He explained that we will always have ambitious politicians intent on making their mark on the world. They can not content themselves to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors no matter how noble. Though they might prefer to make their mark doing good; if that avenue is not available, they will make their mark by doing evil. Lincoln would go on to personify that threat 22 years later.

We now appear to have a president who has no love or respect for the Constitution of the United States. He has surrounded himself with a huge number of self-described communists, Marxists, and socialists to be his closest advisors. He appears prepared to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" from a Constitutional Republic into a Marxist regime.

We have a Congress that has no love or respect for the Constitution of the United States. It's members appear to be focused only on how they can improve their personal fortunes by selling government regulations, favors, or exemptions. Every government decision is subject to prior sale.

We have a Judiciary that is comprised of an ever-increasing number of jurists eager to implement their own ideas of justice rather than assuring that the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) is maintained as the primary arbitor of American law. Activitist judges are implementing social policy in direct conflict with the COTUS.

In other words, we find ourselves in an America with a federal government that considers itself superior to the COTUS.

However, the COTUS is the only legal definition of the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government. The People are still the sovereigns. It is time that Citizens MUST retake control over the federal government; repeal all existing laws in violation of the COTUS; remove from office all federal officers not in compliance with their Constitutional responsibilities and authorities; and severe all international agreements in conflict with the COTUS.

Our federal government is non-responsive and will remain so until the Citizens demand response. It is our responsibility as Citizens to assure that the COTUS is respected, preserved, protected, and defended.

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