Friday, October 30, 2009

Finding Hope in our Constitutional Republic

Response to Peggy Noonan Opinion in the Wall Street Journal 10/29/2009
"We're governed by Callous Children"

“They do not think they can make it better”
As you note, no one believes the reported 3.5% growth in the GDP because this administration is built on lies, driven by lies, and aspires to lies. Any suggestion that the economy is repairing while we lose 500,000 jobs a month is absurd.

No rational person can believe that we can buy our way out of recession by increasing debt or printing worthless money to monetize the debt because no one else will by our bonds. Government spending only solves problems when there is actually money (not just worthless IOUs) in the treasury.

We have an administration flooded with Communists, Socialists, and Marxists hand-selected by president Obama. Since Communism, Socialism, and Marxism have all proven to be absolute failures in managing an economy there is no justification for any hope that this administration will repair our economy.

Interestingly enough, government manipulation and corruption of the free market system (greatly facilitated by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd) caused the global financial system to collapse; so now the government wants to blame the free market system for the problems we face. There is no purer example of government in action than this! There is no clearer example of why the federal government is not to be trusted to manage anything effectively.

The wunderkinds charged with repairing the economy are of a generation who has never been held accountable for anything. They have grown up in an age where true competition has been eliminated in order to protect fragile egos; where race and gender are more important qualifiers for opportunity than individual excellence; where truth takes a back-seat to political correctness; where divisiveness (diversity) is held higher than unity (equal treatment under law). This generation selects a course of action based on emotional values rather than performance values. They are a generation coddled in the Ivory Towers of failed philosophies; not tempered on the threshing floor of actual results.

Leadership is one part nature and 9 parts experience. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want: it comes from attempting a course of action and having to adjust for the unexpected. Today’s power generation has no real experience and therefore can provide no real leadership. Once their failed ideas produce predictable failure they have no alternatives to offer; only blame for others to assess.

It is little wonder that this generation selected a Chief Executive like themselves; without real experience there is no concept that promises can be empty. Those unexposed to absolute Truth have no point of reference to distinguish lies. Those unschooled in the Constitution have no understanding of true and lawful role of the federal government. Government education (sic) has succeeded.

Our leaders are not optimistic, they are egotistical. Optimism requires an expectation that there is a course of action can accomplish desired results. Those in government leadership positions know that they will never be held accountable for their decisions. They simply blame others for their own failures, and take their perks and ill-got gains with impunity.

Egotism is the strongest characteristic of our elected representatives. Their unjustified sense of superiority empowers them to presume that their opinion is the only one that matters; and drives them to proclaim any dissent as baseless. Regardless of the facts.

A simple reading of the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) clearly defines the role of each of the three branches of the federal government. The role of each branch is clearly delineated as are the responsibilities and the authorities delegated to each: 4400 words that changed the world and the history of Man. The Bill of Rights (more appropriately The Bill of Restrictions on Federal Authority), another 700 words makes it clear that the federal government has no authority other than that delineated in the COTUS. No federal officer can alter those restrictions.

The fact that Obama could decry that the Constitution restricts federal authorities and still even be considered for federal office (let alone actually be elected) speaks volumes about the ignorance of the American voter. The fact that the Congress ignores the clearly delineated limits of federal power of each branch speaks volumes about the ignorance of our elected representatives and the failure of Citizens to meet their sacred responsibility to 250 years of Americans who forged, and preserved, our Creator-given Liberties.

There remains real hope for America. It is ensconced in the COTUS. Every necessary remedy for every problem facing America today is there. To restore America we need only to restore the COTUS to its rightful position as the arbiter of all federal government activity. Restoration is not without pain and adjustment, but doing so will restore the America that is the beacon of Liberty to the world.

In reality, in our Constitutional Republic, the only reason to elect a federal government is to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. There is no authority to implement “progressive reform”; or to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”; or to interpret the COTUS based on the ‘life experiences” of judges. In America, Citizens are Sovereign; the COTUS defines the legal authorities of the federal government; and any federal officer who knowingly violates the COTUS; or encourages violation of the COTUS violates allegiance to the Sovereign Citizens and therefore commits treason as defined by the US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, Paragraphs 2381~2385 inclusive!

Citizens must demand that the COTUS be obeyed. We must remove from office every federal officer who violates their sacred oath of office to "preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS".

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