Friday, October 23, 2009

Now's the time to do the right thing

This is in response to an Opinion piece by the progressive Cynthia Tucker in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on 10/18/09 entitled:
“Now’s the time to do the right thing”

Dear Ms. Tucker:

I agree with you that now is the time to do the right thing.

The question then becomes “how to define the right thing”?

We live in a Constitutional Republic. Republic means that the Citizens are Sovereign, and they elect other Citizens to represent their common (not individual) interests. Constitutional means that we have a Constitution that defines what responsibilities and authorities are delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the Elected Representatives.

To phrase that so even a progressive can understand it: we elect representatives to fulfill a limited set of responsibilities, using a limited range of authorities, as clearly defined in the Constitution: Only that and nothing more.

It will probably surprise you to learn that every federal officer (and member of the military) is required to take a solemn oath to “…preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States…” before being entrusted with any federal authority.

Therefore the only rational definition of “the right thing” is to do what is specified in the Constitution of the United States (COTUS) and nothing more.

This is important because there is not to be found any authorization in the COTUS for: the government to mandate universal healthcare; mandate crushing taxes for energy consumption; or for government bail-outs (or take-over) of private businesses. As a result is it impossible for any of these actions to be “the right thing”.

Legally, no federal government has any mandate other than to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. There is no such thing as a popular mandate, or a political mandate under the clearly defined limits of the COTUS.

I realize that progressives don’t like to be fettered by the COTUS, and that’s okay. A problem arises however when progressives want to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”, because the federal government has no such authority to do so. That can only be done by the Sovereign Citizens through a legally ratified Constitutional Amendment, and we both know that won’t happen in our life time-and hopefully never.

The good news is that progressives can pick from over 200 countries in the world that aren’t fettered by the COTUS, and in fact it gets better-most of those 200 offer universal healthcare, support moronic man-made global warming, and have no restrictions on government control of private business. You are even luckier, because living in Atlanta, you are at the primary Delta hub, and ‘Delta is ready when you are’!

Having defined what the only rational definition of “do the right thing is”, let’s look at your wish list.

The Stimulus bill that you said was too small (did you note that the administration has just announced that with only 14% of the Stimulus funds spent, we have already seen all the job creation that it is going to accomplish?) amounts to $2600 for each man, woman, and child in America. Have you sent your contribution in to the Treasury Department yet?

Universal healthcare: When we add the $254Billion (for actually paying doctors for their services) to the $900 Billion that the president says is acceptable, your share of that bill is $4167 for this year. Have you sent that in yet?

Harvard University- that has demonstrated itself to be the bastion for producing over-educated, morally corrupt dolts, informs that the increased direct cost per person in the US for implementing Cap and Trade is $1700 in year one. Have you sent in your share of that yet?

Just in case you haven’t been keeping a tally, your personal share of just these three programs is $8490, multiplied by the number of people in your household. Presuming the standard 2.3 children and a spouse, your family share is $36507.

Are you writing your check yet? No? Good, because only about half of American families pay income taxes. Since I’m sure you do, we need your share to actually be $73014 for this year.

But wait, the Census Bureau advises that the median income for American households was only $48,200 in 2006 (the latest data I could find on-line in 3 minutes of searching). How many years of $25K per year deficit can your household handle before you have serious financial problems?

Keep in mind that these costs are just those for the three programs you mention: that doesn’t include funding the rest of government, or military, or behavioral studies on blind left-handed sea otters: Ms. Tucker, you need to do your fair share! Please pay up!

I know progressives don’t like to be bothered with pesky numbers like costs, they are only interested in those great entitlement numbers. However, if you have been paying attention, you should be seeing the problem: too much goesoutta, not enough goesinta. The government has no real magic for changing those numbers, try as they may: and they certainly don’t want us looking at those numbers lest we consider them imbeciles.

Notice that no mention has been made about political parities (they only exist to subvert and manipulate the electoral process).

Our Founding Fathers created and defined the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government in our COTUS. In that process they specifically denied the federal government any power to tax the Citizens (which, in our stupidity we changed with the 16th Amendment, but we can still repeal it). The only funding source for operating the federal government was the duties on exports. How clever that they would have foreigners fund our federal government so that Citizens could use their limited funds to support their Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.

Constitutionally, we don’t ask much of our federal government, and history proves that is as it should be: they aren’t capable of much beyond corruption and incompetence. If you will objectively (sorry, I forgot I was addressing a progressive) look at every problem facing America today, you will see in it the enabling hand of the federal government at it’s foundation.

It is in fact time to do the right thing: restore the Constitution; remove from office every federal officer who has failed to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’ and entrust office only to those who love, respect, and honor the COTUS.

Let the impeachments begin!

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