Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why Obama Wants to Silence Fox News

Community Organizers don’t really fix things: they just point fingers and rile up others, usually for no more good than a 60 second spot on the local evening news.

Therein lies the rub: we’ve elected a typical community organizer to be our president. We ignored the fact that he had never held a real job, never created a real job, never sweated to make a payroll, never put anything of value on the line to accomplish a real task, never accomplished anything of substance, and never been held accountable for actually fulfilling promises or accomplishing good.

Sure, he was real good at drawing a crowd; real good about making them feel like something good was going to happen; and real good about getting on the 6 o’clock news. However, just as with his efforts at Altgeld Gardens (which he cites as his greatest accomplishment as a community organizer), Obama has never successfully concluded anything. The cameras don’t usually come back to check results, so it’s off to the latest event and the next evening news highlight.

The only job Barack Obama has ever had involves showing-up for a neighborhood protest, spouting some feel-good drivel, smiling for the cameras, and moving on: that’s why campaigning comes so natural to him and why he wants it to continue. That’s “what he does”: Only this and nothing more.

The problem is that as president, he is expected to lead, and that is something at which he has no real experience. He’s the golden boy; the one who makes an appearance, talks pretty, assess blame to someone else, gets accolades for his rhetoric and then moves on. That doesn’t work for a president.

Obama has never taken criticism well. He’s never been held accountable for actually accomplishing something substantial. His job has always been to stir the pot (sometimes smoking it) but never actually fixing the pot. Pointing-out that the emperor has no clothes has always been very unpopular with emperors.

Speaking only to small local crowds he was free to make any promises without fear of actually being accountable to bring his promises to fruition. There would always be a big bucket of excuses why nothing was accomplished: if nothing else, Jeremiah Wright taught him any number of excuses and demons to blame for not accomplishing anything. Daddy always said sarcastically that “There is no necessary correlation between blame and responsibility”. I didn’t realize that Obama knew Daddy.

Now Obama has gone to war with the Fox News Channel (FNC). They are the one news outlet that has been consistent in playing Obama’s videoed promises: for creating jobs; for streamlining government and eliminating government waste; for transparency in government; for promises to end pork-spending; for closing Gitmo; for supporting the war in Afghanistan; for judging him by the company he keeps; for promising “fundamental transformation of the USA”. But as so aptly noted by SNL comics, Obama has accomplished ‘Jack-Squat’.

At a time when any reasonable person would tighten controls on spending, Obama has pushed a stimulus bill that does nothing more than re-pay his campaign contributors; worked a deal with Big Pharma to exempt them from any real pain in healthcare reform in return for their support to push his healthcare fiasco; given his union supporters GM and Chrysler; extravagantly funded his corrupt pals at ACORN and SEIU; sold out America’s Central European allies for Soviet contracts for GE; stood idly-by as the Fed turned out worthless currency as fast as the presses would go to monetize America’s debt (that Obama is expanding at the speed of light); raised Cain with private sector financial companies remuneration while ignoring worse offenses of his supporters at Fannie and Freddie.

Most frighteningly, at a time when we should be unfettering the free market of non-productive chains of government interference to restore our economy, Obama daily implements barricades to recovery. It would be comforting to ascribe this to the breath-taking inexperience of the president (and there is surely enough of that to terrify stout-hearted men), but as the Fox News Channel has so clearly demonstrated, these actions aren’t incompetence, but intentional.

From their own mouths we learn that those that Obama has hand-selected to implement his plans are avowed Marxists, Communists, and Socialists. Like Obama, these are not leaders with real world experience; they are elitist academics who romanticize communism and totalitarianism so typical of fragile-egoed professors accustomed to forcing their whacko ideas down the throats of teenaged students. That’s who Obama has ceded our nation to-mostly bypassing the establish Senate confirmation process that none of these scum would survive.

We’d never know it by reading newspapers or watching NBC (GE), CBS, ABC (Disney), MSNBC (GE), CNN, NPR, etc. We know it only because FNC has been playing the videos of these despot wanna-bes spouting their pro-Mao, pro-Marx, anti-American drivel. It is so difficult for Obama to denounce as lies when we see videos of treasonous pronouncements spoken out of the mouths of his many czars (who are taking that title far too seriously). Now why is it that Obama hates FNC?

America: let’s thank our Founding Fathers for creating a Constitution that formed and clearly defined the limited powers of the federal government. Though we have an administration, Congress, and Judiciary that are trampling the Constitutional restrictions intended to keep them focused on their assigned responsibilities, we have the wherewithal to remove them from office for usurping powers that we have never granted them.

Restore the Constitution to restore America. Let the impeachments begin!

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