Saturday, April 17, 2010

The COTUS is so simple!

The COTUS is such a simple document. Shorter than a college term paper it distills the recorded history of human nature to define a unique form of government designed to protect the individual rights granted to us by our Creator from the universal abuse of delegated authority.

Our Founders based the government model on a three-legged stool knowing that unless each of the three legs behaves appropriately, the stool cannot function. They so clearly understood that taxation is always used by government to subjugate citizens, without exception. For that reason they denied the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens, a critical safeguard undone by the 16th Amendment that must be restored if America is to be restored.

Our Founders understood that those with delegated authority would always attempt to usurp powers not granted so they intentionally delineated the totality of responsibilities and authorities being delegated to the federal government created by the COTUS.

Citizens weighed-in after reading the COTUS and refused to ratify it unless even more specific exclusions were included to prevent the abuse of government authority. The result was the Bill of Rights listing specific inalienable rights for which the federal government was specifically denied any authority. Surprisingly our current president understands that the Bill of Rights is a listing of negative rights that specify what the government can’t do; he just thinks its wrong. He apparently doesn’t understand that the 9th and 10th Amendments emphasize that there is nothing else that the government is authorized to do other than those specific authorities delineated in the COTUS.

Therefore no individual officer or branch of the federal government has any authority to ‘fundamentally transform the USA’. They are only authorized to do their specifically listed responsibilities; and to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’.

The Tea Party Movement is a grass-roots initiative to restore the COTUS. Protesting excessive, unfunded spending is the first step. Un-doing the abuses committed against the COTUS over the past 150 years will follow.

To restore America, restore the COTUS.

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