Tuesday, April 20, 2010

COTUS: Love it or leave

If only posters had to demonstrate an understanding of the COTUS before posting...

I'm not a Paulista, but if Obama and Paul represent the two ends of the spectrum, I believe that America is much safer on the Paul end than the Obama end. Even if we are successful in restoring a Constitutional government in America, it will take years to undo the corruption created in little more than one brief year by Obama.

Any federal officer who fails to "preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS" as they must solemnly swear to do before being endowed with any federal authority, should be removed from office by impeachment without delay. That takes care of the president, VP, Congressional leadership (sic); at least 60 Senators; and probably 300 or more Congressmen; and at least 5 members of the SCOTUS.

The COTUS defines the limits of responsibilities and authorities of the entire federal government. There are only two kinds of people in America: those who love and honor the COTUS, and those who need to move elsewhere. The COTUS is not a living document. As crafted it defines a magnificently prescient political organization intimately mindful of immutable human nature: delegated authority will be corrupted, expanded and usurped unless vigilantly prevented from doing so.

The Bill o f Rights is a listing of inalienable rights endowed us by our Creator over which the Founders specifically and intentionally denied the federal government any authority. The president acknowledges that but doesn't accept it because it limits his omnipotence.

Isn't it amazing that the phrase: "The Congress shall pass no laws restricting the free exercise of religion" is somehow mongrelized to suggest that government can somehow control religious expression: a travesty that requires repudiation of both the 1st and 14th Amendments.

Isn't it amazing that the phrase: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is somehow mongrelized to suggest that government can somehow control the keeping and bearing of arms: a travesty that requires repudiation of both the 2nd and the 14th Amendments.

Isn't it amazing that the phrase: "no person shall be denied Life, Liberty or property without due process of law" is somehow mongrelized to suggest that government can sanction the murder of unborn persons without due process of law; a travesty that requires repudiation of both the 5th and 14th Amendments.

The list of inalienable rights that the federal government has usurped is almost endless, but as long as the Constitution exists, those travesties can, and must, be reversed.

For those living in America that don't accept that these are in fact mongrelizations, their only legal and moral option is to Amend the COTUS to permit such presently un-Constitutional acts. No rational person suggests that any such Amendments could ever be ratified in a free America. If not, then these deniers are destined for a miserable life here in the USA; and that makes no sense. That is why they need to move elsewhere.

The good news is that there are more than 200 countries in the world where folks can live unencumbered by the COTUS: but America isn't one of them. Another stroke of good fortune for them: most of those 200 provide all the cradle-to-grave government control they could ever hope for.

So, "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,..."

...and we'll trade them for all the teat-sucking, liberty-fearing, elitist Liberal and Progressive freeloaders you can stand...

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