Monday, April 12, 2010

Taxation is NOT the core value of Citizenship 

Mr. Carroll appears to re-write history to fit his uber-liberal interpretation of how life should be. Liberals are always driven by their elitist disregard for realities other than their own misperceptions.

A simple reading of the Constitution makes it clear that the Founding Fathers intended to deny to the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens, funding the federal government through duties on exports to be paid by foreigners. Unfortunately the 16th Amendment removed this most important safeguard against government tyranny that continues to grow daily. The 16th Amendment can, and must, be repealed.

Mr. Carroll misrepresents what did happen with what should have happened. To suggest that submission to taxation is the “core value of citizenship” is perversion beyond comprehension.

Mr. Lincoln went to war for one reason only: to preserve the taxes he needed to fund his beloved “internal improvements” (government spending programs that produced no tangible benefits beyond lining the pockets of his cronies). Ft. Sumter was a Tax Office, not a slave market. 85% of the federal revenue came from duties on cotton sold to Great Britain; and 100% of those revenues were spent in the North or funded policies detrimental to the South: thus the justification to secede.

Obama worship of Lincoln has nothing to do with emancipation; it has everything to do with expansion of oppressive federal government. It was Lincoln that changed the balance of power between the Sovereign States and the federal government created for their convenience: at a cost of 600,000 dead and more than 1 Million wounded.

Read the Constitution Mr. Carroll and you will learn that the government was created to protect property, not confiscate it. You probably believe that ObamaCare is about healthcare: you know the bill that doesn’t add a single health care provider, but does add 16,000 new IRS agents.

You also misrepresent the Tea Party Movement. It is about restoring Constitutional government; not just protesting taxes.

Every government decision is subject to prior sale. Concentration of power in DC does nothing more than provide a single point for corruption. It is virtually impossible to bribe 300 Million Americans, but it is ridiculously easy to corrupt a handful of politicians: as history continues to prove. The “severe economic downturn” that troubles you was entirely the result of federal government policies magnified by intentional Congressional malfeasance.

You will find nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the federal government to be a “safety net”; nothing that authorizes federal charity; or federal ‘social engineering’. What you will find is a very carefully crafted organization model designed to make it very difficult to impose federal will on Citizens; and devoid of the financial resources to do so. We need to restore that model.

If you want socialism, there are hundreds of countries in the world from which to choose. America is not one of them. Delta is ready when you are!

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