Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Politicians fear the Tea Party Movement

Why are Party Politicians so afraid of the Tea Party Movement?

The left, including the Lame Stream Media is grasping at any straw possible to attempt to marginalize and condemn the TPM. False claims of racism, homophobia, sexism, ageism, violence, intolerance, yada, yada, yada; represent desperate efforts to suggest to reasonable folks that they shouldn’t be attracted to this truly grass-roots response to tyrannical federal government.

The TPM is a real threat to big government: be it Democrat or Republican. The federal power abusers are on notice that Americans are fed-up with elected representatives and their minions who run rough-shod over the Constitution; and in the process enslave free Citizens.

For several generations progressive Republicans and Democrats have been chipping away at the COTUS and the protection of inalienable rights we get from our Creator. In the process they have corrupted a federal government created to protect private property and transformed it into a government intent on confiscating private property.

There was a time, specifically between 1950 and 1970 that American economic power was at it’s zenith in the absence of competitive global manufacturing capacity destroyed in WWII. Generous Americans didn’t interfere as politicians and unions decided how the resultant surplus revenue would be distributed for social objectives nowhere authorized in the COTUS.

Rather than funding a “leveling of the playing field” as promised, our elected representatives used this revenue to create a permanent government dependent underclass at the expense of productive Americans. This also explains the progressive support for illegal alien amnesty. The number of tax revenue consumers has expanded to the point that their votes can trump the tax revenue producers at the polls. This is a dangerous condition not seen in America since 1850.

When producers have no effective legal recourse against property confiscation by non-producing consumers, bad things are likely to happen.

The TPM is an effort by COTUS-loving Citizens to restore a Constitutional America because history has clearly demonstrated that the principles inherent in the COTUS are the most effective means to set-free individual initiative and creativity for the benefit of all.

Government cannot create prosperity because it can only consume. Every tax-funded job not essential to protect private property detracts from prosperity for all by consuming resources that could be used more effectively by the Free Market.

The Free Market is most efficient because it is consumer-driven: consumers reward effective solutions with their business while simultaneously culling ineffective providers. Government is incapable of doing the same because politicians are most concerned with political self-preservation, not consumer satisfaction. We have innumerable examples of government intervention causing economic catastrophes’. Elitists solve problems that only they see, while the Free Market solves problems consumers have.

The Constitution was created by some of the greatest minds in human history. It defined a government of strictly limited powers; with strictly limited responsibilities; designed to eliminate obstructions to developing and acquiring property (the rightful fruit of one’s labor and intelligence).

The TPM represents the reawakening of American Citizens to the power, simplicity, and genius of the COTUS. If this movement is successful it will spell the end of tyrannical federal government; and it will reverse the many perversions of the COTUS implemented over the past 100 years. Followed to it’s logical conclusion, success of the TPM spells the end of the political party system as we know it because political parties do nothing to enhance a Constitutional America: In fact they do quite the opposite. Political parties exist to corrupt the electoral process.

To restore America, restore the Constitution.

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