Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's Decision Time America


As usual Dr. Sewell offers sage advice. He also makes a clear observation that president Obama appears more interested in retribution and punishment of an economic system and a political system that he thinks is flawed because he believes that it has disadvantaged people of color than he is in actually advancing society.

As is usually the case when emotion trumps reality Obama has it backwards. Ideologues embrace a notion regardless of the facts of it's implementation. Communism and Socialism and Marxism and Progressivism all sound like Utopia if people would simply embrace them. But in reality when those economic systems are imposed on people they are rejected. Those who would impose them then "weed out" those who oppose them to eliminate the negativity of objectivity. As those who would follow (rather than those who would lead) also reject the idealism of the ideology, measures to force their compliance become increasingly Draconian. History proves this without exception.

What is so amazing about our Founding Fathers is that they championed individual liberty coupled with individual responsibility realizing that when a person is free to pursue that which motivates him greatest, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others, the general public will benefit greatly. History has proven that too.

They created a form of government unique in all history, committed to protect the right of individual property (the fruit of individual labor and intelligence) and severely restricted from confiscation of property or subjugation of free speech and ideas.

The Free Market is so wonderfully efficient precisely because production is controlled by the consumer without extraneous overhead or third-party management. Overhead offers no inherent value and third-party management instantaneously engages in decision-making to serve their needs rather than those of the producer or the consumer.

Third party management (Government intervention and control) of the economy dooms it because it can offer nothing but harmful interference with the natural operation of the Free Market in pursuit of governance self-preservation. Government interference expands until the Free Market is paralyzed and can no longer function effectively. There are no better examples of this than our tax code; our environmental regulations; and now health care insurance regulations all of which are incomprehensible not because of their inherent attributes but because of the government controls embedded to manage and enforce them.

President Obama has many times stated that his objective is to “fundamentally transform the USA” to advantage people of color at the expense of all others. His objective is a Fool’s Errand because it cannot be done without destroying advantage for all: especially those he most wants to advantage.

It bears noting that so many immigrants come to America with no resources and often unable to even communicate in English and within a generation or two achieve objective success because the Free Enterprise system enables them to do so. At the same time we have generation upon generation never moving off government handouts. The difference is the former grabs for the fruits of free enterprise while the latter grabs only for it’s crumbs. The fault is not in the system, it is in the individual.

History proves that government can never hope to mandate prosperity: at best they can offer the barest of subsistence unless they dedicate themselves to the elimination of impediments to free market prosperity.

Every dollar confiscated by government is a dollar that will never create prosperity. Every dollar mandated to non-value-added products or services through government regulation or restriction is a dollar that will never create prosperity.

America is at a decision point: we can either embrace the economic system that has created the greatest, most prosperous, most inclusive, most productive; most generous; and most inventive society in human history; or we can embrace the universally discredited ideology of a bigoted president who has no experience and has never accomplished anything of value who is clearly dedicated to destroying that economic system. The choice is clear. The outcome is not.

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