Friday, November 6, 2009

The Simplicity of a Constitutional Republic

By electing Obama president, we’ve proven what should have been obvious: skin color offers no inherent benefit for selecting federal officers. We never again need to vote for a candidate solely based on the color of their skin. We need only select someone who understands, honors and strictly enforces the Constitution and has demonstrated ability to fulfill their delineated responsibilities.

Americans really do need to learn that our system for electing federal officers is amazingly simple.

America is a Constitutional Republic. That means that we elect surrogates to represent our interests in the operation of the federal government that was created, defined, authorized and restricted by Sovereign Citizens as delineated in the Constitution.

Every federal officer is required to take a solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” prior to being vested with any federal authority. Violation of that oath, obviously demonstrates unfitness for their federal office, be it Executive, Legislative, or Judicial and is therefore ample justification for removing them from their federal office.

We elect a federal government for one reason: to fulfill the duties clearly delineated in the Constitution of the United States (COTUS), in strict accordance with the COTUS: not for ‘Popular mandates’; ‘political objectives’ ; ‘progressive reformation’; ‘adjusting law for changing mores’; or ‘fundamental transformation of the United States of America’. The COTUS gives no federal officer any such authority, and the 9th and 10th Amendments remove all doubt.

There is no permission in the COTUS for liberalization or progressive modification of the duties, authorities, or responsibilities of the federal government short of legally ratified Amendments to the COTUS.

Citizens should never lose sight of the reality that the federal government was created to do those very limited duties that were impractical to be done by individual Sovereign Citizens. It was created with the clear realization that there is nothing more dangerous than delegating authority to another party; knowing that it is a fundamental characteristic of human nature to abuse and corrupt any such authority.

To inform any wannabe Constitutional lecturers: that is why the COTUS (especially the Bill of Rights) is a document of “negative rights”; clearly delineating what the federal government cannot do. The 9th and 10th Amendments reinforce that the federal government has no authorities not specifically delineated in the COTUS. Should the question ever arise, “what the federal government must do for it’s Citizens” is specifically limited to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”.

It’s so simple even Ivy League-educated dunderheads should be able to comprehend it. Our job as Citizens is to assure that anyone we entrust to serve us as a federal officer complies with these expectations to the letter.

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