Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anti-Statism is Patriotic

Response to: February 11, 2010 Tea Partiers Are Anti-Statist Radicals By E.J. Dionne

EJ, like our president, you need to have a grown-up read and explain to you the Constitution of the United States. It's only 4400 words, and if you throw in the Bill of Rights it's only another 1700 words. It isn't like trying to read the health care bill.

The COTUS is the document that defines the lawful responsibilities and limited authorities delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the federal government. It is most assuredly an anti-Statist document. Anti-Statism is the foundation of America and therefore is the standard. Supporting anti-Statism is patriotic, not radical.

For many irrational reasons we have elected a Statist as president and therein lies the problem. It is inherently impossible for him to fulfill his Constitutional responsibilities, live within his Constitutionally-limited authorities, or to honor his oath of office. Therefore he needs to be removed from office: the sooner the better.

Race has absolutely nothing to do with it. Anyone, regardless of race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, age, gender, et al who promotes Statism deserves the wrath of American Citizens. For those opposed to Citizen efforts to "preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS", screaming 'racist' is the easiest red herring to throw in their path. That tactic is rapidly losing it's effectiveness as Citizens across the entire political and racial spectrum find offensiveness in Obama's tired, disreputable, radical, Statist politics.

If you (or the president) were capable of comprehending the COTUS, you would discover that we elect a federal government to fulfill their COTUS-defined responsibilities, within the COTUS-limited authorities; and to 'preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS': only that and nothing more. You will not find any authority, anywhere in the COTUS for any federal officer, or branch for that matter, to 'fundamentally transform the USA’. On the contrary, they are sworn to do the opposite before being vested with any federal authority.

There is good news in all this however: as Americans, we believe that people have the liberty to pursue their dreams as long as they don’t infringe on the liberty of others. There are more than 200 countries in the world where Statists can live unencumbered by the COTUS; it’s just that the US isn’t one of them. There are only two kinds of people in America: those who honor the COTUS and those who need to move somewhere else. Delta is ready when you are. There is no discrimination included in this advice; only compliance with America’s founding principles and promise.

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