Monday, February 1, 2010

Constitutionality Not Popularism

David Paul Kuhn, Chief Political Correspondence for suggests that president Obama should try Popularism.

President Obama doesn't need to try Populism, he needs to understand Constitutionality. From his public statements, Obama clearly neither understands nor honors the COTUS that he swore to preserve, protect and defend as a precondition to being vested with any federal authority.

The COTUS is very specific about the responsibilities and authorities delegated to each branch of the federal government, and quite clear that the federal government is specifically denied any authority to alter those delegated responsibilities and authorities. That can only be done by the Sovereign Citizens via a ratified Amendment to the COTUS.

The COTUS is quite clear: we elect a federal government to fulfill the enumerated duties and protect the COTUS: nothing more and nothing less. No federal branch or federal officer has any authority to "fundamentally transform the USA".

It appears that more Americans are beginning to understand the Constitution, reflected in what is referred to as the Tea Party Movement. As Sovereign Citizens it is our responsibility to remove from office any federal officer who fails to honor their solemn oath of office by usurping authorities not granted.

President Obama needs to learn this lesson more than any other, and he better learn it quickly as our patience is fading fast.

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