Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama's no moderate!

Joe Klein of Time Magazine writes "...a moderate-liberal President, willing to make judicious compromises, confronted by a Republican Party paralyzed by cynicism and hypocrisy, undergirded by inchoate ideological fervor."

Read more:,8599,1958996,00.html#ixzz0eZp1ynDI

To suggest that president Obama is a “moderate Liberal” is absurdity at it’s zenith! Redistributing wealth is nowhere in the spectrum of American Constitutional values. Stoking his personal staff with self-avowed Marxists, Maoists, and other proven anti-American radicals is nowhere on the Moderate scale. “Fundamentally transforming the US” is not a legal authority of the president.

We have had more than a year to observe the great chasm between Obama’s words and his actions. We have learned that he is a pathological liar: nowhere better demonstrated than in his SOTU speech. In Virginia, New Jersey, and in Massachusetts the American people have responded to what they have learned about Obama and this Congress. We don’t like what they are attempting to shove down our throats.

We haven’t seen bi-partisanship from Obama or his Congress. We have seen that “elections have consequences”; we’ve seen the outside of closed doors in the House and Senate while a parade of lobbyists, and only a select few Democrat legislators crafted abominable, unsustainable, incomprehensible and un-Constitutional proposals that were unacceptable to Obama’s own super-majority without the most egregious and offensive (not to mention un-Constitutional) bribery to buy the final votes needed to push this garbage forward. We have seen Obama going behind the backs of his own party leadership to craft secret back-room deals with Big Pharma and Big Insurance and Big Labor. In the most liberal of the United States, the people said “no more!” and sent a super-majority buster to the Senate.

It is telling that the overwhelming Democrat majority is unable to accomplish anything without a super-majority: clearly what they are attempting to strong-arm on the American people is unpopular, or one dissenting vote wouldn’t make a difference.

The real problem is not opposition from the Republicans; it is that the American people have discovered that Obama is a liar. The problem with a liar is that it is impossible to give any credence to anything they say: it is impossible to trust them regardless of which side of the argument they are on.

We have learned that Obama will say anything to sway a crowd: he just doesn’t mean it and doesn’t follow-through on what he promises. His actions are completely consistent with being a Community Organizer: stir-up the crowd, make the 6 o’clock news, and move on to the next event without ever accomplishing anything of substance.

If the lies, deceit, thuggery, extortion and bribery that are the ‘sophistication of Obama’s politics’ were acceptable to the People then you wouldn’t being seeing long-seated Democrats turned out of office, or opting out before they have to face another election.

Obama is over. He will have the fight of his life to make it through a single term of office because America isn’t interested in his Statist agenda. We must replace him with someone who actually loves the Constitution and America: the sooner the better!

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