Thursday, February 11, 2010

Palin sides with the Constitution

In response to: Myth Alaska
Sarah Palin bounces a reality check. Nick Gillespie from the March 2010 issue

Sarah Palin is Everyman to Americans who are sick and tired of Ivy League elitists who harbor nothing but contempt for America, Americans, and the Constitution; to Americans who are sick and tired of being told what to think and how to act by blood-sucking leaches who have never ventured from their ivory tower fantasy world where they hold absolute sway over emerging teens while cocooning in their tenured shells free from the pressures of real competition in making a living (more often than not on the backs of taxpayer subsidies for education and ‘research’).

We understand that when these blockheads ridicule Palin, they are ridiculing the rest of us who believe in America, hold traditional values, and honor our Constitution. It is precisely the attitude that we are “angry people clinging to their guns and religion; prejudiced against people who don’t look like them” that drives us mad.

Everyday Americans don’t care what someone looks like; we only care about how they behave. Legal immigrants have always taken a beating until they adopt American values; at which point they are free to bash others until they in turn adopt American values. We don’t care about “the color of their skin, only the content of their character”.

It is the elitists who search for any characteristic to claim superiority over others. Most Americans resent those who claim special privilege because of race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or national origin because we believe in equal opportunity and we believe in equal justice: we believe “…that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”

When elected officials violate the Constitution, we get angry: although for the past generation or two we haven’t been getting angry enough. That appears to be changing for the better.

As for Palin’s resignation I suggest you actually read her resignation speech and learn that she did it because her detractors were flooding the courts with bogus law suits that cost the people of Alaska millions of dollars and thousands of man hours; and cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend (all of which have subsequently proven to be without merit). She had a choice: she could, like Barack Obama, ignore the responsibilities that her constituents elected her to handle to hit the campaign (money) trail to pay her legal expenses. She could remain in office and let the Alaska taxpayers fund a never ending stream of baseless charges against their governor: or she could do the right thing and resign. As governor she had put into place competent people who would continue to work for their constituents without her. If only every politician would be so honorable.

Any contention about Sarah Palin’s qualifications to be president, against the backdrop of the utter incompetence and incomparable inexperience of Barack Obama is absolutely laughable. She had more experience in governance after her first week as mayor of Wasilla than Obama has today. She actually accomplished things; she was actually accountable to her constituents; she actually eliminated government waste and cronyism, regardless of which political party was responsible for it.

I think you should take 5 minutes and read Article II of the COTUS. You will find there an enumeration of the specific responsibilities delegated to the POTUS. Take another 5 minutes and read the Bill of Rights and you will learn that not only is presidential responsibility limited to those enumerated responsibilities; but there is specific prohibition against assuming any additional authorities or responsibilities other than those enumerated. Checking the list, I believe you will not find any that require extraordinary capabilities. Nor will you find any authority to “fundamentally transform the USA” by any federal officer or branch of government. Quite the contrary, each federal officer is required a solemn oath NOT to fundamentally change the USA before being vested with any federal authority.

Unlike president Obama, Sarah Palin appears to comprehend that the COTUS was specifically structured to be a “charter of negative rights” regarding federal authority; and a proscription against assumption of any authorities not enumerated in the COTUS.

The left hates Palin because she is a constant reminder that there are very specific rules governing America, and they aren’t the rules of the elitist leftists, but the rules delineated in the COTUS. Progressives (Republican and Democrat) hate Palin because she understands that the COTUS is not a “fluid document subject to social interpretation”, as reinforced by the oath of office of every federal officer required before being vested with any federal authority; but rather a list of specifically strict restrictions on the authority of the federal government.

For the Progressive McCain to select Palin as a running mate was a serious mistake because it brought into clear focus that McCain is not a Constitutionalist, and it demonstrated to Constitution-loving Americans that there were, in politics, acceptable candidates who deserved their support, such as Sarah Palin.

If the attempted destruction of the global financial system, designed, implemented and empowered solely by Ivy League ‘educated’ perpetrators is any indication, we should take an Idaho BA over an Ivy League JD every time. If we consider the never ending, un-Constitutional power grabs of Ivy League ‘educated’ politicians and Justices over the past two generations, we should automatically exclude from consideration any candidate with an Ivy League education. We’d clearly be much better for it.

Our Constitution is written in very direct and clear terms and does not require great intellect to understand it: in fact, it appears that those self-proclaimed to possess great intellect have done it egregious harm over the past 60 years. For example: “the Congress shall pass no law restricting the free exercise of religion”; or “the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”; or “no person shall be denied Life, Liberty, or property without due process of law” are as straight-forward and understandable as any expressions ever written. Yet “great intellects” have bastardized them so that neither mangers nor the Ten Commandments can be placed on government property; governments at all levels have infringed the right of the people to bear arms in every way imaginable; and babies are murdered by the thousands every day without the slightest effort of due process of law to protect their Creator-given right to Life.

Regarding the receipt of federal funds by the State of Alaska, it’s probably inconvenient to note that according to the COTUS, it is the Representatives, not the Governor who have the authority to generate federal spending bills. Oh that pesky COTUS!

Those who disparage Sarah Palin are treading on very thin ice. It isn’t common Citizens that renounce her; it is a rightfully ever-diminishing 4th Estate, and other special interests who despise the COTUS. She has the validity of the Constitution supporting her, while her opponents would deny the Constitution.

In a Constitutional Republic, “that dog don’t hunt”.

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