Monday, February 22, 2010

The fallacy of the health care summit

Response to EJ Dionne's Dems Can't Give Up on Health Reform

President Obama is trying very hard to shape HC reform as a compromise between the horrendous House bill and the scabby Senate bill, bypassing the most important issue of all: that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to mandate health care insurance on Sovereign Citizens.

To suggest that “the House and Senate have worked for a year to pass quite similar bills” is an absurdity of the first order. These abominations haven’t been crafted by our elected officials; they have been crafted by 3000 lobbyists. They haven’t been thoughtfully considered and openly debated by our representatives; they have been kluged together behind closed doors by a handful of Democrat congressional “leaders”. It appears that our representatives have not read, and do not understand what it is that they have actually voted to approve so hastily and surreptitiously.

If any legislation comes out of this “summit” it will be a travesty against the Constitution and the Sovereignty of American Citizens, unless it is legislation that eliminates once and for all any discussion of federally mandated health care or insurance.

Dionne, if you would take 30 minutes to read the Constitution, you would learn that elections don’t have nearly the consequences that you apparently presume. According to the COTUS, we elect a federal government to fulfill Constitutionally enumerated responsibilities, and to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’: only this and nothing more. There is no legal entity of “popular mandate” or “political mandate” in our Constitutional Republic.

According to the oath of office that every federal officer is obligated to swear before being endowed with any federal authority, every one of them should be objecting to this un-Constitutional garbage that this administration is attempting to force on the American people. Those that aren’t objecting should be removed from office for violating their solemn oath of office.

The ‘establishment media’ long ago abdicated their essential responsibility to honestly inform the American voter. If they were doing their job they would be comparing the health care bills line by line with the enumerated responsibilities and authorities delineated in the COTUS, noting that the president, and the Congress are attempting to usurp powers never granted to them by the COTUS: and that is the definition of treason.

The real opportunity of this summit is to demonstrate to the American people if this Congress has the integrity and determination to fulfill their sacred duty; or if they are no more than harlots selling their vote to the highest bidder. There is little reason for optimism that this will be anything more than cheap political theater, orchestrated by this most partisan president, because that is all that he knows how to do. That is after all the role of the Community Organizer.

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