Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Man-made Global Warming Lies

For 500 years man has used the degree of solar flare activity to predict earth temperature trends and their impact on agricultural production.

Science (from real scientists, not man-made-climate-change hacks) has sediment data covering 1 Million years that demonstrate conclusively an approximate 1500 year natural earth temperature cycle.

Over 700 peer-reviewed scientists affirm the 1500 year cycle.

Now we have proof that the climate hacks have cooked the books, manipulated the data, lied to the world and conspired to prevent real scientists from publishing real data.

We know that since 1998 the earth has been cooling counter to every hack prediction; and counter to the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations but proportional to the decline in solar flare activity.

Let's stop the garbage about man-made global warming and put our time and energies to solving real problems like runaway government growth; unsustainable government spending; destruction of American manufacturing; criminally ineffective government controlled education; prosecution of our treasonous Congress and administration; elimination of the useless Department of Energy; and repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments.

There is much that needs to be done: gum-flapping over man-made climate change isn't one of them. Al Gore and GE will just have to find some other way to steal a fortune from a gullible global population..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin isn't qualified???

Last November we learned that 66 Million Americans do not expect their president:
to have any real world experience doing anything;
to have ever accomplished any achievement of note;
to have ever actually fulfilled a promise;
to provide any details about their life prior to campaigning for president;
to complete a single term representing the people of their state in the federal government;
to explain any personal or professional relationships over the course of their lives;
to explain why there is no record of large parts of their university years;
to provide vault copy of proof of birth as provided by other candidates;
to explain how all educational loans for self and spouse were paid on a meager income;
to know, understand, or honor the Constitution of the United States;
to understand what it means to be an American, or how to honorably represent America.

So just exactly how can ANYONE be classified as unqualified to be president?

Sarah Palin strikes fear in the hearts of Liberals everywhere because she sees through their BS; communicates rather than equivocates; produces tangible results in public service; fearlessly takes-on corruption in her own party; refuses to hold her constituents hostage while pursuing causes external to those she was elected to pursue; and actually lives by the standards she espouses.

Sarah forces Liberals to recognize that they live on the wrong side of the Looking Glass, which for them is worse than any 60's acid trip gone badly. That appears to be the most plausible explanation for the grotesquely irrational reaction to Sarah Palin by Liberals and Progressives.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Americans don't bow, Mr. President

I’m well aware that your father comes from a culture that still practices slavery; and I realize that as a Muslim child you were taught to bow, but Americans don’t bow.

Apparently you have never been instructed on what it means to be an American. Let me give you a quick course. I’ll start with our Declaration of Independence which declares, in part: “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…” If you can understand this paragraph, you can understand America.

Since all men are created equal, the idea that one man should bow to another is an affront to the Creator who is no respecter of persons: it is therefore an affront to Americans who recognize the role of the Creator in creating us, and our nation.

The first example of an inalienable right is Life. Since Life comes from the Creator, man has a responsibility to sustain that Life; and man has no right to arbitrarily take his own or any other life. Our Founding Fathers went further to specifically deny the federal government any authority to take any Life without “due process of law” in the 5th Amendment. That is why your position promoting the murder of unborn lives without any due process of law is both immoral and un-Constitutional.

The second example of an inalienable right is Liberty. Liberty is freedom from despotic government or control. Liberty is freedom from obligation to any foreign office or officer. While British subjects are compelled by their government to bow to their monarch, no such demand is applicable to Americans because each of us is the equal of that monarch. Since we are equals, there is no justification to show subservience to anyone. To do so is to deny the very essence of America and to dishonor every American patriot who has sacrificed to establish and preserve America.

The pursuit of happiness is what we choose to do with our lives; it is the resources and tools that we craft to pursue our happiness and the produce of our efforts and resources. No government has any right to pre-determine our objectives or re-distribute this produce. The Founding Fathers were very careful to deny the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens. This critical restriction was circumvented by the 16th Amendment, and is responsible for egregious abuse of the American people for generations by an ever increasingly tyrannical federal government.

The preeminent foundation of America is that our inalienable rights come from our Creator. Men create governments to secure and safeguard their inalienable rights from abuse by others. The legitimate authorities of such government are limited to those specifically defined and delegated by the Citizens who create the government. In the case of America those delegated authorities (and responsibilities) are defined by the Constitution of the United States. These authorities and responsibilities are not subject to interpretation, progressive reformation, addition or subtraction by any federal officer. That's why every federal officer must take a sacred oath to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States before being granted any federal authority.

Americans don’t bow to any man because we have no superiors to whom we are subservient, except for the Creator.

As President, you don't represent the individual Barack Obama; your beliefs, your values, or your agenda, you represent those who have created and sustained the greatest, most generous, most inclusive, most innovative, most productive and freest civilization in the history of man over the past 400 years. When you bow to any man, it is no sign of courtesy, but rather a most grievous insult to the memory of the dedication, sacrifice, and honor of 400 years of patriots; and all those who today still honor American values.

If you will not represent us with appropriate respect, you have no right to represent us at all.

Americans bow to no man; ever.

The Gitmo Solution

There is a very simple Biblical solution to the Gitmo detainees.

In the book of Daniel, the religious beliefs of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were tested by King Nebuchadnezzar by throwing them into a fire. God kept them safe from harm despite the intense heat, proving that their faith was justified.

The murderous Islamic terrorists claim that they are doing God’s will. It should be simple enough to prove. Build an intense fire in a large furnace, bind each terrorist and cast them into the fire.

Every terrorist who walks out of the fire unharmed should be returned to their home (not to the US). This should offer them the opportunity to prove the justice of their cause far more effectively than any Jihad.

This solution offers the opportunity to accomplish true justice, is Biblically based, and has been proven effective in determining the true will of God; doesn’t put the US at risk, doesn’t cost Millions of Dollars, and offers an immediate resolution to both the disposition of the terrorists and the search for justice.

It offers the additional benefit of complying with the 1st Amendment which states: “Congress shall pass no law that restricts the free exercise of religion”.

An elegant solution.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962)

The surest way to understand the objective of any federal legislation is to take the negative of the title given to the legislation by it’s sponsors. Using that standard, we see that Pelosi’s bill is not affordable; does not provide health care; and doesn’t benefit America.

Over $10 Billion of the Stimulus Bill funds elements required to implement and administer federal health care. So, even if no federal healthcare bill is passed, the framework will be built: Is this a legislative anchor-baby?

The House bill for healthcare establishes a link between medical data and IRS data. It provides for criminal and civil penalties via the IRS for anyone willfully choosing not to purchase healthcare insurance: fines not to exceed $250K and up to 5 years in prison!

Rather than jailing Citizens for choosing not to purchase healthcare insurance, how about we jail legislators who spend money we don’t have?

Any individual who repeatedly spends money they don’t have will soon find themselves under the long arm of the law yet we tolerate legislators doing it to us day after day; year after year.

If universal healthcare is so critical to the future and welfare of America, why not require federal spending cuts to cover the actual costs for that healthcare throughout the duration of any healthcare legislation?

It is worth noting that the same legislators who have no problem with millions of illegal aliens infiltrating America in violation of our laws; who have no problem with spending Billions to educate, feed, house, and provide healthcare for those illegals; think it is perfectly fine to incarcerate Citizens who willfully choose not to have health insurance.

America’s greatest need right now is hot tar, feathers, and rails for 500.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why healthcare in America is so expensive.

Why do we pussy-foot around the issue of the high cost of healthcare in America?

1. Why do we have an infinite number of insurance pools? If insurance is a State matter, we should have no more than 50 pools. If it is a federal issue, we should have one pool. The effect of infinite pools of miniscule size is to increase the cost of insurance because it minimizes the size of the group over which outlier costs can be amortized. Bigger pools, mean a lower percentage of outliers to be amortized by the entire pool.

It is interesting to note that the only reason that health insurance is employer-based for most is because of government interference. During World War II, the government implemented wage and price controls to prevent runaway costs as manufacturers, essential for the war effort, competed for a limited labor pool. Since defectors couldn’t be wooed with higher wages, employers enticed employees with ever increasing benefits and perks including health insurance.

We all have the option to purchase personal health insurance, but choose to have our employers provide it in the mistaken expectation that it’s cheaper that way. It isn’t.

2. The healthcare special interests: doctors, providers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, hospitals, insurers, etc. are all heavy political contributors. Each uses their bribes to influence government policies, regulations, and programs to their specific advantage. Every government decision is subject to prior sale.

3. Healthcare providers define the diseases, prescribe the tests, and define the treatment regimens; and then they provide the facilities and procedures to maximize their return on investment to fulfill those “government specified and approved” regimens irrespective of what may actually be required to treat a specific patient.

4. Once established, regimens eliminate competition and efficiency because they don’t have to be justified case by case; simply billed as pre-approved. There is no oversight to question the costs other than that provided by the insurers themselves. Another conflict of interest derives from the fact that typically, the doctors who define and specify test and treatment regimens are the owners of the approved diagnostic resources, giving them non-reviewed authority to control the return on their investment in the diagnostic resources independently of the actual need for any such diagnostics to treat individual patients.

5. Why do we accept that there is one cost for someone with insurance and a different one for those who are paying out of pocket as is the common practice among healthcare providers?

6. 85% of all healthcare costs in America are consumed by patients 65 and older. 65% of those costs are consumed in the final 6 months of life. With Baby Boomers two years away from hitting that magic mark, healthcare providers are frantically trying to assure that they will be paid for all the excessive costs that are about to explode. The issue isn’t to assure that everyone has appropriate healthcare coverage; the issue is that the providers have someone to pay the bill for the regimens they have institutionalized by government mandate purchased with campaign contributions.

Note that the "savings" that are supposed to off-set the $1.25 Trillion cost come from $500 Billion in reductions in Medicare that take effect years before the implementation of the full healthcare plan in 2014. I'm sure it's simply coincidental that Medicare is getting slashed and hacked just as Baby Boomers reach eligibility.

7. Healthcare costs are so high in America for only one reason: government subsidies established, defined, mandated, and implemented as a result of the bribes of healthcare provider special interests at every single point along the healthcare continuum.

There is only one way to minimize the cost of effective healthcare in America, and that is to eliminate all government subsidies, mandates, and competition-limiting regulations.

8. There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that grants the federal government any authority to be involved in healthcare. They have no authority to regulate it, define it, subsidize it, or mandate it. The fact that they have been doing so for generations does nothing to legitimize their usurpation of un-delegated authority.

9. No one in their right mind can expect the federal government to manage healthcare. There is no program managed by the federal government that doesn’t suffer criminal mismanagement.
a. Congressional lunchroom lost $2 Million last year alone
b. Taxpayers subsidize every Amtrak passenger to the tune of $423 per trip
c. The Department of Energy, created to minimize US dependence on foreign energy in 1978 now has 24000 direct employees, 100,000 contract employees, a budget of $24 Billion a year and oversees a higher dependence on foreign energy now than ever before. We’d be better-off to liquidate the Department of Energy. The same is true for most federal Departments.
d. Compare the gross inefficiency and waste of the government managed Postal Service with the effectiveness of privately managed UPS and Fed-Ex.
e. Does anyone believe that Veteran medical services (3% of the hospitals in America serving 1% of the population) are in any way adequate?
f. Does anyone in their right mind want healthcare like the federal government provides to Native Americans?

Healthcare is outrageously expensive in America BECAUSE of the interference in it by the federal government. Every activity that the federal government attempts to manage, it is criminally corrupt and grossly mismanaged.

Not only do we have to prevent federal takeover of our healthcare system, we must purge the federal government from every activity not specifically authorized by the COTUS. The sooner we do this, the sooner America will be restored to her proper glory.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jobs Drive America

What are you people in Washington thinking? Rome is burning and you are fiddling!

We need JOBS, we don’t need government funded healthcare. At $1.25 Trillion dollars, that’s 25 Million jobs at $50,000 a year, the median household income in America.

We need JOBS, we don’t need the absurdity of Cap and Trade that will add $4000 cost to every household in America.

We need JOBS, we don’t need a bogus Stimulus bill that does no more than repay Obama supporters and expand a government that accomplishes nothing positive and adds billions in non-value added cost to American lives. Only 15% of the Stimulus has actually been spent so the 85% can be cancelled. The administration says that all jobs that will be created by the Stimulus have already been created. Cancel the Stimulus.

We need JOBS; real jobs, not government jobs that consume revenue, we need real jobs that create revenue. We need people in Washington who understand this.

We need JOBS, we don’t need monetization of government debt that will do nothing more than fuel exploding inflation just as the Baby Boomers reach the point of trying to live on fixed incomes.

It isn’t enough that you don’t contribute to additional government costs, we are counting on you to do everything in your power to reverse the idiotic spending spree that this Congress appears to engage in regardless of the destruction it is causing to our economy today and for generations to come.

This Congress, and this Marxist administration is driving a wedge between the American way of life purchased with the blood and sacrifice of 250 years of American patriots; and the failed philosophies of Socialism and Marxism being jammed down our throats. This is intolerable. If you don’t understand the meaning of intolerable, look it up.

Not only is what the federal government currently doing clearly un-Constitutional, it is truly intolerable, made even worse by the complete disregard of the sentiments of the American taxpayer by an elitist, non-responsive, self-centered, ego-maniacal federal government.

The federal government’s primary responsibility is to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”. Any actions that subvert this sacred responsibility meet the definition of Treason according to USC Title, Chapter 115. Make sure your cohorts understand that.

Don’t waste my time with another mealy-mouthed form letter response. I expect corrective action from you, not empty rhetoric.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Simplicity of a Constitutional Republic

By electing Obama president, we’ve proven what should have been obvious: skin color offers no inherent benefit for selecting federal officers. We never again need to vote for a candidate solely based on the color of their skin. We need only select someone who understands, honors and strictly enforces the Constitution and has demonstrated ability to fulfill their delineated responsibilities.

Americans really do need to learn that our system for electing federal officers is amazingly simple.

America is a Constitutional Republic. That means that we elect surrogates to represent our interests in the operation of the federal government that was created, defined, authorized and restricted by Sovereign Citizens as delineated in the Constitution.

Every federal officer is required to take a solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” prior to being vested with any federal authority. Violation of that oath, obviously demonstrates unfitness for their federal office, be it Executive, Legislative, or Judicial and is therefore ample justification for removing them from their federal office.

We elect a federal government for one reason: to fulfill the duties clearly delineated in the Constitution of the United States (COTUS), in strict accordance with the COTUS: not for ‘Popular mandates’; ‘political objectives’ ; ‘progressive reformation’; ‘adjusting law for changing mores’; or ‘fundamental transformation of the United States of America’. The COTUS gives no federal officer any such authority, and the 9th and 10th Amendments remove all doubt.

There is no permission in the COTUS for liberalization or progressive modification of the duties, authorities, or responsibilities of the federal government short of legally ratified Amendments to the COTUS.

Citizens should never lose sight of the reality that the federal government was created to do those very limited duties that were impractical to be done by individual Sovereign Citizens. It was created with the clear realization that there is nothing more dangerous than delegating authority to another party; knowing that it is a fundamental characteristic of human nature to abuse and corrupt any such authority.

To inform any wannabe Constitutional lecturers: that is why the COTUS (especially the Bill of Rights) is a document of “negative rights”; clearly delineating what the federal government cannot do. The 9th and 10th Amendments reinforce that the federal government has no authorities not specifically delineated in the COTUS. Should the question ever arise, “what the federal government must do for it’s Citizens” is specifically limited to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”.

It’s so simple even Ivy League-educated dunderheads should be able to comprehend it. Our job as Citizens is to assure that anyone we entrust to serve us as a federal officer complies with these expectations to the letter.