Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Man-made Global Warming Lies

For 500 years man has used the degree of solar flare activity to predict earth temperature trends and their impact on agricultural production.

Science (from real scientists, not man-made-climate-change hacks) has sediment data covering 1 Million years that demonstrate conclusively an approximate 1500 year natural earth temperature cycle.

Over 700 peer-reviewed scientists affirm the 1500 year cycle.

Now we have proof that the climate hacks have cooked the books, manipulated the data, lied to the world and conspired to prevent real scientists from publishing real data.

We know that since 1998 the earth has been cooling counter to every hack prediction; and counter to the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations but proportional to the decline in solar flare activity.

Let's stop the garbage about man-made global warming and put our time and energies to solving real problems like runaway government growth; unsustainable government spending; destruction of American manufacturing; criminally ineffective government controlled education; prosecution of our treasonous Congress and administration; elimination of the useless Department of Energy; and repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments.

There is much that needs to be done: gum-flapping over man-made climate change isn't one of them. Al Gore and GE will just have to find some other way to steal a fortune from a gullible global population..

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