Monday, November 9, 2009

Jobs Drive America

What are you people in Washington thinking? Rome is burning and you are fiddling!

We need JOBS, we don’t need government funded healthcare. At $1.25 Trillion dollars, that’s 25 Million jobs at $50,000 a year, the median household income in America.

We need JOBS, we don’t need the absurdity of Cap and Trade that will add $4000 cost to every household in America.

We need JOBS, we don’t need a bogus Stimulus bill that does no more than repay Obama supporters and expand a government that accomplishes nothing positive and adds billions in non-value added cost to American lives. Only 15% of the Stimulus has actually been spent so the 85% can be cancelled. The administration says that all jobs that will be created by the Stimulus have already been created. Cancel the Stimulus.

We need JOBS; real jobs, not government jobs that consume revenue, we need real jobs that create revenue. We need people in Washington who understand this.

We need JOBS, we don’t need monetization of government debt that will do nothing more than fuel exploding inflation just as the Baby Boomers reach the point of trying to live on fixed incomes.

It isn’t enough that you don’t contribute to additional government costs, we are counting on you to do everything in your power to reverse the idiotic spending spree that this Congress appears to engage in regardless of the destruction it is causing to our economy today and for generations to come.

This Congress, and this Marxist administration is driving a wedge between the American way of life purchased with the blood and sacrifice of 250 years of American patriots; and the failed philosophies of Socialism and Marxism being jammed down our throats. This is intolerable. If you don’t understand the meaning of intolerable, look it up.

Not only is what the federal government currently doing clearly un-Constitutional, it is truly intolerable, made even worse by the complete disregard of the sentiments of the American taxpayer by an elitist, non-responsive, self-centered, ego-maniacal federal government.

The federal government’s primary responsibility is to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”. Any actions that subvert this sacred responsibility meet the definition of Treason according to USC Title, Chapter 115. Make sure your cohorts understand that.

Don’t waste my time with another mealy-mouthed form letter response. I expect corrective action from you, not empty rhetoric.

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