Thursday, November 12, 2009

Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962)

The surest way to understand the objective of any federal legislation is to take the negative of the title given to the legislation by it’s sponsors. Using that standard, we see that Pelosi’s bill is not affordable; does not provide health care; and doesn’t benefit America.

Over $10 Billion of the Stimulus Bill funds elements required to implement and administer federal health care. So, even if no federal healthcare bill is passed, the framework will be built: Is this a legislative anchor-baby?

The House bill for healthcare establishes a link between medical data and IRS data. It provides for criminal and civil penalties via the IRS for anyone willfully choosing not to purchase healthcare insurance: fines not to exceed $250K and up to 5 years in prison!

Rather than jailing Citizens for choosing not to purchase healthcare insurance, how about we jail legislators who spend money we don’t have?

Any individual who repeatedly spends money they don’t have will soon find themselves under the long arm of the law yet we tolerate legislators doing it to us day after day; year after year.

If universal healthcare is so critical to the future and welfare of America, why not require federal spending cuts to cover the actual costs for that healthcare throughout the duration of any healthcare legislation?

It is worth noting that the same legislators who have no problem with millions of illegal aliens infiltrating America in violation of our laws; who have no problem with spending Billions to educate, feed, house, and provide healthcare for those illegals; think it is perfectly fine to incarcerate Citizens who willfully choose not to have health insurance.

America’s greatest need right now is hot tar, feathers, and rails for 500.

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