Monday, November 16, 2009

The Gitmo Solution

There is a very simple Biblical solution to the Gitmo detainees.

In the book of Daniel, the religious beliefs of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were tested by King Nebuchadnezzar by throwing them into a fire. God kept them safe from harm despite the intense heat, proving that their faith was justified.

The murderous Islamic terrorists claim that they are doing God’s will. It should be simple enough to prove. Build an intense fire in a large furnace, bind each terrorist and cast them into the fire.

Every terrorist who walks out of the fire unharmed should be returned to their home (not to the US). This should offer them the opportunity to prove the justice of their cause far more effectively than any Jihad.

This solution offers the opportunity to accomplish true justice, is Biblically based, and has been proven effective in determining the true will of God; doesn’t put the US at risk, doesn’t cost Millions of Dollars, and offers an immediate resolution to both the disposition of the terrorists and the search for justice.

It offers the additional benefit of complying with the 1st Amendment which states: “Congress shall pass no law that restricts the free exercise of religion”.

An elegant solution.

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