Monday, November 16, 2009

Americans don't bow, Mr. President

I’m well aware that your father comes from a culture that still practices slavery; and I realize that as a Muslim child you were taught to bow, but Americans don’t bow.

Apparently you have never been instructed on what it means to be an American. Let me give you a quick course. I’ll start with our Declaration of Independence which declares, in part: “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…” If you can understand this paragraph, you can understand America.

Since all men are created equal, the idea that one man should bow to another is an affront to the Creator who is no respecter of persons: it is therefore an affront to Americans who recognize the role of the Creator in creating us, and our nation.

The first example of an inalienable right is Life. Since Life comes from the Creator, man has a responsibility to sustain that Life; and man has no right to arbitrarily take his own or any other life. Our Founding Fathers went further to specifically deny the federal government any authority to take any Life without “due process of law” in the 5th Amendment. That is why your position promoting the murder of unborn lives without any due process of law is both immoral and un-Constitutional.

The second example of an inalienable right is Liberty. Liberty is freedom from despotic government or control. Liberty is freedom from obligation to any foreign office or officer. While British subjects are compelled by their government to bow to their monarch, no such demand is applicable to Americans because each of us is the equal of that monarch. Since we are equals, there is no justification to show subservience to anyone. To do so is to deny the very essence of America and to dishonor every American patriot who has sacrificed to establish and preserve America.

The pursuit of happiness is what we choose to do with our lives; it is the resources and tools that we craft to pursue our happiness and the produce of our efforts and resources. No government has any right to pre-determine our objectives or re-distribute this produce. The Founding Fathers were very careful to deny the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens. This critical restriction was circumvented by the 16th Amendment, and is responsible for egregious abuse of the American people for generations by an ever increasingly tyrannical federal government.

The preeminent foundation of America is that our inalienable rights come from our Creator. Men create governments to secure and safeguard their inalienable rights from abuse by others. The legitimate authorities of such government are limited to those specifically defined and delegated by the Citizens who create the government. In the case of America those delegated authorities (and responsibilities) are defined by the Constitution of the United States. These authorities and responsibilities are not subject to interpretation, progressive reformation, addition or subtraction by any federal officer. That's why every federal officer must take a sacred oath to 'preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States before being granted any federal authority.

Americans don’t bow to any man because we have no superiors to whom we are subservient, except for the Creator.

As President, you don't represent the individual Barack Obama; your beliefs, your values, or your agenda, you represent those who have created and sustained the greatest, most generous, most inclusive, most innovative, most productive and freest civilization in the history of man over the past 400 years. When you bow to any man, it is no sign of courtesy, but rather a most grievous insult to the memory of the dedication, sacrifice, and honor of 400 years of patriots; and all those who today still honor American values.

If you will not represent us with appropriate respect, you have no right to represent us at all.

Americans bow to no man; ever.

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