Sunday, January 31, 2010

Constitutionalists, Not Libertarians

Response to: Eleanor Clift, Newsweek

Dear Ms. Clift:

You don’t get it.

The first thing you need to do is sit down with a copy of the Constitution and a piece of paper. Start with Article I and list the specific responsibilities and authorities that the Sovereign Citizens DELEGATED to Congress. Once you’ve completed that, do the same for Article II to learn the LEGAL authorities and responsibilities of the President. (We’ll skip the Judiciary for today, but they are just as wrong as these two branches).

Amazingly short lists aren’t they?

The Tea Party movement is about making the federal government comply with these lists. It isn’t about anger; the anger is a response to a federal government that fails to be restricted by the COTUS that created it; and the failure of our elected government to respond to our rightful demands for them to comply.

The COTUS isn’t a flexible document. Did you notice that every federal officer is required to take a solemn oath to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’ before being empowered with any federal authority? No federal officer is authorized to interpret or modify or adjust the enumerated duties: that can only be done by a legally ratified Amendment. No federal officer has any authority to “fundamentally transform the USA” and in fact are sworn to do the opposite.

To make it simple: we elect a federal government to exercise their delegated responsibilities and protect the COTUS: Nothing more; nothing less.

Tea Party people are NOT Libertarians, they are Constitutionalists, and quite honestly there are only two kinds of people in America: Constitutionalists and those who should live somewhere else. That sounds harsh, but it’s no less true. The COTUS was designed to preserve and protect Citizens from a power-hungry and oppressive federal government, because government exists only to protect Citizen property rights, not to take and re-distribute their property.

As for the political parties; Republican and Democrat: did you see anything in the COTUS about them? Nope. Political parties exist only to pervert our Constitutional Republic. They are a way for elite wannabes to limit our choices in Representation. It’s okay for Citizens to join together to support their choice in representatives, but political parties have become far more than that.

Obama neither understands nor respects the COTUS or America for that matter. His SOTU demonstrates that he has no intention of being bound by the COTUS. For that reason he must be removed from office.

In America, Citizens are sovereign and the government exists only to serve them: not the other way around. Until there is appropriate realignment, the Tea Party will only grow: and that’s exactly how it should be.

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