Sunday, January 31, 2010

Constitutionalists, Not Libertarians

Response to: Eleanor Clift, Newsweek

Dear Ms. Clift:

You don’t get it.

The first thing you need to do is sit down with a copy of the Constitution and a piece of paper. Start with Article I and list the specific responsibilities and authorities that the Sovereign Citizens DELEGATED to Congress. Once you’ve completed that, do the same for Article II to learn the LEGAL authorities and responsibilities of the President. (We’ll skip the Judiciary for today, but they are just as wrong as these two branches).

Amazingly short lists aren’t they?

The Tea Party movement is about making the federal government comply with these lists. It isn’t about anger; the anger is a response to a federal government that fails to be restricted by the COTUS that created it; and the failure of our elected government to respond to our rightful demands for them to comply.

The COTUS isn’t a flexible document. Did you notice that every federal officer is required to take a solemn oath to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS’ before being empowered with any federal authority? No federal officer is authorized to interpret or modify or adjust the enumerated duties: that can only be done by a legally ratified Amendment. No federal officer has any authority to “fundamentally transform the USA” and in fact are sworn to do the opposite.

To make it simple: we elect a federal government to exercise their delegated responsibilities and protect the COTUS: Nothing more; nothing less.

Tea Party people are NOT Libertarians, they are Constitutionalists, and quite honestly there are only two kinds of people in America: Constitutionalists and those who should live somewhere else. That sounds harsh, but it’s no less true. The COTUS was designed to preserve and protect Citizens from a power-hungry and oppressive federal government, because government exists only to protect Citizen property rights, not to take and re-distribute their property.

As for the political parties; Republican and Democrat: did you see anything in the COTUS about them? Nope. Political parties exist only to pervert our Constitutional Republic. They are a way for elite wannabes to limit our choices in Representation. It’s okay for Citizens to join together to support their choice in representatives, but political parties have become far more than that.

Obama neither understands nor respects the COTUS or America for that matter. His SOTU demonstrates that he has no intention of being bound by the COTUS. For that reason he must be removed from office.

In America, Citizens are sovereign and the government exists only to serve them: not the other way around. Until there is appropriate realignment, the Tea Party will only grow: and that’s exactly how it should be.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Post SOTU Recap

The problem with dealing with a liar is that it is impossible to believe anything they say.

President Osama is a liar and the American people have finally realized it.

Being a liar is not the president's only problem, he's also a narcissist and a megalomaniac who happens to hate America and everything American.

Of course, as Harry Reid noted, he is light-skinned and he does not speak with a Negro dialect except when he wants to.

So, to recap:
Liabilities: liar, narcissist, megalomaniac, anti-American
Strengths: light skin, situational-only Negro dialect.

It's not looking good Mr. President.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Practical Plan for National Recovery

We don’t need a community organizer for president because all a community organizer (CO) does is stir-up anger, claim a spot on the evening news and move on to the next demonstration. Actually solving problems requires a much different skill set.

Most real progress is done out of the limelight, letting those who actually fix the problem take the credit so they are primed to contribute to fixing the next problem. A CO has to steal the limelight because the next problem will involve a different group and someone has to be enough of a draw to get the TV crews out.

A CO has to generate anger enough to motivate a complacent population to actually get out to protest. To create the anger there has to be a victim and there has to be a villain. That’s why we see a victim and a villain in every speech Obama makes. It doesn’t help solve problems at the national level, but that’s all he knows how to do.

We hear the same tired rhetoric in every Obama speech because he only knows how to say what he’s going to do: that’s how you entice a community into action. But COs rarely actually accomplish anything of substance beyond rabble-rousing because they have no resources to work with but popular discontent. They stimulate popular anger to get the media’s attention but confrontation is an ineffective foundation for actual problem solving beyond getting the TV crew to go away.

Since COs rarely see a project through to completion before they move on to the next confrontation, their rhetoric rarely changes, they simply exchange a few key words to adapt their stump speech to the next community action. That explains why Obama was such a good campaigner, all he had to do was deliver a rousing speech and move on to the next crowd and do it over again: that’s what COs do. Unfortunately we are learning that is all he can do. He’s been president for over a year, he’s got the Congress and Executive stacked with his homies, but all we get are campaign speeches, nothing more.

As we learned from the SOTU, Obama isn’t even able to modify his stump speeches to delete the promises he made as candidate but failed to deliver as president (honesty, transparency, no lobbyists, bi-partisanship, teamwork, a new politic, eliminating government waste, line by line budget reviews, etc., etc., etc.).

Many Americans obviously hoped that Obama, as president would miraculously rise above his lack of accomplishment as a CO. That hope is rapidly dissipating. Obama should realize that when hope is crushed, anger usually takes it’s place. As a CO, that’s not a bad thing because that anger can be used for the next episode on the evening news. As a problem solver that anger is a real problem because it generally gets focused on the promise-breaker, not the problem.

In many ways the SOTU was very disturbing. Aside from being little more than a kluge of numerous campaign speeches, it demonstrated a president totally incapable of achieving teamwork in his administration blaming everyone else in the room (i.e. the entire federal government) for his failure of leadership. It also showed a president
totally out of touch with the reality of the mood of the electorate; and out of touch with his Constitutional responsibilities and limitations. It also showed a president asking the Citizens to entrust their entire lives to a dysfunctional government. Is Obama incapable of seeing that paradox?

In fairness we should have expected nothing more. A Community Organizer only generates dissent, not actual solutions.

The question is, what do we do now as Citizens? Not only is the president totally out of his league, but with Biden, Pelosi and Reid as his backups, we have no viable fall-back position.

The solution model comes from the Nixon Administration. As Nixon bubbled over the edge of reality, something had to be done, but Agnew, like Biden was not a plausible replacement. The first step was to remove Agnew, and then impeach Nixon, leaving a steady, non-threatening Ford as caretaker until the next election.

So here’s the plan: Use the 2010 elections to change the structure of the House and assure that a stable, non-threatening and Constitution-honoring Speaker of the House is put in place; spend 30 minutes reviewing Biden’s personal financial manipulations as Senator and indict him under RICO, forcing his resignation; then impeach Obama. He’s given us plenty of cause not only to impeach him but also to prosecute him for extortion.

It may not be a pretty plan, but it is far better than leaving a grossly incompetent narcissist and megalomaniac in the oval office for another 3 years. It’s time to get America back on track before Obama can cause irreversible damage to our Republic.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

SOTU: Isn't it interesting...?

Isn't it interesting that the only mention of the Constitution in the president’s SOTU was the requirement to report the State of the Union from time to time.

There was no mention of the COTUS in comments regarding plans or programs; no concern about complaints that many of the president's plans or programs egregiously exceed any Constitutional authority to implement them.

There was no mention of the COTUS when alluding to the take-over by the federal government of our auto industry; our banking industry; or our financial system. No mention of the COTUS in relation to the decision by the Fed to print worthless currency by the truckload to monetize federal debt that investors won’t touch; no mention of the COTUS in connection with the government intervention in our financial system that caused it’s collapse.

There was no mention of the COTUS when the federal government essentially confiscated two-thirds of our domestic auto manufacturing and arbitrarily distributed it to the UAW and Fiat without just compensation to the rightful owners: the shareholders.

There was no mention of the COTUS when the decision was made to drive major commercial and investment banks into bankruptcy while protecting Goldman Sachs. There was no mention of the COTUS when the president was extorting bond holders to forego their long established rights under the bankruptcy laws of the US in the distribution of the auto manufacturers’ assets.

There was no mention of the COTUS when the Congress was implementing clearly un-Constitutionally non-uniform distribution of Medicare taxes for certain States or certain occupations as a bribe for Senate votes.

There was no mention of the COTUS when chastising the SCOTUS; no mention of the COTUS when discussing hate crime legislation (so much for equal justice under law); no mention of the COTUS when discussing protected status for homosexuals even though the practice is an abomination to Jews, Moslems and Christians and subsequently any empowering legislation is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment proscription that the Congress shall pass no laws restricting the free exercise of religion.

There was no mention of the COTUS when discussing the roles of the Legislative, Executive, or the Judicial branches or the issues they considered over the past year.

Isn’t it interesting that every federal officer is required to take a solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS” before being endowed with any federal authority? Respect for the COTUS is supposed to be the heart of every action by our federal government: but it’s mentioned only for a report required from time to time. God help America!

The President is a liar: SOTU

Based on president Obama’s State of the Union Speech (SOTU), we are nation clearly in trouble.

We are in trouble because we have a chief executive that has no experience in critical areas: not in governance, not in problem solving, not in understanding the Constitution, not in understanding federalism, not in business, not in competitive performance, not in economics, not in history, not in Americanism. We have a president whose only experience is in complaining, blaming others, campaigning, and political subterfuge and thuggery.

To exacerbate the problem, the president has surrounded himself with others no more experienced than him; and he is a narcissist, an ideologue, and an elitist.

The biggest problem of all: he is a liar.

He promised post-partisan politics; we got Chicago-style thuggery: “elections have consequences”.

He promised to listen to both sides; we got closed-door, back-room deals and anyone who objected is branded a racist, a nay-sayer, obstructionist, or “old-style” politician and is dismissed as counter-productive. His idea of bi-partisanship is when both sides agree with his position no matter how un-Constitutional or anti-American it may be.

He promised transparency; we got incomprehensible bills passed at midnight without even reading the bills; only to later find the bills filled with corruption. We got legislation that couldn’t stand the light of day without a 60 vote majority in the Senate.

He promised to eliminate earmarks; but he has yet to sign a major bill that isn’t stuffed with them.

He promised to streamline government; we got 34 non-vetted, mostly anti-American czars with their own support staffs superimposed over cabinet level departments with the same responsibilities.

He promised accountability; only to find secret deals with the Fed, big Pharma, big Insurance, big Healthcare, big Unions, big banks; and hundreds of billions of dollars that no one can say where it went.

He promised honesty; we got support for man-made global warming even after it was irredeemably discredited.

He promised improved security; we got policies to treat military combatants as if they were muggers; and we got an impenetrable ‘intelligence’ networks that don’t communicate or stop threats; we got release of combatants who immediately returned to the battlefield.

He promised to restore dignity to America; we got bows to despots, hugs with dictators, staffs of Marxists, Communists, and Maoists, and a never-ending apology tour for 200 years of American sacrifice in the cause of personal freedom and liberty around the globe.

He promised to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”; we got a repudiation of the COTUS and a never-ending attack on the rights of Sovereign Citizens.

He promised to restore the economy; we got out-of-control spending producing the highest deficits in history, not to restore the economy but to repay political cronies and expand an already bloated government bureaucracy.

He promised to improve education; we got a child-abuser enabler and pervert to secure our schools; and a head of the Department of Education whose experience was heading the worst public school system in America; and an end to the most successful private school voucher system in America.

He promised to “take care that the laws of the US are faithfully executed”; we got a self-avowed racist added to the SCOTUS; he publically extorted auto industry bond holders; he suborned the bankruptcy laws of the US; he appropriated two thirds of our domestic auto industry and arbitrarily gave it to the UAW and Fiat without just compensation to the rightful owners; he has championed un-Constitutional health care reform legislation; he has endorsed un-Constitutional non-uniform tax apportionment; he openly subverts “equal justice under law”.

He promised to eliminate special-interest politics and to eliminate lobbyists in his government; we got dozens of lobbyist on the president’s personal staff; we got a “stimulus” bill crafted by special interests; a healthcare bill crafted by 3000 healthcare lobbyists; we got SEIU visiting the White House more than any other entity; we got ACORN corrupting the electoral process.

In the SOTU we got nothing more than a re-hash of Obama’s campaign speeches spiced with usurpation of authority over the SCOTUS; a condemnation of the Republican members of Congress; and a repudiation of the will of the People regarding the operation of this tyrannical government. We got a re-hash of promises that his actions have violated innumerably over the course of one short year.

The problem with a liar is that it is impossible to believe anything they say. When that liar is the president of the United States, it does not bode well for the Union.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obama Still Doesn't 'Get It'

Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts; he still doesn’t get it.

Bogus Stimulus; Global Warming; incompetent anti-terrorism; bogus “green jobs”; abominable czar choices; Lobbyist-written healthcare reform; he still doesn’t get it.

Apology tours; bowing to despots; ignoring Iranian and North Korean nukes; he just doesn’t get it.

Chicago Pay To Play politics; Cronyism; back-door deals with big Banks, big Pharma; big Insurance; closed-door partisan deals, bribery, un-Constitutional deals for tax manipulation for states and unions: he still doesn’t get it.

His rhetoric was encouraging. The Fourth Estate chose to ignore it’s responsibility to scour his background to determine if there was any history of actually doing what he promised: so he was elected.

Rational hope that president Obama will complete his OJT favorably before he completely self-destructs has just about evaporated in the eyes of a growing majority of Americans. Instead of learning from his mistakes, he ignores the Constitution and follows his own path.

One year into his presidency and Obama hasn’t figured-out that it isn’t about him, it’s about America. Unfortunately, it’s about the America that he knows nothing about. It isn’t the hate-filled, mean, racist, manipulative America that Jeremiah Wright taught him about; or the Communist, Marxist, Maoist America that his Ivy League mentors and ‘poor little rich kid wanna-be neighborhood terrorists’ taught him about.

It’s about the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” America. It’s the America of innovative, inclusive, hard-working people scraping to provide a life for their families; not an America where people think that the government can actually create an idyllic life for them.

Obama appears to think that if he stiffens his neck, that Americans will ignore their eyes and ears; roll-over; and let him continue with his insidious agenda to “fundamentally transform the US”. Just like other enemies of America have always underestimated what Americans will do when they are driven between a rock and a hard place, Obama presumes that his force of will can trump the American Spirit.

Admittedly, the American Spirit is not as strong, or as pervasive as it was 50 years ago, but it is still strong enough to defeat his plans. What works in the smokey backrooms in Chicago won’t work in the sunshine of a coast-to-coast and border-to-border America. Although coastal America may be mislead by a corrupt and complicit press, ‘fly-over America is far more critical, and in the long-run far less forgiving of mindless incompetence.

After wasting his first year and the new-administration good-will that it entails, on an outrageous, lobbyist-crafted, back-room finagled, purely partisan abomination of a healthcare reform bill, Obama is claiming that he’ll now focus on job creation.

Unfortunately, Obama has never had to make a payroll, never had to perform in a truly competitive environment; doesn’t have a clue how business works; and has surrounded himself with a clique of others just as ignorant of these matters as he is.

Rather than seeking wise counsel, he will forge ahead in his arrogance, inexperience and ignorance and dictate some more of his failed leftist and wrong-headed solutions that will cost more jobs than they create.

The question that Americans have to answer is how long can we tolerate this incompetence? How many more jobs, how many more businesses, how many more industries are we willing to sacrifice simply to feed Obama’s unwarranted and unlimited ego?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It was a mistake to elect Obama president

America has learned a lot in one short year.

We elected a president with absolutely no executive experience and no history of accomplishment: there is nothing in his record to suggest that he would be competent, and this past year confirms his naiveté and his incompetence.

We elected a president who has no comprehension of America’s traditional role in the world; with no comprehension of basic American values; no appreciation of America’s contributions and sacrifices for liberty and freedom throughout the world over the past 200 years. Nothing demonstrates his incomprehension more than his bowing to tyrannical despots such as King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Obviously Obama fails to understand the meaning of “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” In a world where all men are created equal, bowing is an unacceptable sign of subservience. Even if Obama feels compelled to bow as an individual, he has no right to bow as a representative of the American people.

Obama insults the sacrifice of American patriots who paid the ultimate price so that others might live free. There is no place on earth, where people are free, where that freedom was not purchased with American blood and sacrifice, yet Obama apparently feels compelled to apologize for America’s actions.

Obama has gone out of his way to insult our closest friends and allies, while fawning over our enemies, and those who would destroy a free America. It is incomprehensible what he thought he would accomplish by this, but in actuality he has only made a fool of himself, and embarrassed the American people.

We elected a president who is either unwilling or incapable of appropriate leadership. He promised to refuse to sign any bill that included ear-mark pork, yet every bill he has signed has been chock-full of pork. He promised transparency in all legislation, especially involving healthcare; and yet has demanded legislation be passed without review of any sort; has supported mid-night closed-door sessions; has permitted 3000 lobbyists to write the healthcare ‘reform’ legislation; has denied even Congress from reviewing proposed legislation before it is voted on. Even on legislation that is not to go into effect for several years!

We elected a president who promised post-partisanship only to discover that he proclaims any and all dissent with his personal positions as ‘divisive, obstructionist, politics of the past’. He does not tolerate any opinions contrary to his own.

We elected a president that illegally relieved a federally protected Ombudsman of his duties because he rightly recommended withholding (in accordance with the law) government funding from an Obama campaign contributor and personal friend who had been convicted of misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars in government grants for personal use.

We elected a pathological liar. Politicians are not known for being truthful, but Obama has taken it all to a much higher level. It is very difficult to find a single promise that Obama has fulfilled during his first year. Most of his actions are the opposite of what he promised. Some are the result of his complete lack of executive experience; some to his blind devotion to radical ideology, but most appear to be his guile; telling people what they want to hear devoid of any intention to actually achieve them.

We ignored that the mountains of debt from both Barack and Michelle’s Ivy League undergraduate and Law School educations miraculously disappeared; and accepted Michelle’s explanation that it was revenue from his books that paid the debt-even though the debt disappeared from their tax returns five years before he received the first royalty checks for “his” writings. We ignored that reputable claims have been made that his bills were paid by powerful financiers with intimate financial ties to the Saudi royal family.

We ignored that there is no record of Obama at Columbia; no fellow-students who remember him (as there were at Harvard); and didn’t object to being denied any evidence to support his presence there; or explanations of his travels to Pakistan while supposedly a student at Columbia.

We elected a Statist who has surrounded himself with a gaggle of self-avowed Communists, Marxists, Maoists and other anti-American lunatic radicals. He implanted them in his administration as policy czars, un-vetted by the press or Congress, over-laid on an existing structure of cabinet-level departments long existent to deal with the same issues, but in a legal manner.

We elected a president, responsible to “take care that the laws of the US are faithfully executed” who has publically committed extortion and suborned the bankruptcy laws of the US in the take-over and disposition of two-thirds of the domestic auto manufacturing industry. In the process he effectively seized private property (from the shareholders) without just compensation (violating the 5th Amendment) as he arbitrarily donated these manufacturers to the Unions and to foreign companies; while at the same time threatening bond holders that if they pursued their long-established legal rights he would “unleash all the power of my office” to make their lives miserable.

We elected a president, responsible to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS” who doesn’t understand even the most basic concepts of the COTUS as he demonstrated with his comments that “…the Constitution is a charter of negative rights…says what the federal government can’t do to you…but doesn’t say what the federal government…must do you your behalf…” First, the COTUS was indeed structured to clearly define the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government; the Bill of Rights was intentionally written to deny specific authorities to the federal government (read the preamble BOzo!); the 9th and 10th Amendments clearly stipulate that the federal government is denied every authority that is not specifically delineated in the COTUS. Nowhere is the federal government empowered to “fundamentally transform the USA”. How is it possible that the president can fulfill his solemn obligations when he has no understanding of the COTUS-the protection of which is his primary responsibility?

We elected a president that is clearly a racist. His appointment of Sonya Sotomayor to the SCOTUS despite her repeated racists comments and activities over many years demonstrates that he does not support equal justice under law, but expects judicial decisions to be made mindful of the race and gender of the litigants. This doesn’t even take into consideration that ever single Sotomayor decision appealed to the SCOTUS was overturned on appeal (the judicial commentary justifying overturning the majority of her overturned rulings also noted that she misrepresented the law in her decisions). Clearly Obama was motivated more by race and gender in his selection than justice.

We elected a president that has absolutely no understanding of business; how it is supposed to operate; how it functions; and why is it is essential to America. He doesn’t understand that consumers set prices, not suppliers; he doesn’t understand that private sector jobs are the only ones that generate revenue; or that government jobs only consume revenue. He doesn’t understand that it is impossible to borrow oneself (or one’s nation) out of debt. He doesn’t understand that when costs are arbitrarily increased on American manufacturers by artificial energy taxes; or artificial healthcare taxes; or artificial banking transaction taxes; or any other taxes: that American jobs will be lost and sent overseas where such arbitrary costs are not imposed on suppliers.

We elected a president who stood idly-by as Congress tacked-on $150 Billion in ear-marks on a $650 Billion “stimulus” bill that did nothing to stimulate business, only increase government (revenue consuming, not generating): a bill that time has proven has done nothing to actually create jobs and has been distributed 2:1 to Democrat (vs Republican) districts regardless of where Citizen needs exist.

We elected a president who believes that the government should take, at the point of a gun, property created by one segment of the population, and arbitrarily redistribute it to another segment of the population who has done nothing to earn it, even though there is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to do so.

We elected a president who doesn’t understand economics or simple mathematics. He favors universal healthcare and universal college funding because “that will disproportionately affect people of color,…” when in fact, IRS data demonstrates that the percentage of people in poverty between Caucasians and ‘people of color’ is virtually identical: meaning that there are more than twice as many Caucasians living in poverty as there are ‘people of color’. Of course the greatest irony is that America is built on the premise of “equal justice under law” which Obama ignores to favor what he thinks are the most deserving. In this, Obama becomes one of the most bigoted presidents in modern history.

We elected a president who has no understanding of the spirit of American justice (equal treatment under law); doesn’t understand the difference between war and simple civil crime; and isn’t capable of differentiating between military law and civil law: all of which put Americans at unnecessary risk of international terrorists.

We elected the most radical president in our history. We ignored his 20 year association with Jeremiah Wright the hate-mongering lunatic bigot. Is there any one among us who would sit-through a single Wright-like lunatic diatribe and accept it as a simple sermon? When Michelle echoed Wrights condemnation of Americans as “mean” we ignored it. When Obama ridiculed Americans who “cling to their guns and religion and opposed ‘those who don’t look like them’ we ignored it and continued to proclaim him as a bridge-builder (without any evidence of any such bridge-building). We ignored his self-proclaimed affinity for associating with Communists, Marxists and other anti-American activists.

We elected a president produced by the Chicago political machine and pretended that he wasn’t tainted by it. We ignored his close associations and partnerships with convicted slum-lords and profiteers. We ignored Michelle’s high-paying jobs (purely coincidentally coinciding with Barack’s election as State Senator); and ignored her effective programs to force indigent patients from her employer’s hospital to outlying clinics, greatly increasing the profitability of her employer but violating the responsibilities incumbent in their tax-free status. We ignored Barack’s close association with Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Valerie Jarrett and the entire multi-generational Chicago political machine that has been a famous cesspool of corruption, ‘pay to play’, manipulation, deceit and graft for at least a century.

We elected a president with an un-justified sense of self-importance; a megalomaniac convinced that only he is capable of deciding what is important for the American people and the American nation; and willing to totally dismiss the clear will of the people in pursuit of his personal agenda. He deems himself responsible to single-handedly “fundamentally transform the USA” though he has no Constitutional authority to do so.

These listed flaws and short-comings only scratch the surface of the mistake we made in electing Barack Obama. However, the Citizens created the federal government; clearly defined it’s authorities and responsibilities; and are responsible that the Constitution be preserved and honored. Clearly we have a president who has failed to meet his Constitutional responsibilities, and who has usurped authorities never delegated; and who has clearly suborned the laws of the United States. For these acts the president should be impeached and removed from office; and it is the rightful responsibility of the Citizens to assure that this is done.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fallacies of Congressional Districting

In response to: 10/17/10

Dear Mr. Keefe:

Methinks you need to read and understand the Constitution of the United States before writing about it’s content.

Since political parties are not part of the Constitution, it should be obvious that voting districts likewise should have nothing to do with political party. In the first place, the Constitutionally mandated census is a simple count, without consideration of sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, creed, national origin, occupation, family structure, number of flush toilets; political party or any other artificial characterization. To manipulate voting districts for any cause or purpose beyond simple enumeration is Seditious because it undermines the autonomy of the Citizens by establishing artificial categories beyond the essential “Citizen”: it divides not strengthens.

Secondly, political parties exist for only one reason: to manipulate the electoral process to restrict the choices Citizens have for representation. America is a Constitutional Republic wherein the people choose individuals to represent them in the federal government solely to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. Citizens do not elect government to pursue any social, political, or economic agenda because there is no such authority granted to the federal government in the COTUS. Political parties interfere with this process because they control who has access to being on the ballot.

Third, there is nothing in the Constitution about electing a Republican representative or a Democrat representative, only about electing a Congressional representative. Their primary responsibility is to assure that the Constitution of the United States (which clearly delineates every legal responsibility and authority of the federal government) is preserved, protected, and defended. That is why every federal officer is required to take that solemn oath prior to being vested with any federal authority. There is no Constitutional authorization to represent the goals of any political party.

There is no restriction against Citizens pooling their resources to promote their candidates of choice, but that right does not extend to “loading the dice” by empowering political parties’ artificial manipulation of voting district geography or configuration to favor their causes or political ideologies. The very suggestion of ideological manipulation of voting districts should drive Citizens into the streets with hot tar, feathers, and rails!

There are over 200 countries in the world where citizens can live without being encumbered by the COTUS. America isn’t one of them. To restore America, restore the Constitution! Let’s drive all anti-Constitutionalists out of public office to rid American politics of petty partisanship and get on with the business of protecting Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mythical Mass Transit Benefits

There is no shorter Google search result than from the search: “profitable mass transit systems in America”: Zero. Zip. Nada.

History proves that mass transit is only practical when population densities exceed 4000 per acre. That eliminates the chance for practical mass transit in Georgia (and most of America for that matter).

Every single existing mass transit system in America requires special taxes, special subsidies from local, state and federal sources for its survival; and still can’t make it work! Proponents still have the audacity to claim their systems are beneficial despite the universally reinforced fact that there is insufficient ridership to justify it’s existence. MARTA should provide all the proof we need in that regard.

Liberals love mass transit because it fits well in their perception that only they know what is best for everyone else. By their dictate they steal the fruits of other peoples labor to manifest their fantasies of personal superiority; completely independent of reality. The reality is that in the absence of sufficient population density, mass transit doesn’t meet the actual needs of enough people to fund system operation. That is the definition of failure for any commercial enterprise.

Amtrak, the wannabe federal rail system is subsidized by American taxpayers to the tune of $453 for every single rider. Only $453 (plus the fare that the rider pays) for a one-way trip from New Jersey to New York: what a deal! The free market provides round-trip flights between the coasts for that kind of price tag.

The beauty of the Free Market is that it provides unwavering discipline in economic development. Unlike government, the Free Market doesn’t tolerate waste or lack of utility and doesn’t extend the life of any enterprise beyond it’s usefulness. Of course as we’ve learned from the recent global financial collapse, when the Free Market is corrupted by government intervention the results are catastrophic.

There is no doubt that the Atlanta Metro area has a traffic problem. Rather than investing in non-solutions that have wasted nearly limitless tax dollars since the invention of the locomotive, let’s develop real solutions instead. Otherwise we are going to waste hundreds of millions of tax dollars and untold number of years in developing a non-solution and still be faced with excessive congestion in metro Atlanta.

Steal from the poor to give to the rich

When the federal government interferes with the Free Market, we must expect to get greatly abused. The only amazing part is how extensively we are being robbed, while no one goes to jail and few Citizens complain.

Tunku Varadarajan a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and a professor at NYU’s Stern Business School notes in the Daily Beast on 01/18/10 that banks borrow from the Central Bank (Fed) at less than 0.5% interest (as low as zero); invest in Treasuries at 3.75% to 4.75% and then pay themselves millions in bonuses on the profits.

What he fails to mention is that not only are the bankers sticking it to savers by paying themselves bonuses rather than paying savers more interest (he reports that saving rates have increased from virtually zero before the crisis to 4%~6% now), but the Federal government is leading this band of merry thieves by mandating that bankers avoid risky investments (like those to pesky small businesses that drive the US economy) and stick with secure investments (like those Treasury bills that are required to monetize the federal debt being used to drive us further into debt for un-Constitutional and unsustainable entitlements).

Since the Saudis and the Chinese have opted not to buy any more US Debt, the federal government has developed a clever way to force the taxpayers to buy the debt. While pretending to object to the egregious bonuses, the federal government is doing no more than buying banker cooperation; again with taxpayer dollars.

Our Founding Fathers denied the federal government any authority to directly tax Citizens. We need to repeal the 16th Amendment, institute the Fair Tax as presently configured, and deny the federal government this path to forcing taxpayers to finance our ruin solely to benefit those who stuff the campaign coffers of our elected representatives with the residue of their thievery.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stop the Tyranny!

To buy 60 votes in the Senate, Harry Reid agreed that the people of Nebraska, New Hampshire, and Florida will not be taxed to cover Medicare expenses, forcing the remainder of Americans to bear their taxes. Now we learn that labor unions have extracted a 'back-room' agreement that exempts their healthcare plans from the oppressive taxes planned on healthcare plans.

The Constitution (Article 1, Section 8) requires that imposed taxes be uniform throughout the United States.

These events drove me to contact my elected federal representatives to express my concern and advise them of my expectations:

Unfettered federal tyranny expands daily. What is wrong with you people in DC?

While I appreciate your efforts on the behalf of Georgians and the American people, obviously the message is not getting to the Congress or the Obama administration, and that is as much your responsibility as anything else you do. Simply voting correctly is not enough. I expect you to do everything in your power to resist the federal government from violating their solemn responsibilities delineated in the COTUS.

Anyone capable of elementary reading and comprehension can understand that government mandated healthcare is a usurpation of authorities not delegated by the Sovereign Citizens to the federal government in the Constitution.

Every elected official should be able to comprehend that the Constitution demands that taxation be uniform throughout the United States, yet Congressional leaders buy votes through exceptions originally to specific states, and now to specific occupations at the expense of all other Americans.

Make no mistake; tyranny has never been tolerated for long in America. The Revolution was fought to end the tyranny of the English King; Lincoln’s War was a result of federal tyranny through punitive taxation that impacted only part of the United States; and if there is no relief from the tyranny of this Congress, and this Administration there is no reason not to expect the Citizens to revolt against this tyranny.

The president, through his appointment of Socialist, Marxist, and Maoist czars demonstrates a clear and present threat to Constitutional government and traditional American values. Rather than “take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed” he has publically extorted financial and industrial leaders and suborned the Bankruptcy laws of the US. Rather than honoring his solemn oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”, he threatens to “fundamentally transform the USA” though he has no Constitutional authority to do so.

The Congress of the US has degenerated into tyrannical body fully dedicated and committed to violating the COTUS, using bribery, extortion, and favoritism to force un-Constitutional requirements on Sovereign Citizens. Are there none of you who understand the concept of “equal justice under law”?

The federal government was created solely to protect the inalienable rights endowed by our Creator to the Sovereign Citizens from usurpation by any man. The federal government has never been granted any authority to create or force ‘rights’ on Sovereign Citizens. Clearly there are too few in Congress or the Obama administration who understand the Constitution and therefore the clearly defined restrictions on their lawful authorities.

Please redouble your efforts to defeat federal healthcare mandates because they are un-Constitutional and reflect a tyrannical federal government to an extent that is no longer tolerable.