Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fallacies of Congressional Districting

In response to: http://www.ajc.com/news/nation-world/after-census-pure-politics-277278.html 10/17/10

Dear Mr. Keefe:

Methinks you need to read and understand the Constitution of the United States before writing about it’s content.

Since political parties are not part of the Constitution, it should be obvious that voting districts likewise should have nothing to do with political party. In the first place, the Constitutionally mandated census is a simple count, without consideration of sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, creed, national origin, occupation, family structure, number of flush toilets; political party or any other artificial characterization. To manipulate voting districts for any cause or purpose beyond simple enumeration is Seditious because it undermines the autonomy of the Citizens by establishing artificial categories beyond the essential “Citizen”: it divides not strengthens.

Secondly, political parties exist for only one reason: to manipulate the electoral process to restrict the choices Citizens have for representation. America is a Constitutional Republic wherein the people choose individuals to represent them in the federal government solely to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”. Citizens do not elect government to pursue any social, political, or economic agenda because there is no such authority granted to the federal government in the COTUS. Political parties interfere with this process because they control who has access to being on the ballot.

Third, there is nothing in the Constitution about electing a Republican representative or a Democrat representative, only about electing a Congressional representative. Their primary responsibility is to assure that the Constitution of the United States (which clearly delineates every legal responsibility and authority of the federal government) is preserved, protected, and defended. That is why every federal officer is required to take that solemn oath prior to being vested with any federal authority. There is no Constitutional authorization to represent the goals of any political party.

There is no restriction against Citizens pooling their resources to promote their candidates of choice, but that right does not extend to “loading the dice” by empowering political parties’ artificial manipulation of voting district geography or configuration to favor their causes or political ideologies. The very suggestion of ideological manipulation of voting districts should drive Citizens into the streets with hot tar, feathers, and rails!

There are over 200 countries in the world where citizens can live without being encumbered by the COTUS. America isn’t one of them. To restore America, restore the Constitution! Let’s drive all anti-Constitutionalists out of public office to rid American politics of petty partisanship and get on with the business of protecting Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

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