Thursday, January 21, 2010

It was a mistake to elect Obama president

America has learned a lot in one short year.

We elected a president with absolutely no executive experience and no history of accomplishment: there is nothing in his record to suggest that he would be competent, and this past year confirms his naiveté and his incompetence.

We elected a president who has no comprehension of America’s traditional role in the world; with no comprehension of basic American values; no appreciation of America’s contributions and sacrifices for liberty and freedom throughout the world over the past 200 years. Nothing demonstrates his incomprehension more than his bowing to tyrannical despots such as King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Obviously Obama fails to understand the meaning of “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” In a world where all men are created equal, bowing is an unacceptable sign of subservience. Even if Obama feels compelled to bow as an individual, he has no right to bow as a representative of the American people.

Obama insults the sacrifice of American patriots who paid the ultimate price so that others might live free. There is no place on earth, where people are free, where that freedom was not purchased with American blood and sacrifice, yet Obama apparently feels compelled to apologize for America’s actions.

Obama has gone out of his way to insult our closest friends and allies, while fawning over our enemies, and those who would destroy a free America. It is incomprehensible what he thought he would accomplish by this, but in actuality he has only made a fool of himself, and embarrassed the American people.

We elected a president who is either unwilling or incapable of appropriate leadership. He promised to refuse to sign any bill that included ear-mark pork, yet every bill he has signed has been chock-full of pork. He promised transparency in all legislation, especially involving healthcare; and yet has demanded legislation be passed without review of any sort; has supported mid-night closed-door sessions; has permitted 3000 lobbyists to write the healthcare ‘reform’ legislation; has denied even Congress from reviewing proposed legislation before it is voted on. Even on legislation that is not to go into effect for several years!

We elected a president who promised post-partisanship only to discover that he proclaims any and all dissent with his personal positions as ‘divisive, obstructionist, politics of the past’. He does not tolerate any opinions contrary to his own.

We elected a president that illegally relieved a federally protected Ombudsman of his duties because he rightly recommended withholding (in accordance with the law) government funding from an Obama campaign contributor and personal friend who had been convicted of misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars in government grants for personal use.

We elected a pathological liar. Politicians are not known for being truthful, but Obama has taken it all to a much higher level. It is very difficult to find a single promise that Obama has fulfilled during his first year. Most of his actions are the opposite of what he promised. Some are the result of his complete lack of executive experience; some to his blind devotion to radical ideology, but most appear to be his guile; telling people what they want to hear devoid of any intention to actually achieve them.

We ignored that the mountains of debt from both Barack and Michelle’s Ivy League undergraduate and Law School educations miraculously disappeared; and accepted Michelle’s explanation that it was revenue from his books that paid the debt-even though the debt disappeared from their tax returns five years before he received the first royalty checks for “his” writings. We ignored that reputable claims have been made that his bills were paid by powerful financiers with intimate financial ties to the Saudi royal family.

We ignored that there is no record of Obama at Columbia; no fellow-students who remember him (as there were at Harvard); and didn’t object to being denied any evidence to support his presence there; or explanations of his travels to Pakistan while supposedly a student at Columbia.

We elected a Statist who has surrounded himself with a gaggle of self-avowed Communists, Marxists, Maoists and other anti-American lunatic radicals. He implanted them in his administration as policy czars, un-vetted by the press or Congress, over-laid on an existing structure of cabinet-level departments long existent to deal with the same issues, but in a legal manner.

We elected a president, responsible to “take care that the laws of the US are faithfully executed” who has publically committed extortion and suborned the bankruptcy laws of the US in the take-over and disposition of two-thirds of the domestic auto manufacturing industry. In the process he effectively seized private property (from the shareholders) without just compensation (violating the 5th Amendment) as he arbitrarily donated these manufacturers to the Unions and to foreign companies; while at the same time threatening bond holders that if they pursued their long-established legal rights he would “unleash all the power of my office” to make their lives miserable.

We elected a president, responsible to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS” who doesn’t understand even the most basic concepts of the COTUS as he demonstrated with his comments that “…the Constitution is a charter of negative rights…says what the federal government can’t do to you…but doesn’t say what the federal government…must do you your behalf…” First, the COTUS was indeed structured to clearly define the responsibilities and authorities of the federal government; the Bill of Rights was intentionally written to deny specific authorities to the federal government (read the preamble BOzo!); the 9th and 10th Amendments clearly stipulate that the federal government is denied every authority that is not specifically delineated in the COTUS. Nowhere is the federal government empowered to “fundamentally transform the USA”. How is it possible that the president can fulfill his solemn obligations when he has no understanding of the COTUS-the protection of which is his primary responsibility?

We elected a president that is clearly a racist. His appointment of Sonya Sotomayor to the SCOTUS despite her repeated racists comments and activities over many years demonstrates that he does not support equal justice under law, but expects judicial decisions to be made mindful of the race and gender of the litigants. This doesn’t even take into consideration that ever single Sotomayor decision appealed to the SCOTUS was overturned on appeal (the judicial commentary justifying overturning the majority of her overturned rulings also noted that she misrepresented the law in her decisions). Clearly Obama was motivated more by race and gender in his selection than justice.

We elected a president that has absolutely no understanding of business; how it is supposed to operate; how it functions; and why is it is essential to America. He doesn’t understand that consumers set prices, not suppliers; he doesn’t understand that private sector jobs are the only ones that generate revenue; or that government jobs only consume revenue. He doesn’t understand that it is impossible to borrow oneself (or one’s nation) out of debt. He doesn’t understand that when costs are arbitrarily increased on American manufacturers by artificial energy taxes; or artificial healthcare taxes; or artificial banking transaction taxes; or any other taxes: that American jobs will be lost and sent overseas where such arbitrary costs are not imposed on suppliers.

We elected a president who stood idly-by as Congress tacked-on $150 Billion in ear-marks on a $650 Billion “stimulus” bill that did nothing to stimulate business, only increase government (revenue consuming, not generating): a bill that time has proven has done nothing to actually create jobs and has been distributed 2:1 to Democrat (vs Republican) districts regardless of where Citizen needs exist.

We elected a president who believes that the government should take, at the point of a gun, property created by one segment of the population, and arbitrarily redistribute it to another segment of the population who has done nothing to earn it, even though there is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to do so.

We elected a president who doesn’t understand economics or simple mathematics. He favors universal healthcare and universal college funding because “that will disproportionately affect people of color,…” when in fact, IRS data demonstrates that the percentage of people in poverty between Caucasians and ‘people of color’ is virtually identical: meaning that there are more than twice as many Caucasians living in poverty as there are ‘people of color’. Of course the greatest irony is that America is built on the premise of “equal justice under law” which Obama ignores to favor what he thinks are the most deserving. In this, Obama becomes one of the most bigoted presidents in modern history.

We elected a president who has no understanding of the spirit of American justice (equal treatment under law); doesn’t understand the difference between war and simple civil crime; and isn’t capable of differentiating between military law and civil law: all of which put Americans at unnecessary risk of international terrorists.

We elected the most radical president in our history. We ignored his 20 year association with Jeremiah Wright the hate-mongering lunatic bigot. Is there any one among us who would sit-through a single Wright-like lunatic diatribe and accept it as a simple sermon? When Michelle echoed Wrights condemnation of Americans as “mean” we ignored it. When Obama ridiculed Americans who “cling to their guns and religion and opposed ‘those who don’t look like them’ we ignored it and continued to proclaim him as a bridge-builder (without any evidence of any such bridge-building). We ignored his self-proclaimed affinity for associating with Communists, Marxists and other anti-American activists.

We elected a president produced by the Chicago political machine and pretended that he wasn’t tainted by it. We ignored his close associations and partnerships with convicted slum-lords and profiteers. We ignored Michelle’s high-paying jobs (purely coincidentally coinciding with Barack’s election as State Senator); and ignored her effective programs to force indigent patients from her employer’s hospital to outlying clinics, greatly increasing the profitability of her employer but violating the responsibilities incumbent in their tax-free status. We ignored Barack’s close association with Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Valerie Jarrett and the entire multi-generational Chicago political machine that has been a famous cesspool of corruption, ‘pay to play’, manipulation, deceit and graft for at least a century.

We elected a president with an un-justified sense of self-importance; a megalomaniac convinced that only he is capable of deciding what is important for the American people and the American nation; and willing to totally dismiss the clear will of the people in pursuit of his personal agenda. He deems himself responsible to single-handedly “fundamentally transform the USA” though he has no Constitutional authority to do so.

These listed flaws and short-comings only scratch the surface of the mistake we made in electing Barack Obama. However, the Citizens created the federal government; clearly defined it’s authorities and responsibilities; and are responsible that the Constitution be preserved and honored. Clearly we have a president who has failed to meet his Constitutional responsibilities, and who has usurped authorities never delegated; and who has clearly suborned the laws of the United States. For these acts the president should be impeached and removed from office; and it is the rightful responsibility of the Citizens to assure that this is done.

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