Monday, January 18, 2010

Mythical Mass Transit Benefits

There is no shorter Google search result than from the search: “profitable mass transit systems in America”: Zero. Zip. Nada.

History proves that mass transit is only practical when population densities exceed 4000 per acre. That eliminates the chance for practical mass transit in Georgia (and most of America for that matter).

Every single existing mass transit system in America requires special taxes, special subsidies from local, state and federal sources for its survival; and still can’t make it work! Proponents still have the audacity to claim their systems are beneficial despite the universally reinforced fact that there is insufficient ridership to justify it’s existence. MARTA should provide all the proof we need in that regard.

Liberals love mass transit because it fits well in their perception that only they know what is best for everyone else. By their dictate they steal the fruits of other peoples labor to manifest their fantasies of personal superiority; completely independent of reality. The reality is that in the absence of sufficient population density, mass transit doesn’t meet the actual needs of enough people to fund system operation. That is the definition of failure for any commercial enterprise.

Amtrak, the wannabe federal rail system is subsidized by American taxpayers to the tune of $453 for every single rider. Only $453 (plus the fare that the rider pays) for a one-way trip from New Jersey to New York: what a deal! The free market provides round-trip flights between the coasts for that kind of price tag.

The beauty of the Free Market is that it provides unwavering discipline in economic development. Unlike government, the Free Market doesn’t tolerate waste or lack of utility and doesn’t extend the life of any enterprise beyond it’s usefulness. Of course as we’ve learned from the recent global financial collapse, when the Free Market is corrupted by government intervention the results are catastrophic.

There is no doubt that the Atlanta Metro area has a traffic problem. Rather than investing in non-solutions that have wasted nearly limitless tax dollars since the invention of the locomotive, let’s develop real solutions instead. Otherwise we are going to waste hundreds of millions of tax dollars and untold number of years in developing a non-solution and still be faced with excessive congestion in metro Atlanta.

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