Thursday, January 28, 2010

The President is a liar: SOTU

Based on president Obama’s State of the Union Speech (SOTU), we are nation clearly in trouble.

We are in trouble because we have a chief executive that has no experience in critical areas: not in governance, not in problem solving, not in understanding the Constitution, not in understanding federalism, not in business, not in competitive performance, not in economics, not in history, not in Americanism. We have a president whose only experience is in complaining, blaming others, campaigning, and political subterfuge and thuggery.

To exacerbate the problem, the president has surrounded himself with others no more experienced than him; and he is a narcissist, an ideologue, and an elitist.

The biggest problem of all: he is a liar.

He promised post-partisan politics; we got Chicago-style thuggery: “elections have consequences”.

He promised to listen to both sides; we got closed-door, back-room deals and anyone who objected is branded a racist, a nay-sayer, obstructionist, or “old-style” politician and is dismissed as counter-productive. His idea of bi-partisanship is when both sides agree with his position no matter how un-Constitutional or anti-American it may be.

He promised transparency; we got incomprehensible bills passed at midnight without even reading the bills; only to later find the bills filled with corruption. We got legislation that couldn’t stand the light of day without a 60 vote majority in the Senate.

He promised to eliminate earmarks; but he has yet to sign a major bill that isn’t stuffed with them.

He promised to streamline government; we got 34 non-vetted, mostly anti-American czars with their own support staffs superimposed over cabinet level departments with the same responsibilities.

He promised accountability; only to find secret deals with the Fed, big Pharma, big Insurance, big Healthcare, big Unions, big banks; and hundreds of billions of dollars that no one can say where it went.

He promised honesty; we got support for man-made global warming even after it was irredeemably discredited.

He promised improved security; we got policies to treat military combatants as if they were muggers; and we got an impenetrable ‘intelligence’ networks that don’t communicate or stop threats; we got release of combatants who immediately returned to the battlefield.

He promised to restore dignity to America; we got bows to despots, hugs with dictators, staffs of Marxists, Communists, and Maoists, and a never-ending apology tour for 200 years of American sacrifice in the cause of personal freedom and liberty around the globe.

He promised to “preserve, protect, and defend the COTUS”; we got a repudiation of the COTUS and a never-ending attack on the rights of Sovereign Citizens.

He promised to restore the economy; we got out-of-control spending producing the highest deficits in history, not to restore the economy but to repay political cronies and expand an already bloated government bureaucracy.

He promised to improve education; we got a child-abuser enabler and pervert to secure our schools; and a head of the Department of Education whose experience was heading the worst public school system in America; and an end to the most successful private school voucher system in America.

He promised to “take care that the laws of the US are faithfully executed”; we got a self-avowed racist added to the SCOTUS; he publically extorted auto industry bond holders; he suborned the bankruptcy laws of the US; he appropriated two thirds of our domestic auto industry and arbitrarily gave it to the UAW and Fiat without just compensation to the rightful owners; he has championed un-Constitutional health care reform legislation; he has endorsed un-Constitutional non-uniform tax apportionment; he openly subverts “equal justice under law”.

He promised to eliminate special-interest politics and to eliminate lobbyists in his government; we got dozens of lobbyist on the president’s personal staff; we got a “stimulus” bill crafted by special interests; a healthcare bill crafted by 3000 healthcare lobbyists; we got SEIU visiting the White House more than any other entity; we got ACORN corrupting the electoral process.

In the SOTU we got nothing more than a re-hash of Obama’s campaign speeches spiced with usurpation of authority over the SCOTUS; a condemnation of the Republican members of Congress; and a repudiation of the will of the People regarding the operation of this tyrannical government. We got a re-hash of promises that his actions have violated innumerably over the course of one short year.

The problem with a liar is that it is impossible to believe anything they say. When that liar is the president of the United States, it does not bode well for the Union.

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