Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obama Still Doesn't 'Get It'

Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts; he still doesn’t get it.

Bogus Stimulus; Global Warming; incompetent anti-terrorism; bogus “green jobs”; abominable czar choices; Lobbyist-written healthcare reform; he still doesn’t get it.

Apology tours; bowing to despots; ignoring Iranian and North Korean nukes; he just doesn’t get it.

Chicago Pay To Play politics; Cronyism; back-door deals with big Banks, big Pharma; big Insurance; closed-door partisan deals, bribery, un-Constitutional deals for tax manipulation for states and unions: he still doesn’t get it.

His rhetoric was encouraging. The Fourth Estate chose to ignore it’s responsibility to scour his background to determine if there was any history of actually doing what he promised: so he was elected.

Rational hope that president Obama will complete his OJT favorably before he completely self-destructs has just about evaporated in the eyes of a growing majority of Americans. Instead of learning from his mistakes, he ignores the Constitution and follows his own path.

One year into his presidency and Obama hasn’t figured-out that it isn’t about him, it’s about America. Unfortunately, it’s about the America that he knows nothing about. It isn’t the hate-filled, mean, racist, manipulative America that Jeremiah Wright taught him about; or the Communist, Marxist, Maoist America that his Ivy League mentors and ‘poor little rich kid wanna-be neighborhood terrorists’ taught him about.

It’s about the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” America. It’s the America of innovative, inclusive, hard-working people scraping to provide a life for their families; not an America where people think that the government can actually create an idyllic life for them.

Obama appears to think that if he stiffens his neck, that Americans will ignore their eyes and ears; roll-over; and let him continue with his insidious agenda to “fundamentally transform the US”. Just like other enemies of America have always underestimated what Americans will do when they are driven between a rock and a hard place, Obama presumes that his force of will can trump the American Spirit.

Admittedly, the American Spirit is not as strong, or as pervasive as it was 50 years ago, but it is still strong enough to defeat his plans. What works in the smokey backrooms in Chicago won’t work in the sunshine of a coast-to-coast and border-to-border America. Although coastal America may be mislead by a corrupt and complicit press, ‘fly-over America is far more critical, and in the long-run far less forgiving of mindless incompetence.

After wasting his first year and the new-administration good-will that it entails, on an outrageous, lobbyist-crafted, back-room finagled, purely partisan abomination of a healthcare reform bill, Obama is claiming that he’ll now focus on job creation.

Unfortunately, Obama has never had to make a payroll, never had to perform in a truly competitive environment; doesn’t have a clue how business works; and has surrounded himself with a clique of others just as ignorant of these matters as he is.

Rather than seeking wise counsel, he will forge ahead in his arrogance, inexperience and ignorance and dictate some more of his failed leftist and wrong-headed solutions that will cost more jobs than they create.

The question that Americans have to answer is how long can we tolerate this incompetence? How many more jobs, how many more businesses, how many more industries are we willing to sacrifice simply to feed Obama’s unwarranted and unlimited ego?

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