Friday, January 29, 2010

A Practical Plan for National Recovery

We don’t need a community organizer for president because all a community organizer (CO) does is stir-up anger, claim a spot on the evening news and move on to the next demonstration. Actually solving problems requires a much different skill set.

Most real progress is done out of the limelight, letting those who actually fix the problem take the credit so they are primed to contribute to fixing the next problem. A CO has to steal the limelight because the next problem will involve a different group and someone has to be enough of a draw to get the TV crews out.

A CO has to generate anger enough to motivate a complacent population to actually get out to protest. To create the anger there has to be a victim and there has to be a villain. That’s why we see a victim and a villain in every speech Obama makes. It doesn’t help solve problems at the national level, but that’s all he knows how to do.

We hear the same tired rhetoric in every Obama speech because he only knows how to say what he’s going to do: that’s how you entice a community into action. But COs rarely actually accomplish anything of substance beyond rabble-rousing because they have no resources to work with but popular discontent. They stimulate popular anger to get the media’s attention but confrontation is an ineffective foundation for actual problem solving beyond getting the TV crew to go away.

Since COs rarely see a project through to completion before they move on to the next confrontation, their rhetoric rarely changes, they simply exchange a few key words to adapt their stump speech to the next community action. That explains why Obama was such a good campaigner, all he had to do was deliver a rousing speech and move on to the next crowd and do it over again: that’s what COs do. Unfortunately we are learning that is all he can do. He’s been president for over a year, he’s got the Congress and Executive stacked with his homies, but all we get are campaign speeches, nothing more.

As we learned from the SOTU, Obama isn’t even able to modify his stump speeches to delete the promises he made as candidate but failed to deliver as president (honesty, transparency, no lobbyists, bi-partisanship, teamwork, a new politic, eliminating government waste, line by line budget reviews, etc., etc., etc.).

Many Americans obviously hoped that Obama, as president would miraculously rise above his lack of accomplishment as a CO. That hope is rapidly dissipating. Obama should realize that when hope is crushed, anger usually takes it’s place. As a CO, that’s not a bad thing because that anger can be used for the next episode on the evening news. As a problem solver that anger is a real problem because it generally gets focused on the promise-breaker, not the problem.

In many ways the SOTU was very disturbing. Aside from being little more than a kluge of numerous campaign speeches, it demonstrated a president totally incapable of achieving teamwork in his administration blaming everyone else in the room (i.e. the entire federal government) for his failure of leadership. It also showed a president
totally out of touch with the reality of the mood of the electorate; and out of touch with his Constitutional responsibilities and limitations. It also showed a president asking the Citizens to entrust their entire lives to a dysfunctional government. Is Obama incapable of seeing that paradox?

In fairness we should have expected nothing more. A Community Organizer only generates dissent, not actual solutions.

The question is, what do we do now as Citizens? Not only is the president totally out of his league, but with Biden, Pelosi and Reid as his backups, we have no viable fall-back position.

The solution model comes from the Nixon Administration. As Nixon bubbled over the edge of reality, something had to be done, but Agnew, like Biden was not a plausible replacement. The first step was to remove Agnew, and then impeach Nixon, leaving a steady, non-threatening Ford as caretaker until the next election.

So here’s the plan: Use the 2010 elections to change the structure of the House and assure that a stable, non-threatening and Constitution-honoring Speaker of the House is put in place; spend 30 minutes reviewing Biden’s personal financial manipulations as Senator and indict him under RICO, forcing his resignation; then impeach Obama. He’s given us plenty of cause not only to impeach him but also to prosecute him for extortion.

It may not be a pretty plan, but it is far better than leaving a grossly incompetent narcissist and megalomaniac in the oval office for another 3 years. It’s time to get America back on track before Obama can cause irreversible damage to our Republic.

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